How do you guys feel about the inventory system? Because I fucking hate it.
Objetively it sucks huge monkeyballs. It's unnecessarily complex, has terrible auto-sorting and is painfully slow. I really like it, because I'm an autist and actually find pleasure in the massive amount of inventory tetris you have to do. I have like 7 bags categorized for different shit and then general use-items sorted in the main inventory.
I have a feeling I might be the only one in the universe taking pleasure in that though, because the amount of unnecessary bullshit you have to manage is ridicoulous, and the "Wares"-system for auto-selling is a joke.
Good. I thought I was going crazy, because no one talks about it.
I absolutely despise how you can't send items from one character to another when you're shopping. If you're trying to buy some items but you're a few gold pieces short, you need to exit the fucking buy screen, transfer the cash from character A to character B, then open it up again. Also, there's no button that lets you balance the value of what you're selling versus what you're buying, so you have to manually add or subtract gold pieces to each transfer, using a slider with sensitivity set to fucking max.
ALSO, the vendors are usually people with tons of dialogue, so whenever you address them with a new character, their whole introduction speech starts over and sometimes there's no way to just say 'goodbye' to them, you have to suffer through it again.
How did they not think of these issues? They make this painstakingly detailed game with tons of items that you need to sell all the time, but they don't make it fast and intuitive to actually do so. You sort of don't give a shit in the beginning, but after a while, with all the junk you pick up, all the weapons and armor you're constantly replacing, all the skill books you need, something as simple as
buying and selling stuff becomes a reason to quit the game.