Guys..? We're talking
sessions here, proper GM, real people, dice, agreed upon rules & setting, real time communication, the lot.
- Stop bitching and admit that IF this is what it's gonna be like, you will sit down and make your setting; including its lore, story, etc. All them tools plus the modding potential, you can (time allowing) create any campaign you fucking please, as grimdork as you fucking please; aka? Judging the potential of the GM mode on the merits of the main campaign isn't an argument, it's shitposting. When last did we have a PC game that offered a proper PnP mode, your imagination the limit? Never
(which is why i think a degree of leniency is allowed here, even if the GM mode comes with hiccups; which it probably will, lol)
- In terms of the single player campaign? Apples and oranges, but unless you wanna be edgy for the sake of being edgy.. have you read the samples they
hyped showed? Not only are they a major improvement over those of D:OS I, they're also on a par with those of most AAA titles. How much better must it be for fuck's sake? And at the cost of what, as it too means money? Get the fuck out.. We're not here for a dissertation in Literature; nor should we be.
TLDR if all you have to bitch about is "story", we're in for some major incline ^^
Die Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda approves. Das ende.