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    "This message is awaiting moderator approval": All new users must pass through our moderation queue before they will be able to post normally. Until your account has "passed" your posts will only be visible to yourself (and moderators) until they are approved. Give us a week to get around to approving / deleting / ignoring your mundane opinion on crap before hassling us about it. Once you have passed the moderation period (think of it as a test), you will be able to post normally, just like all the other retards.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
> Implying Rivellon ever had a shred of consistency.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Aren't those games centuries apart?

8800 AR - Dragon Commander
4 AR - Original Sin
1218 AD - Divine Divinity
1238 AD - Beyond Divinity
1300 AD - Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga

D:OS2 is supposed to take place in-between DD and BD.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Swen's like Todd Howard. "This jungle is now a western Europe-style forest."


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
You're just jealous, you're not on the crème de la crème list. :smug:

the day when the codex has opinion makers, that's the day the codex is truly dead in my view.
I will gladly choose fundamentalists like hiver & CO. with dumb fire in them over newfags that will eagerly swing in the morally "correct" wind blown by some balanced & reasonable "intellectual" old fags that show us the path that is true.
learn to love those "possibly retarded" tags because these are the ones that keeps us sane.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
8800 AR - Dragon Commander
4 AR - Original Sin
1218 AD - Divine Divinity
1238 AD - Beyond Divinity
1300 AD - Divinity II - The Dragon Knight Saga

D:OS2 is supposed to take place in-between DD and BD

nice. so we will see old towns like aleroth, veridistis, etc etc. but veridistis was mentioned in a book in D:OS, so that mean it already exist 1000 years before DD? they never provide enough geographical information, and judging from cyseal's origin, it is a whole new island/continent separate from the mainland which where divine divinity and divinity 2 take place


Jan 5, 2015
"You can talk to animals and you can talk to ghosts. Can you kill a dog and talk to its ghost?" "Yes."

I wonder if one would need to have both skills, Spirit Vision and Animal Empathy, to talk with an animal ghost...
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Has Larian said anything about companions for D:OS2?

From wikipedia:

The player will be able to choose their character's stats, race and origin story.[2] They can recruit up to three companions to assist them. The companions can become playable characters in multiplayer modes. Up to 4 players can compete or assist each other in multiplayer.[3] The player can manipulate the environment to their advantage. Dialogue and quests would be different, depending on the characters' backstory.[4] There will be a skill crafting system to allow the player the mix and change their skills.[5] A cover system is also featured and can be used in combat.[6] The game would also feature a system called "Love & Hate". It allows players to establish friendship, romantic relationship and hatred towards other characters.[7]

Sounds cool, but given Divinity: Original Sin's implementation of companions my expectations aren't exactly soaring into heaven.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014



Vote for the community-inspired NPC while you try Divinity: Original Sin with GOG Galaxy support and a 50% discount

The GOG Hero's journey is approaching its end. And you are the ones that get to decide who of the three contestants will fulfill their destiny and get immortalized as a living, breathing, quest-giving NPC in the upcoming Divinity: Original Sin 2, heading day-one to GOG.com. How? By casting your vote now, at: gog.com/GOGHero

Back in October, we asked you guys to devise a GOG.com character with a unique quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2. We collected tons of incredible ideas, while the talented team at Larian Studios designed three characters to embody the most awesome of those traits and concepts:

- Doryld "The Doryld" Surpass: On a soapbox in the town square, the madman messiah proclaims his divinity. He is the new Divine! His audience of three, two of whom are drunk (the other may be you), ask for proof of his powers. He resists. They insist.

- Fadeland Johns: The veteran masked adventurer drones on about her exploits in the old world. How the young people of today don't know nothin'. She's going out into the world to show 'em how adventure is done proper. Just as soon as she finishes this drink.

- Eithne: You encounter Eithne - masked and cloaked - weighed down with a massive rucksack of knowledge. She has books to trade and books to sell - mostly rare and arcane knowledge better left unlearnt...

Yep, this is going to be a close one. In anticipation of the sequel you can dive into Divinity: Original Sin, which now features full support for GOG Galaxy achievements and multiplayer, plus you can grab it at 50% off for a limited time.

Head to gog.com/GOGHero to vote for the lucky NPC to represent GOG.com in Divinity: Original Sin 2! Voting and the 50% discount on Divinity: Original Sin last for five days, until April 27, 12:59 AM UTC.


"The Doryld"

On a soapbox in a town square, madman Doryld "The Doryld" Surpass, messiah-in-his-own-head, proclaims his divinity and rallies his (non-existent) followers to his side. He is the new Divine! His audience of three, two of whom are drunk (the other may be you), ask for proof of his powers. He resists. They insist. He deflects - only the true Divine would say no when asked to demonstrate his powers. He asks them what good happened in their lives today. The drunks say they found a bottle of wine. The Doryld claims responsibility for that. One of the drunks is converted.


Fadeland Johns

Fadeland Johns sits in the tavern in Driftwood yapping about the good old days. Young 'uns today don't know nothin', back then real adventurin' was done with a bloody sword in one hand and a bottle in the other. Johns'll go out there and show 'em how it's done. Soon as she finishes this drink. If you say the slightest word against her she'll draw on you, and you'll have to kill her. Then she gets back up on her stool and starts drinking again... because behind the mask of the adventurer she's undead. The will to adventure keeps her alive. The decrepit state of her body keeps her from leaving the tavern.



Eithne wanders the Blood Forest, laden with books and scrolls. She was a Divine Order librarian until the Black Ring put her whole institute of learning to the torch. Desperately trying to save her precious books, Eithne perished in the blaze. But, as the magical scrolls combusted and their ashes littered her corpse, she was resurrected. With a burning zeal to spread forgotten knowledge and a passionate hatred of the Black Ring, she travels north through Beckonbridge Fort to establish a new library. Of course, she has books to trade - mostly rare and arcane knowledge better left unlearnt...
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Pretty interesting litmus test they have going there. First option: Full goofy, second option: slightly goofy, third option: deadly serious

Naturally RPGers are a dour bunch who went overwhelmingly with the third option. Of course I went with the second.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
I see no signs that larian is stepping up their writing and character design, also the art manages to be even more cartoony than the previous one.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Looking very Dragon Age Origins. :smug:

The art style doesn't look as bad as it used to. It also looks like they're looking into introducing mana again? Either that or those are magical/mundane armor scores.

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