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Dominions Decline 11: The Grimgrinch vs Christmas


Apr 28, 2012
Was ist going on with the game on llama? All the turn files are received, the turn timer is 45min past, but still not moving on?

Server seems to be frozen on processing the turns. Same thing in Decline7(but it can receive turns, so....).

Edit: It happens from time to time, sometimes it just clears the backlog and does all the turns at a random time in the future, or llamabeast has to go down to the basement and kick his server and then it's all good. Might be a couple days on that, though.


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
Fun turn. Niefelheim lost a bunch of units to random RoS, but nailed some kitted Vanheim ponies, and conquered new territories. Who's gonna win? Only time will tell.


Agartha, obviously.



Apr 28, 2012
I cried for that Gem Delivery guy, really I did. :cry:

Also, you saw it here first folks: Niefelheim breaks NAP.


Jul 4, 2014




Niefel jarls and Illwinter are quite a nice combo. I thought Illwinter would just push scales towards cold everywhere, but seems it just makes everything cold 3 (except underwater) even if the normal scales would be heat 3.


Apr 18, 2013
Deep in your subconscious mind spreading lies.
Good job sqeecoo .

What this game taught me:

When playing dom on the codex and you want to sign a NAP.
a.) go through every single spell and decide which is considered a NAP break
b.) go through every single item and decide which one constitutes a NAP break
c.) clarify that causing unrest in any way is grounds for a NAP break
d.) clearly define the terms of the NAP in every other conceivable manner

In other news. If someone wants access to the PW, you have to post 1 cat gif, 'best' gif, wins the PW.


Dec 13, 2006
Joined on the 4th of July is not dead yet!!

Unfortunately, Abysia is. Sleep well, sweet prince.

But seriously, I have to honor Abysia's tenacity and strength in their last stand(s). Well done man! You damaged a lot of Mercuries.

Now can we go back to 48h? :D


Apr 28, 2012
Good job sqeecoo .

What this game taught me:

When playing dom on the codex and you want to sign a NAP.
a.) go through every single spell and decide which is considered a NAP break
b.) go through every single item and decide which one constitutes a NAP break
c.) clarify that causing unrest in any way is grounds for a NAP break
d.) clearly define the terms of the NAP in every other conceivable manner

In other news. If someone wants access to the PW, you have to post 1 cat gif, 'best' gif, wins the PW.

By that logic, Illwinter causes unrest, so......

Also here is your present:


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
What this game taught me:

When playing dom on the codex and you want to sign a NAP.
a.) go through every single spell and decide which is considered a NAP break
b.) go through every single item and decide which one constitutes a NAP break
c.) clarify that causing unrest in any way is grounds for a NAP break
d.) clearly define the terms of the NAP in every other conceivable manner

In other news. If someone wants access to the PW, you have to post 1 cat gif, 'best' gif, wins the PW.

Usually the players that require such details aren't worthy of a NAP. But it's always nice to make it clear and point by point. If someone still wants to mantain a NAP after casting such peculiar things as Illwinter, I don't know....

But you miss spies and scouts. In Decline 10, even while NAPping, Grimwulf shamelessly sent spies to my cap (not that I failed to send scouts everywhere and Scry where the number of patrollers was too high, god bless cheap W spells). We both agreed that it's not an aggressive action, as it does not cause any damage.

But again, if you feel the need to make such points, often the NAP is not even worth the time spent typing it on the keyboard.

Can anyone give me a map? So, I guess, Niel is killing ded everyone as usual, Agartha has a nice doomsphere of Mercuries and summons and the others are praying for deliverance?


Apr 28, 2012
Sure why not, I'll show Mictlan. Grimwulf could already see this. Vanheim has been creeping on me for ages. Agartha I'm sure has scouts and borders me. Lanka who cares. Won't matter much:


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
Grimwulf shamelessly sent spies to my cap

To infiltrate, not to cause unrest. What next, we shall blame each other in using scouts?

If someone still wants to mantain a NAP after casting such peculiar things as Illwinter, I don't know....
By that logic, Illwinter causes unrest, so......

You gotta be shitting me. Either that, or all of you are sort of insane.

But yeah, looking forward to being attacked by Mictlan, Lanka and Agartha. No shame in losing the game when the whole world plays Kingmaker for sqeecoo. Keep it up, guys.

Can anyone give me a map?

What for? It's full wrap. Everyone borders everyone. You can see the province graph here.

Guess I might as well post my own history wrap of D11, coz I honestly feel a bit bitter about this whole thing. Sometimes I feel like all players of D11 are just a bunch of Isiloons. So, here is how it was, trying my best not to miss anything:

- First year expansion. Mictlan and Vanheim both had a crazy gud expansions; Lanka failed; other nations were mediocre. UW situation was pretty ridiculous, as we all remember.
- Therodos gets wiped out early on, and sends Niefelheim a death basket to deliver some vengeance upon Oceania. Niefelheim agrees.
- TC gets ganged and wiped out.
- Niefelheim attacks Oceania, although having no intentions of conquering any of its provinces. Never recruited a single UW unit to attempt any wall breaking - that would be a gold waste. However, Oceania tries to fight back hard and suffers massive losses as a result.
- Skirmishes occur worldwide, mostly bumps, or localized conflicts. It's rather peaceful overall.
- Oceania finally agrees to discuss peace with Niefelheim, which was actually very easy and cheap (duh!). A bit too late, though - the military might of Oceania was gone after this war.
- Niefelheim prepares to wipe out Agartha, because it's rather easy to do early on; almost impossible at later stages. Niefel moves its forces to the borders, Agartha is preparing to defend itself.
- SUDDENLY everybody decides to gang on Niefelheim. Eddard Stark reveals the plot beforehand, and decides to cancel the war with Agartha. The latter hesitates to agree, and still wants to fight. But it all ends peacefully in the end.
- Niefelheim organizes anti-Mictlan coalition with Vanheim, TNN and Agartha. The coalition is ready to attack Mictlan as soon as gangbang on Niefelheim starts. Eddard Stark begins to act in provoking fashion, shouting and mocking people in the thread. Abysia, Mictlan and Lanka move their forces towards Niefelheim.
- Mictlan casts Mother Oak. Two turns later, Niefelheim steals its Mother Oak.
- Mictlan gets ganged and fails to invade Niefelheim properly. Turkey people pay a modest tribute for a peace.
- Abysia attacks Niefelheim and fails. Has to pay a rather large tribute, and is left in shambles.
- Lanka invades Niefelheim, but immidiately escapes. Later on they too pay a substantional tribute.
- Meanwhile, Agartha takes a massive bite of a weakened Mictlan, enjoying fighting a 3 vs 1 war.
- Craving for more, Agartha invades Oceania, which still has zero military after the war with Niefelheim.
- Craving for even more, Agartha invades Abysia, which still has zero military after... you see the trend here? Anybody?
- Mictlan pwns TNN.
- Niefelheim wants to be left the fuck alone and deal with research somehow, which has been in total shambles since the start of the game.
- Vanheim attacks Niefelheim all of a sudden. Ffs.
- Vanheim casts Eyes of God. Several turns later Niefelheim steals Eyes of God.
- Agartha casts Well of Misery. Nobody gives a damn.
- Niefelheim casts Illwinter. Everybody gets edgy all of a sudden. The game makes less and less sense with each passing turn.
- Dreaad changes the timer to 24h.
- Now everybody is about to jump on Niefelheim, violating ongoing NAPs and totally ignoring Agartha.

Guys. Next time just post in the OP, "Grimwulf is banned, everybody else is free to sign up". It's ok. I won't take any offence. It's way better than turning a perfectly normal pbem into a retardo-circuis, just for the sake of one player.

Rght now it's not about winning for people - it's about not letting Grimwulf win. Agartha has 4 caps. Vanheim has 2. Mictlan has 2. Niefelheim has 1. Let's all attack Niefelheim!

I'll tell you what, you treacherous bastards. You can come at me all at once, and of course Agartha will have a perfectly easy score winning D11 (not even a single REAL war! Not a single one, dammit!) - but I will destroy every last invader, and make a humiliation out of your defeat! Up until now every single invasion of Niefelheim was a complete fucking failure, but you just keep coming. You want yer arses frozen to death? Be it so.

Decline 11 - SUICIDE FIESTA!



Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle

Showing master-class in reading people's minds.

Vanheim. A nation that fucking benefits from Illwinter (previously Vans had Heat 2 scale, and now its back to their native Cold - you're welcome!).
- Maybe we should admit that invading Nifelheim was kind of a dick move? Maybe we should discuss ceasing fire already? After all, now we have an advantage against those nasty Heat nations, right? Especially Lanka. Who but Joined on the 4th of July should know about Lanka's lategame? Besides, Grimwulf is probably the only ally that can make a difference against overgrown juggernaut Agartha. But wait! Grimwulf! I forgot that I hate him! Yeah, I'd rather slowly die fighting Niefel.

Mictlan. The nation betrayed by Lanka.
The elves who betrayed me are just about dead, and you will be next if it's the last thing I do.
- Should we honour this oath? Should we ally with Niefelheim and destroy Lanka together? Nah, better violate the NAP with Grimwulf and die fighting this fucking prick. Lanka can wait. Agartha will kill us all anyway.

- Should we invade Niefelheim? Hmmm, why bother? Better wait for free spoils of war, there's always plenty near Grimwulf.

- Just randomly attack everybody for maximum lolz!

- Who is the greatest danger in lategame? Whom should we attack to have any hopes of winning?



Illwinter is just there to keep me alive, you ignorant bastards who can't evaluate a single damn thing!:argh:
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Apr 28, 2012

Showing master-class in reading people's minds.

Mictlan. The nation betrayed by Lanka.
The elves who betrayed me are just about dead, and you will be next if it's the last thing I do.
- Should we honour this oath? Should we ally with Niefelheim and destroy Lanka together? Nah, better violate the NAP with Grimwulf and die fighting this fucking prick. Lanka can wait. Agartha will kill us all anyway.


Excuse me, I've already said I'm not breaking any NAP because of Illwinter, as shitty as that global is for me(unrest + cold royally screws both my economy and blood hunting. I'm not only losing dozens of slaves/turn on average, but 400+ gold, thanks).

And yes, I will kill Lanka at some point. I did say, "If it's the last thing I do". You are about to have two capitals, btw. Let's discuss that throne though. :smug:


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
Grimwulf shamelessly sent spies to my cap

To infiltrate, not to cause unrest. What next, we shall blame each other in using scouts?

As I said, we both agreed that scouting is common. As I said, I am doing likewise, even if with more expensive methods. the "shamelessly" was a joke, Master Grimwulf :lol:

If someone still wants to mantain a NAP after casting such peculiar things as Illwinter, I don't know....
By that logic, Illwinter causes unrest, so......

You gotta be shitting me. Either that, or all of you are sort of insane.

But yeah, looking forward to being attacked by Mictlan, Lanka and Agartha. No shame in losing the game when the whole world plays Kingmaker for sqeecoo. Keep it up, guys.

That's an interesting point. Globals are always a sore point in diplo, but Illwinter is kinda annoying. As you are far more skilled in matters of Dominions etiquette than me, from a neutral point of view (not considering the peculiarities of this quickly evolving match and your stakes in it) Illwinter should be considered a breach of etiquette?

It causes considerable economic loss, after all. But if the other party was informed beforehand I guess it's all good.

Consent is important. I am truly asking: because, going by instict, I would consider it a breach of neutrality.

Can anyone give me a map?

What for? It's full wrap. Everyone borders everyone. You can see the province graph here.

Guess I might as well post my own history wrap of D11, coz I honestly feel a bit bitter about this whole thing. Sometimes I feel like all players of D11 are just a bunch of Isiloons.

Thanks! :love:

Guys. Next time just post in the OP, "Grimwulf is banned, everybody else is free to sign up". It's ok. I won't take any offence. It's way better than turning a perfectly normal pbem into a retardo-circuis, just for the sake of one player.

Nahh, you are not in a Decline10 situation, with endless hordes of regenerating SC chassis that can easily crush hundreds of chaff.....

Wait a minute!

Don't be paranoid. As I said countless times, I would prefer to always work with ya. It's simply fun and relaxing. Prob is, someone gotta fight once in a blue moon, and yer weirdly effective at this "Dominions" thing.

But that research on Agartha is amazing. Are you keeping some turns to do a retrospective like you did on Decline3, Sqeecoo?


Sep 25, 2015
Your analysis of my actions Grimwulf is quite erroneous, would you care to explain which exact decisions I made that seemed crazy to you and have you considered back-channel diplomacy or things unknown to you, to be the driving factors behind my decisions?

I also feel a conviction to punish arrogance wherever I go, as well as anyone who pressures me to do something by waving a stick instead of a carrot - however take note that I have not attacked Vanheim all game, despite plenty of opportunities, because he's been nice to me when I was down, so I return the favor.

Likewise Agartha threatened to invade me, but I made a credible threat of how I would react which changed his calculus and I'm still around obviously, however he did not tell me stories of how he would crush me or whatever so I consider him more viable for diplomacy.

You cast spells at Abysia earlier breaking the NaP and it wasnt Vanheim who attacked you it was the other way around, you attacked his province after he took an indie throne you were keeping unconquered for some stupid reason

I wanted to hellbind them


Agartha is pretty strong you are right, but you're a lot more aggressive, you've been at war all game with someone and you don't even go to war to conquer someone, you go to war so you can humiliate them and write novels about your massive e-dick amiright?


Everyone in this game is an Isiloon

If that was the case there would have been no coalition against Mictlan earlier and you would be sitting inside your castle with your jarls, blocking the gates with your fat ass and getting high on freezer farts

Also I'm not crazy, I survived despite my huge fail at the start as you said - I know what I'm doing, you don't - that doesn't indicate I am crazy, everyone just gets a different policy.

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