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Dominions Decline 11: The Grimgrinch vs Christmas


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
That's an interesting point. Globals are always a sore point in diplo, but Illwinter is kinda annoying. As you are far more skilled in matters of Dominions etiquette than me, from a neutral point of view (not considering the peculiarities of this quickly evolving match and your stakes in it) Illwinter should be considered a breach of etiquette?

It causes considerable economic loss, after all. But if the other party was informed beforehand I guess it's all good.

Consent is important. I am truly asking: because, going by instict, I would consider it a breach of neutrality.

What considerable economic loss are we talking about? Slight unrest experienced by everybody, Niefelheim included? Theoretically harder blood hunting for everybody, Niefelheim included? Or 1-2 random attacks of winter wolves every turn? Not even kidding. It's never more than 2 on this map, usually 1. I get attacked by indies more often than other players are attacked by winter wolves, and I play with Luck 1!

If you speak about Cold 3 - I don't even care if it's some sort of etiquette breaching or not. People think they can attack me whenever they want, coz I can't fight back anyway, becuase of their Heat 2-3. It results in me being really gud at defending myself (the only reason I'm still alive); people losing their armies; and Agartha taking all the spoils of war. Well, that's no longer the case. Now everything is Cold 3, and whoever attacks me, starts losing their shit.

If Mictlan attacks - I'll conquer his provinces faster than he will blink. Same with Lanka, who already moves his forces towards Niefelheim. It's a self-defensive measure for a nation that was being ganged since the start of the game, without a chance to have a break. Of course, in the end it won't make a difference. People will keep jumping on Niefel, I'll keep kicking their arses, Agartha will keep conquering free shit until they win the game.

It's just offending me, ffs. In Decline 3 sqeecoo had to claw his way to victory - sure, his enemies were criminally passive, and could prevent Agartha's victory on several occasions. But at least this victory was well-deserved. Agartha had a bunch of difficult wars, and emerged victorious fair and square. Here? It's just a free score. Nobody even resisting. Despite having basically the same players (KN, Joined) who made THE SAME MISTAKE IN D3 ALREADY, everyone's either ignoring Agartha, or fucking tries to ally with Agartha against Niefelheim - what? Just how blind are you, people? The whole game is like a Kafkaesque dialogue.

- Agartha is strong and dangerous in lategame; Niefelheim is only strong early on.
- Yeah, let's all pile up on Niefel and get screwed, while he is strong. Let's ignore Agartha.
- Come on, men. You've lost. Leave me alone, Agartha has basically won the game, while you kept me busy.
- Nah, man - u r a dick. Better attack you again, and let Agartha win. Coz you know. You have more globals than me or some random stupid reason, who cares.
- LOOK AT THE SCORE GRAPHS, you eyefuckers! Look at the research. What other proof do you need?

Nahh, you are not in a Decline10 situation, with endless hordes of regenerating SC chassis that can easily crush hundreds of chaff.....

Isn't D10 a perfect proof that if I'm left alone, I don't attack everything nearby like a madman? I'm pretty tranquil, in fact.

Prob is, someone gotta fight once in a blue moon

Hurrrrrr, YES! EXACTLY MY POINT! Will somebody PLEASE try to fight Agartha ONCE, before he claims a free victory? Failing that, will people PLEASE give me a single goddamn break from constantly being attacked, so that I can at least make it a tiny bit challenging for Agartha?

What is wrong with all you?

You are about to have two capitals, btw.

I fail to see which is the second capital I am about to have.



Oh, you gotta be shittin me. YOU were the one who was supposed to attack TC, which you lost to Vanheim. I waited on the borders, doing nothing. Wating for you. Then waiting more. Like I thought, "Well, the poor guy is probably busy with Lanka, being stabbed like that. But he will come, eventually. Meanwhile, I gotta endure Vanheim's constant aggression". But you seemed fine with this situation - Vanheim keeps attacking me; I can't retaliate because of agreement with you.

Then you stopped replying in diplo.

Then I thought, "fuck it - I'll besiege TC, so that fucking Vanheim gets some payback at least; Mictlan can come up later". You probably don't know this, but TC's insides are packed with shit. I will never break the walls even with mercs. And I really don't feel like sending my armies there, apart from symbolic number of Frost Fiends.

Still waiting for Mictlan. No sights of Mictlan armies on the borders. Still no replies in diplo.

Finally, Mictlan sends an answer. Not in diplo, tho - in the main thread instead. He threatens to violate the NAP and attack Niefelheim. Just. Great.

So far I have 0,5 caps, and it won't change anytime soon.



Sep 25, 2015
Hi I'm Grimwulf.

I want everyone to do what I say and I will not give any incentives except punishment, because giving is a sign of weakness and I am stronger than you.

Look at my giant kill all your shit.

Oh look, everyone wants me to lose, please don't

Hi I'm Squeeco

I quickly and silently kill my enemies, nobody knows what my intentions are until I attack them.

I don't bend the rules of NaPs to get my way

I kill my enemies quickly without much drama

Most importantly, I don't weaken other players for the lols, then leave them - so my rivals freeloot their provinces, thanks Grimwulf for cleaning up the oceans for me, made it trivial to pick up 2 capitals - that tribute you got from Oceania is why I'm winning right now.
Last edited:


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
TBH Illwinter is a cancer global just like Utterdark, Second Sun or Burden of Time and constitutes a breach of NAP and a good casus belli as it spawns attacks on your provinces.


Dec 13, 2006
Drama intensifies!

I gotta honestly say, there's more "let's kill him cause he's Grimwulf" propaganda in D10 really. This I think is more about blood summons + plentiful SCs making for very powerful armies, while my stuff is more conventional. And Illwinter really hurts Mic's and Lanka's income. Also, looking at the graphs I am in the lead, yes, but Nifelheim is second with a big advantage over the rest - so taking me down would leave Nifelheim in a dominant position under Illwinter and inevitably Gift of Health from Mother Oak.

I'm also still kinda a noob and have no idea what to do with the lategame tools good research will eventually get me :) I certainly don't feel like my victory is inevitable at all, in fact I feel a bit terrified from not knowing what to do. So I think a solid argument can be made that Nifelheim is a greater threat, whether true or not. But I'm biased, of course :P

But that research on Agartha is amazing. Are you keeping some turns to do a retrospective like you did on Decline3, Sqeecoo?

Turns are saved in the mail! Sure, I'll do a retrospective with the same diligence I showed after D3! :negative:

Research graphs are relative though, and the other players in that graph are blood nations and/or have no decent researchers so their research is naturally worse. Abysia, a smallish nation constantly at war, was not that far from me before he went down.

On the other hand EA Agartha has an great researcher in the Engraver, and I spent most of the early and early-mid game recruiting those while not recruiting very many national troops because they are incredibly shitty. Had a summon-based army with not even very many Great Olms, which are neat but can really tank your income if you go overboard on them. The majority of my money was spent on research, basically.


Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
I gotta honestly say, there's more "let's kill him cause he's Grimwulf" propaganda in D10 really. This I think is more about blood summons + plentiful SCs making for very powerful armies, while my stuff is more conventional.

I'm happy that both agree that in Decline10 the endless amount of Blood Summons and N9 SC chassis Grimwulf can field make that game already lost.


Or are you talking about Decline11?

This is confusing

Grimwulf, stop winning all the games

On the other hand EA Agartha has an great researcher in the Engraver, and I spent most of the early and early-mid game recruiting those while not recruiting very many national troops because they are incredibly shitty. Had a summon-based army with not even very many Great Olms, which are neat but can really tank your income if you go overboard on them. The majority of my money was spent on research, basically.

Yeah, I forgot about Engravers. Agartha is a great engine for research/summon armies, I've seen it for myself in the unlucky Disciple game against Johannes.


Dec 13, 2006
I gotta honestly say, there's more "let's kill him cause he's Grimwulf" propaganda in D10 really. This I think is more about blood summons + plentiful SCs making for very powerful armies, while my stuff is more conventional.

I'm happy that both agree that in Decline10 the endless amount of Blood Summons and N9 SC chassis Grimwulf can field make that game already lost.


Or are you talking about Decline11?

This is confusing

Grimwulf, stop winning all the games


Oh, yeah, technical question: Am I supposed to kick Abysia from the game or something, or will it happen on its own now?


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
The Grimgrinch is №1 again, yay!


In other news. Capital of Niefelheim after being ravaged for 6 (7? 8? I didn't count) turns of massive Blight bombardments of Vanheim:


You crazy elf, those E gems could be used to cast Forge of the Ancients. Maybe your ponies wouldn't be naked then, maybe they would be still alive.

In comparison, capital of Vanheim after a single turn of gud old BVC:


Now that's what I call a real Christmas present. Happy holidays from the Grimgrinch!



Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
All you had to do was leave my province alone, Vanheim. As you remember, I was up for peace even after you conquered it - you could pass it over, and call it a misuderstanding.

But no, you wanted to fight. Look at you now. All your forts besieged, most of the provinces belong to Niefelheim, the remnants of your army are hiding inside the cap and its vicinity. The cap itself is painful to look at, and it will only get worse.


What I'm saying is there is a time in every men's life, when enough is enough. There is no point in suffering this humiliation any longer. You've made a mistake, but you gotta move on. Other games are waiting, much fun to be had elsewhere.

It is time to let go.


Oct 1, 2014
Kodex Kommunistic Kastle
So hard to stop gloating.

Game: Hey, Vanheim! Here you go with Lanka as a neighbour - they failed expansion and will be an easy score!
Vanheim: I'd rather ignore them, thx.
Game: Hey, why don't you take TC cap? They are being ganged, and basically free territory for you!
Vanheim: Naah, I'd rather wait til Mictlan conquers them, and then reclaim it the hard way.
Game: Ok, somehow you are still the strongest nation around, and also protected by NAPs with other major powers. So what will it be, feasting on dying Mictlan, or maybe ganging on Lanka together with Niefelheim? Both are guaranteed profits.
Vanheim: Actually, let's cancel the NAP with Niefelheim and die.

Man. You just hate free gifts, don't you?



Jul 1, 2012
Shaper Crypt
An unholy bug ascending on a sky of broken faces towards some unholy abominations.

This is Dominions as hell. Lategame dominions full of Blood Nations. Like Decline 10


I find raw's visage rather fitting, and I'm happy to be a dog.

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