Ogre is unbeatable in lane due to ridiculous base hp, armor and damage values. Yet takes absolutely no skill to play, shit's boring, period.
Ogre is fun as hell what are you talking about. Ogre is great because of how much he can do with no items at all. There aren't any mandatory items for ogre like a lot of supports so a lot of clowny builds work great. His laning is decent, but not as good as you make it out to be. In lane, he's got relatively little kill potential without help from two more, and can't harass unless he has a way to get mana fast. The skill floor is low since any retard can stun and blood-lust, but like every other hero, it's how you play and itemize that's way more important.
PA is an rng simulator that again is very strong (and safe) during laning phase, yet has a skillcap comparable to that of an ogre.
PA hasn't really been about rng for a long time since the psuedo-rng patch. You've got around a 70% chance to trigger a crit somewhere in the first 5 hits, and almost guaranteed after 7. While early game is pretty luck based, by mid-game you just have to assume PA will crit you after every jump (dagger+ atleast 2-3 right clicks) and get ready for it. By lategame, not getting crit is more surprising.
If you think PA has a low skillcap, you haven't seen Artour demolish everyone in the summit before ti4 with mid PA back when it wasn't meta. I would say PA is harder to play effectively than AM because of the lack of an easy escape,mediocre farming speed and emphasis on early-mid game aggression. Really exciting to watch and to play.
OD is just as demoralizing to play against, his rework made him even stronger in fights (which he definitely didn't need) and slightly less annoying during laning stage (but still gay af, since you can't really gank him due to high base stats and imprisonment).
Every single skill that OD has pisses me off. I hate him almost as much as techies. Still, OD fulfills the niche of snowballing int mid that relies on attack damage, in contrast to QOPs magic damage or TAs agility and neg-armor skills. OD is also the worst hero to play when behind, so it's pretty satisfying to blow him up with mana burn.
The only heroes I consider anti-fun is naga and techis, but they don't really need work either.
7.00 wishlist
Drow - Lv4 aura is still too strong, could be nerfed by being disabled when an enemy hero is within melee attack range...
Shadow Demon - Fuck these fucking illusions. Lower illusion lifespan.
Luna - Glaives don't bounce off buildings any more.
Alchemist - It's retarded how strong this hero is even without gold. he ought to be weak without items, and strong with them, not strong no matter what.
Ogre - Nerf bloodlust cooldown.
Buff pls
Natures Prophet - Pretty terribad right now.
Lycan - Why does this hero even exist when other heroes push faster and hit way harder. Wolves being made of tissue paper kind of nullifies the point of this hero. The enormous post TI2 nerf, and then the jungle xp nerf is just too much for poor doggyman
Lina & Zeus - Early game magic heroes that are made useless by a 225 gold item with 6 charges.
QWOP of Pain - Again, fucked over by all the early magic resistance options.
Visage - One of the lowest winrates on every skill level ;_;
Tusk - Forgot this hero exists
Chaos Knight - Forgot this hero exists... maybe for the better.