Huskar is such a broken hero against people who pick bad heroes and don't know how to play. He's one of those heroes who can just completely buttfuck a team if they don't know how to deal with someone like him.
In pub games, at a normal relatively low skill level, a STR team is pretty impossible to beat. Nightstalker, Beastmaster, Spirit Breaker, Skeleton King/Naix/Chaos Knight, Huskar. They've all got disables, tons of tank, and in pubs nobody gives a shit if they're all melee. They're just all too hard to kill for an uncoordinated team. In Dota 1 my friends and I would do that a ton. Centaur, Ogre Fagi, Chaos Knight, Huskar, etc.
Once Ogre Magi is introduced I probably won't play any other hero most of the time. He was my favorite in Dota 1, even more so than Shadow Demon. He's a tanky support hero who nukes. Like, right now I can only play Jakiro if I want that, and playing Jakiro pisses me off to where I shoot vomit from my eyeballs because he handles like the Bismarck.
Metro, you should just play. The things you need to know are just try to last hit, get a sense for when you're about to get ganked, pick heroes who have disable or teamfight spells. Always be doing SOMETHING productive, that's basically it. If there's nothing to do, nowhere to gank, nothing to push, just farm. The game is honestly not very hard, there's a lot to know about it but the game itself, once you know that stuff, is not hard unless you're retarded.
I got to play Rikimaru yesterday. I was last to pick, and nobody picked a carry. I was gonna pick Mirana, but then one of my friends said "pick Riki" and I did. I had some ridiculous score, 15-0 or something. That's the thing, carries should be played by people who know what they're doing.