Eh, it's too general to say that. For all we know the SF sat around freefarming mid and still had shit GPM while he had to deal with constant jungle invasions and bail out his lane with constant TPs. Which was very likely the case since they had a wisp-jugg-np-spirit breaker combo and obviously ganked all game with it. If you're in that position a midas is the only way to get any decent farm at all, because spending even 2-3 minutes farming means losing a tower or watching an ally die to a gank. In general though they were just massively outpicked. I don't even want to know what awful lanes you had.
Agree with you about the matchmaknig thing though. Taking it seriously is just aggravating. I could probably climb to a fairly high bracket if I played nothing but Tiny mid and the like, but god does that ever get boring fast. And when you lose a game that is already boring and formulaic (because someone is just beyond all reason retarded, or drops halfway through or whatever) it is really infuriating.
The last match I had I panic picked huskar, came to the lane 30 seconds late after being afk a while, and was in a duo offlane. So not in a great position. How does the game go? We shit on their solo top for a while (though unable to get a kill because fucking huskar is worthless in a sidelane and the other guy was a beastmaster) until mid and their second offlaner come top. So I leave to jungle a bit on my way to bottom, which has died like 3 times to the incredibly powerful Broodmother/Batrider combo. Because, you know, that's real scary. We had duo lane bot, Dirge and someone else. I show up and kill the broodmother when she tries to gank me in the jungle, with only a morbid mask and no boots to my name, starting at pretty much half hp and level 5. So clearly, a very highly skilled broodmother that has been facerolling my dual lane bot. Then I need to buy sentries, observer wards, and fly the courier, because dirge, beastmaster, and the other sidelaner (AA, I remember now) won't. I ask, but AA says he needs mana boots and will get wards after. Meanwhile it is nightime and pudge is roaming for kills while we have 0 wards, and weaver has treads nothing at 8 minutes in. I buy the support shit, kill the broodmother and the pudge when they try to gank bot again. I point out that it is total bullshit I need to buy all this shit when I'm going to be forced to be our main carry and they pretend weaver is going to carry us. The weaver that basically lost mid to pudge and has less farm than me even after I waste gold on support items and time ganking instead of efficiently farming. Apparently his farm is going to explode past me somehow. So the game continues, I have to buy a fucking gem because the brood won't GTFO of our jungle and I can't afford to buy sentries constantly (enemy team is good enough to spam their own sentries and eventually get a gem). I solo rosh for us and AA pretends this is of more benefit to my farm than his somehow. Because nothing raises your networth like taking a couple minutes to slowly kill roshan after spending gold on smoke and sentries to make sure you do it safely, and my entire team ONLY gets half the gold for doing absolutely nothing. After this point my farm continues to increase as I stack ancients and generally roflstomp the enemy team with hardly any help. Weaver has decided that his build is going to be Treads-Aquila-Radiance. He ended the game without finishing the radiance AFAIR.
Now, imagine if I had been just trying to have fun and played a hero that couldn't do all this shit. Imagine if I picked a Riki or PA and had to lane with an Dirge that fights me for rice, gets no support shit and feeds kills to a broodmother/batrider lane somehow. I would be SO FUCKED. I could play a perfect game as Riki and still be utterly screwed with a team like that. God forbid I had picked something like Enigma and trusted in Weaver to carry us. 3-3-1 at the end of the game as the winning team, less than 400 gpm. He was in basically zero fights until the final push and still never farmed fucking anything. You can't treat a game like that as being real. And this was a game with a team that was decent enough to win. I get games with teams so bad I can't save them even as huskar or tiny or whoever. Those are the worst, when you pick a hero you've played a million times because you just want to break a losing streak and drag your shit team up a notch, and you lose anyways because they demand the right to lose mid, farm aggressively as a Lina or Sand King, feed first blood within a minute and make you buy every single support item for the entire team.