How would one solve his mana problems without sacrificing to much damage? One battlefury? Skadi takes to long to get, Orchid is not as effective as i had hoped, and if I see this right hes squishy as fuck without any good way to escape. I tried to set remnants on safe laces, go farm with aura and escape to them if it gets dangerous but I died almost every time noticing these fucking things don't stand there long enough.
How do you even play ember spirit? Raoming and ganking and hoping to snowball seems the only way. He has absolutely shit tier stats gain in every stat. Nothing that would allow him to carry properly, he does have nuke damage and mobility though. Orchid might work on him which amps up his main sources of damage as well as gives him that mana and AS he needs, continue with a desolator and a linkens or something.
Played him for the first time today 10-0 and 5-7 .Won my lanes by maxing Q and E first .
In team fights you should probably stay the fuck out and only spam W for aoe dmg only engaging on low hp heroes that try to run .Also Orb of venom is pretty cool for the mass slow .
He's just a carry that casts spells more than right clicks, like most int carries.
How exactly is AM better at splitpushing? Idk... he just seems like an extremely versatile carry, farms fast and early, has a decent escape mechanism, decent solo kill potential after lvl 6.cant split push well (am)
How exactly is AM better at splitpushing? Idk... he just seems like an extremely versatile carry, farms fast and early, has a decent escape mechanism, decent solo kill potential after lvl 6.cant split push well (am)
Didn't get to see him in super end game but he can't be that easy to handle. Maybe he can't go toe to toe with other carries but a mobile carry that rapes your support and needs full lock down to kill can't be that bad.