TBH, most of those aghs are kinda overhyped. Say, Lina buff - sure, massive dmg through bkb is great and it seems like a natural counter to bkb-rushing luna/SF/gyro, but how do you actually farm one on a support Lina? Of course, with recent buffs, Lina starts to look less and less like a support and more and more like semi-carry, but is she really viable in that role at competitive level? When was the last time we've seen solo-mid Lina? Same goes for Abaddon, for example - aghs is cool and stuff, but it calls for a carry position. And while carry Abaddon is certainly great in the pubs, once again, we've yet to see anyone do so in the competitive play.
I'm not saying those aghs are bad, but it's all doom/necro/omni/disruptor agh hype again.
Now, for the patch itself, my highlights will be:
1. Bloodseeker - bloodrage persisting through bkb and manta seems huge. Of course, you don't want to give that 120% dmg bonus to something like a bkb-d gyro or luna, but having a chance to shut up something like storm spirit or xin or qup is an interesting proposition. And you can also throw it on your carry if it's a relatively non-casting one - y'know, something like wraith king, lycan or drow ranger will definitely benefit from both bkb and double damage. It's probably gonna be shit at the pro-scene, though, because jungle blood is too slow, solo mid blood is too weak and carry blood is meh, but at least it's gonna wreck some pubs.
2. Earthshaker - honestly, the creep pathing nerf is too huge. The hero is already starved for experience, and now he can't even pull an extra camp or two.
3. Juggernaut - that 1.5 attack time seems like big to me. Let's not forget that the main goal of jugger is to get aghanim and, after that, attack speed so high so you can attack between the slashes. And this reduction makes it much easier to achieve. Not to mention that his pseudo-random crits also benefit from the buff.
4. Lich - aghs is lulzy, but frost armor feels like the real deal. 9 armor to your tower is huge, it lasts 40 freaking seconds and it slows everyone who dares hit the tower (and they'll have to if they want to push it, obviously). The resurgence of solo-hard lich, mb?
5. Meepo - 10 speed increase may not seem like much but, considering the hero is all about global presence and mobility, it may be the grain that will finally propel the little guy(s) into the competitive. I mean, he's already been used to a measure of success, it's just a matter of training him hard.
6. Ogre magi - cast animation buff is great and that armour increase seems little, but considering hero has 587 basic hps and now 7 armor...
7. Phantom assassin - extra evasion is always neat (especially with even a casual talisman of evasion over the top - 50% base evasion is a point past which any further increase becomes ridiculously efficient), but it's more about stifling dager cd. Phantom assassin isn't played because she has problems with farm and in hands of a decent player every dagger is an extra creep farmed. Now it's extra 2.5 daggers per minute. Sure, that won't result in extra 2.5 creeps farmed because of the mana pool problems, but honestly, even 10 extra creeps in first ten minutes may make the difference.
8. Razor - all he really needs is survivability, now he has extra 10 hp per level. Doesn't look like much, but it may buy you a second or two and in some games that's all the difference between winning and losing.
9. Riki - sure, it's a pub here, but I think his freshly obtained super-deny powers may be used to some extent at the pro-scene. Take the fashionable solo-hard centaur - if you deny the living crap out of him (and with 80+ dmg at lvl 3, that shouldn't be hard for a pro), what's he's gonna do? He really needs levels and blink to be useful. Also, it'll help Riki to pull the lane closer to his tower and that's vital for the hero - it's too dangerous to backstab enemy creeps if the lane is far out. He'll be a fringe pick, at best, but that's still better than his current position.
10. SF - was already good in the last patch, now he's also a semi-counter to the bkb-rushing carries. 50% damage reduction for 5 seconds is not a joke.
11. Silencer - probably won't amount to anything, but I really wanna see this guy played as a carry and, well, having a good agi-gain is a start.
12. Tidehunter - the ability to stack and farm ancients (and even merely hard camps) is priceless. Sure, you'll probably need to put some early points into your passive for it, but I dunno, with all the recent changes, the passive became quite potent in the early game. Also, now tide becomes a valid jungler - he already wasn't that bad at it in previous patch (no enigma, ofc) and now he's even better.
13. Ursa - an obvious highlight, but more of a negative one. Yeah, cause it needed to be an even better pub stomper. I've had a fucking annoying game last week where I, as a drow, farmed s&y and skadi so the ursa fucker crawled like a turtle, but of course my team managed to run into him anyways and no one bothered to get even a casual platemail, running with 5 to 8 armor.
14. Vengeful Spirit - looks quite synergistic with her ulti. Often she swaps, trades and dies and, well, now dying for her is much more efficient than previously (and you know that someone in pub will make a bloodstone on her and will boast his next-level tech and the other guy will excuse his feeding with the intentional debuffing). Of course, it's not that broken because the killer may just go to base or be killed immediately, but sometimes it'll help.
15. Witch doctor - actually, -15 secs on a maledict cooldown seems great. It's probably the main reason to play witch doctor and now you can have almost twice as much of it. Also, ~12% increase in death ward's damage is nothing to scoff at.
16. Zeus - well, everyone talks about it, now he's a man ward. No ideas how to lane him, though - as a solo-mid he won't have time to deward, you don't want him as carry and as a support he's pretty useless. Well, he was, but will free dewarding make solo-zeus worth it? I guess he has the silver-lining of being able to stack camps and farm them more or less quickly once lvl 3 or so, but still... Needs testing.