If you have to play Phantom Lancer--say, he's one of your compendium heroes--how do you build him?
EDIT: To clarify, I'm mostly up to speed on illusion mechanics, but I'm not sure what exactly I should be doing differently to get myself up to the Heart, Manta, etc.
Cancer lancer is a very hard hero to play since he requires a high skill and a lot of micro. The optimal play is about stacking jungle camps with illusions, clearing jungle camps and lanes with illusions and split pushing until you have a huge farm advantage over enemies.
Core items are yasha, boots of travel (one of the rare heroes where bot is core, if you cant afford bot leave boots brown), diffusal (greatly increases his overall damage, worth upgrading before running out of charges), manta, heart and butterfly. You use a lot of mana spamming spears and dopplewalk so some people build soul ring or ring of aquila.
You get into a lane then spear a creep use dopplewalk then send half the illusions into the lane and half into the jungle, rinse and repeat until you are super fat. Avoid team fights early and late game you are your own team.