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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread


Apr 24, 2012
Let me educate you a bit there. A TRUE tm RPG is a game where character skills override player skills.
Without going into a full discussion on the nature of RPGs, I take it you disagree with this primer's idea of old-school RPG design (as in, you don't consider that kind of play role playing but rather some kind of puzzle solving)? Without reading the entire wall of text, you could simply focus on the Pit Trap examples and the Second Zen Moment written afterwards.

I'm interested in your viewpoint, no matter where I stand on the matter.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
I doubt it.

One can indeed understand a viewpoint while still disagreeing with it. A completely alien concept to some people who think their opinion is law, certainly, but nevertheless it is possible.

It uses stats but player skill can and does override them.
You dont understand the distinction.

Again, I understand it just fine you simpleton. There's these things called grey areas. While in Morrowind you can kite and climb rocks and shit your attacks hitting are still based on stats. If you have a zero in swords and you sit there whacking a sword forever no matter how much skill you have you're going to lose, because you won't ever hit or hit like one in a thousand times. This is what's called a compromise between extremes.

And even if we were to take a pure, extreme "TRUE RPG OMG" stance on things, it could still work in first-person, as any Might and Magic-a-like will show. The different is aesthetics.

Lastly player skill is always involved, even in Fallout and other turn-based games. It's just a different kind of skill, i.e. tactical maneuvering instead of real-time dodging. Not that Fallout is very tactical but whatever.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
For example, in a fight with some enemy - i, despite my lack of skill with a sword, can still win the combat using a sword (lets just imagine thats the only weapon i can find) through my own skill of dodging, kiting and hitting that motherfucker much more times then it would otherwise be possible.

Because the AI pathfinding is shit in Morrowind, yes.

I can use the bow and arrows, even with no or very low skill in it, jump on some rock and then just shoot at the motherfucker for as long as i have arrows.

Because strategy and tactical games are meant to test the player's decision making, not to compare spreadsheets and immediately tell out who'd win. Firing at an enemy from high ground is a perfectly fine tactic. The issue isn't that a shitty archer, provided enough arrows and time, can eventually peel out a powerful enemies' health, rather that the enemies' AI is bad enough that it allows you that much time.



No i dont disagree. In fact i agree.
But he is talking about PnP games, with a human GM leading the game.

I would say this though. Computer RPGs have made a mistake in trying to become computer PnP games way too much, after a certain point in history. And that point is Fallout.
See, Fallouts gestalt was something devs stumbled into, almost by accident. Its roots are in PnP games but... the gestalt of the game (which cannot be foreseen or preplanned) achieved something else. Became something else.
It became something... new, something that owned itself.
Where "that" didnt really need to try to become even more of a computerized PnP game anymore. But it needed evolution and improvement on its best features or removal or redesign of its biggest flaws.

Instead of that, we got facepalm3.
First person abomination.

Also, i like the third zen moment very much.

Now, i didnt say that character skill is all there should be. That player skill should have no input. That would be a ludicrous concept leading into watching a movie of the game based on your starting character build, if that.
In Fallout players decision influence the gameplay - but in confluence with the skill set - which the player skill cannot override.
And it is a fluid sliding scale. Not a rigid structure.
If it was rigid that would be too easy. Then you could know exactly what amount or percentage of player vs character skill there should be.

thanks for the article.
boy, those OLD games were so good.

so good...


:licks the screen:

I doubt it.

One can indeed understand a viewpoint while still disagreeing with it. A completely alien concept to some people who think their opinion is law, certainly, but nevertheless it is possible.
Look turd.... not only are you a brainless simpleton, but youre also extremely stupid shitfaced idiot.
You dont understand a godamn thing and all your posts about this have proven it.

the only thing you understand is how to make stupid weak ad hominem replies and create some sort of idiotic strawman arguments in a pathetic attempt to reinforce your idiotic emotional engagement.

It uses stats but player skill can and does override them.
You dont understand the distinction.
While in Morrowind you can kite and climb rocks and shit your attacks hitting are still based on stats. If you have a zero in swords and you sit there whacking a sword forever no matter how much skill you have you're going to lose, because you won't ever hit or hit like one in a thousand times.[/QUOTE]
Yes moron. But i can still win. And all that proves - as i already said you fucking imbecile - that the game where the player cannot override the character skill is always a better RPG. Or, - the more the game lets the player override the character skill - the less of an RPG and more of a fucking Larping simulator it IS.
This is visible by the very example of Morrowind versus newer TES games.
Which proves - again - you do not understand the fucking distinction.

Will i need to repeat this again in the next post too, moron?

For example, in a fight with some enemy - i, despite my lack of skill with a sword, can still win the combat using a sword (lets just imagine thats the only weapon i can find) through my own skill of dodging, kiting and hitting that motherfucker much more times then it would otherwise be possible.

Because the AI pathfinding is shit in Morrowind, yes.
Thats just one quick easy simple example how a player skill can override character skill.
pathfinding faults is not a good enough excuse. In fact, it only makes the player dominance over character skills even clearer.

But its a good example on why the Turn Based combat is better for True RPG then any form or RT combat.

Also how did the DA discusion and a random quote from DalekFlay and me about FP and isometric turned to 2 pages of people jumping in defence of one viepoint or the other when it's clear that,preference aside, both have their uses depending on the kind of game you want to make?
By Codex Condensation, of course.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Thats just one quick easy simple example how a player skill can override character skill.

Not really because you're not overriding anything. That tactic of yours, kiting, is actually mediated by a bunch of stats. Stamina, weapon skill, weapon reach, running speed, the actual dodging skills and etcetera are all still at work and are very likely to be relevant.

RPGs aren't a denial of the player's skills. It is their mediation through character driven systems and attributes. The player's skill is very much tested in RPGs and, in good ones at least, they are very much in 'dominance' when compared to attributes. RPGs are games after all.

A tactical party based RPG where the player merely watch his carefully crafted builds instantly win or lose the encounter would suck. If its supposed to be tactical then there must be decision making within the encounter. Likewise, whenever dialogue skills are presented as I-Win buttons then its all very much awkward.

IMO, Morrowind is very much an RPG because almost everything within the realm of physical prowess is through the character's attributes. Even exploiting the shitty mage AI and dodging its projectiles, which is one of the most Action-like examples you can find in-game, is affected by your Speed attribute and incurs an expenditure of Stamina.

Difference here isn't that one is an RPG and the other isn't. The difference isn't that the former leaves everything to character attributes and the latter doesn't. It lies in what exact competence is being tested but also how the character's attributes are involved. How the game's systems portray the world and the story.



why do i even bother to talk to people who dont read what i said but reply to it as if they did?
Do i need to go into explaining and stating what i never claimed now?

That tactic of yours, kiting, is actually mediated by a bunch of stats. Stamina, weapon skill, weapon reach, running speed, the actual dodging skills and etcetera are all still at work and are very likely to be relevant.
They are nothing more then minor nuisances. I dont mean that you completely override them in that stupid sense you seem to be understanding my post. The skills dont disappear - but they dont and cannot stop you doing whatever you fucking please.
Last time i started Morrowind i just went straight to that wall around the volcano ...Red mountain...whatever, found that gate stronghold, stolen full glass armor and a good katana and walked out without using a single skill check for anything. Totally overpowered for the start section of the game and all the quests it offers.

Kiting or rock climbing are just one of the many, many examples of how the player skill can override character skills in Morrowind. These abilities are mediated by skills - BUT WEAKLY.
Therefore its an action RPG game.

Morrowind is much more of an RPG then later TES games. I said that repeatedly already.
And it is much more of an RPG precisely because its gameplay is much more dependent on character skills then player skills - then those other games.

And ill say this again:
It is not a rigid scale. Its a fluid sliding scale.
The more a game slides into player skill territory - the less of an RPG it is and more of a Larping fucking simulator it becomes.

The player skill should and does play in confluence with character skills - in True RPGs - while not being able or allowed to completely override them.

Is that clear enough?


You got that right - ahem... 3:25 am...

I suggest i adjourn the deliberations until tomorrow. All in favor? I.

All rise!


Mar 31, 2008
Regarding first person view, I have a problem with motion sickness, especially if the graphics are more realistic. Which is why I usually prefer third person view. I some games, it's good if you can switch.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Look turd.... not only are you a brainless simpleton, but youre also extremely stupid shitfaced idiot.
You dont understand a godamn thing and all your posts about this have proven it.

Well with verbose and inspired points made like this, how could I hope to cope? Might as well throw in the towel and bask before such debating skills.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hiver is just being angry cunt as usual; It is not his fault realy being raised in the Balkans. :troll:

Let me educate you a bit there. A TRUE tm RPG is a game where character skills override player skills.
Therefore, for example, Fallout is a TRUE tm RPG while Morrowind is not.

Except that mayor complain of new Bethpizda new fans and reason they do prefer the Oblivion over Morrowind is fact that Morrowind does override player skill with your character. That's Signature material BTW; will remind me why Hiver is sole occupant of Commissar ignore list* Thanks my Balkanian Comrade for both. :hero:

*Can't Ignore Him in RL cause Big Mouth is afraid to show his profile; oh well will just ignore his posts anyway.
Last edited:


Apr 24, 2012
Thanks for your thoughts, I really enjoyed reading that! =) I agree a great deal with what you said about what happened with Fallout as well, even though I'm one of those terrible people who still got some entertainment out of Fallout 3.

And as much as I hate chainmail bikinis, I will join you in the autistic screen licking. It is after all the least I can do.

So what is the difference between a TRUE RPG and a FULL SCALE RPG
The only answers that come to my mind sound like the most annoying marketing speak =)


I dont think there would be a debate at all. VD is currently making a True-tm RPG.
I can exactly remember the details about that "full scale RPG" stuff but, its probably the same thing.

Let me educate you a bit there. A TRUE tm RPG is a game where character skills override player skills.
Therefore, for example, Fallout is a TRUE tm RPG while Morrowind is not.

Except that mayor complain of new Bethpizda new fans and reason they do prefer the Oblivion over Morrowind is fact that Morrowind does override player skill with your character.
:retarded: So.... fucking ....what?

Can you be THAT stupid?
Dont bother. Rhetorical question.

The last two pages tell me that the truest RPG is an interactive screensaver.
Only if youre incapable of actually reading and utterly fuckin stupid.


Vocabulary is just as it should be, considering who i am replying to. Someone who thinks just making simpleton statements is proof. In fact i am too kind.


Dec 6, 2012
I'm not talking about any of the offensive words you may use; those are irrelevant, but rather the very words you use to construct your arguments.

"Player skill" is what is "gameplay", so when you talk about character skill overriding player skill in a true RPG, you're basically saying the true RPG will have its gameplay undermined, which eventually leads an interactive screensaver. Now, I know that's not what you actually mean, which is why I called out on your vocabulary. (Also, the usage of "the last two pages" two posts above.)


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Is josh having tps view in PE? Otherwise, try harder.
No, that would require the sacrifice of prerendered backgrounds.

The new xcom doesn't suffer from being able to view things from a behind-the-back perspective.


you're basically saying the true RPG will have its gameplay undermined
i am saying no such thing - which anyone with a brain can see if that someone actually read what i said - instead of imagining what i "actually mean".

The problem isnt in my vocabulary but in your stupid and blatant misinterpretation based on your brain latching on a single sentence then twisting it into absurdity - i order to make you feel like you are "winning".
For example, if i take youre stupid assertion that "Player skill IS gameplay" - i could easily take that to mean that a player and that game dont need or have any character skills at all - and that therefore youre talking about a shooter. Or any other type of a game where there are no character skills at all. I wouldnt even need to twist that since obviously you disregard any kind of character skill.

now, instead of engaging in double negatives ill point you in the direction of last few pages - read what i actually fucking said.

"in Dragon Age: Origins we had characters crawling around in their underwear and it looked weird because they were wearing these lacy Victoria Secret panties and outfits which looked out of place.”



Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Imagine DAO with TPS view (or play the console versions). See how much shittier it feels.
It plays just fine.
Is josh having tps view in PE? Otherwise, try harder.
In Neverwinter Nights 2 the camera has a bunch of different modes. If I remember correctly, the top down view is called 'strategic' and the third person view is called 'exploration mode'. Personally, that reveals the strenghts for each view. It doesn't really matter in a isometric game, but when it comes to 3D a closer more personal view can be really good for exploration whereas the top down is a must for combat. Unlike in NwN2 however, DA:O's camera is actually fine.

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