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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread


Apr 1, 2013
You take it out and the dichotomy makes sense again.
No, it doesn't. How effective would you say you are with a weapon without any investment in its skill in Deus Ex?

What do you mean? The player's skill obviously plays a huge part in Deus Ex as does the character's skill with weapons (the crosshair becomes smaller.) That's why Deus Ex does not even begin to approach "True RPG" category but is instead closer to perhaps Oblivion's category.

The fact that player skill is so important in the shooting does make it less of an RPG even if it does not necessarily make it less of a game.


In good TB combat there is still .... -
Thats the question of execution, of design that differs from game to game. And that is dependent on many features. (encounter design, enemy Ai, skills themselves, etc, etc.)

What i said is "what TB is really about". How good some particular game is in achieving that - is another matter.

Its not about speed, its not about "how true combat really feels", its not about action - at least not about ACTIUNZ!! like it is in other types of games.
Therefore the usual criticism of TB as slow and "not representing REALtm combat" are stupid nonsensical blatherings of ignorant and or stupid morons.
Which lately really started to go on my nerves.

The chart hiver posted ....-

Hiver never said that RPG is ONLY about character skill - DESPITE what that fucking moron simply invented.
What Hiver actually said SEVERAL FUCKING TIMES ALREADY is that in True RPG the player skills works in Confluence with character skill - while being dependent on character skill - while not being able to override character skills.
And i also said that border is not a RIGID thing, but something fluid on a sliding scale.

The chart just represents that visually.

Now, some ignorant retard can just invent stupid fucking lies and go on to accuse me of saying or thinking that - BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN that shit is actually true.
Lancehead, for example just went and took that moronity as if it was actually true and his replies are relevant only to that other moron and his idiotic strawman arguments.
Now, despite me answering that very clearly and directing him to actually fucking read what i said - he just flipped back to repeating that stupid nonsensical shit - therefore he is a stupid shit.
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Dec 6, 2012
You take it out and the dichotomy makes sense again.
No, it doesn't. How effective would you say you are with a weapon without any investment in its skill in Deus Ex?

What do you mean? The player's skill obviously plays a huge part in Deus Ex as does the character's skill with weapons (the crosshair becomes smaller.) That's why Deus Ex does not even begin to approach "True RPG" category but is instead closer to perhaps Oblivion's category.

The fact that player skill is so important in the shooting does make it less of an RPG even if it does not necessarily make it less of a game.
I'm not talking about whether Deus Ex is a true RPG--I've no interest in that discussion--but if player skill-character skill dichotomy is still fallacious even if you take out tactical decision making, as you claimed it wouldn't.

hiver, I don't think you've realised it but I haven't actually refuted any of your arguments; not because I agree with them but because I've no interest to do so. So perhaps it's wise for you to stop imagining that my posts are directed at yours when I've quoted general statements of someone else.


oh, you mean to say that "his replies are relevant only to that other moron and his idiotic strawman arguments." is a correct assessment.

or that your replies are pointless, nonsensical and utterly stupid?

Whata fucking surprise.
May 1, 2013
The border of the imaginary
I agree with hiver with regards to player skill should work in confluence with character skill.

look at MCA's Arcanum LP. Character is skilled diplomat... Player decides to be hostile combatant

Didn't work out well did it? :lol:


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Of course player and character skill should work together, neither being disposable. Skyim makes character skill disposable, which is why it's an action RPG or even an action game with RPG elements, depending on how militant you want to be about the whole thing.

I would guess all of us agree on 95% of this shit.

The reason we're having a supposedly angry debate is because hiver said first-person is bad for RPGs, and used the supposed lack of "true RPG" merit in Morrowind, Might & Magic, etc. as his example. I disagree wholeheartedly that character skill is disposable in those games, or even that player skill is more important. In Morrowind you can't do shit without character skill backing you up because the entire game is stat-based.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Player versus character skill is a false dichotomy--the ever-brilliant Josh Sawyer.

That sort of felt like the build up to a quote.
That is the quote. All games involve player skill with limitations imposed by your character's abilities and this applies to non-RPGs as well.

You selectively ignored my bolded question whether that 3rd person see pc butt view was the only view available. So i will repeat it

There is no optional zoomed out iso/iso-like view?
I didn't notice. There's a "top-down" mode but it's completely abstract http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/2008/233/942165_20080821_screen008.jpg
May 1, 2013
The border of the imaginary
You selectively ignored my bolded question whether that 3rd person see pc butt view was the only view available. So i will repeat it

There is no optional zoomed out iso/iso-like view?
I didn't notice. There's a "top-down" mode but it's completely abstract http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/2008/233/942165_20080821_screen008.jpg

hmm, Now it looks p. interesting, Wargame-ish.

I guess the TPP is only for immurshun, and the faggy looooooong animations weaboos are so fond of. Like the cinematic aweshum 3rd person camera while actions are played out in neuxcom


May 5, 2012
Fuzzy Pleasure Palace

'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Sex Scenes Will Be 'Mature And Tasteful' Modeled On 'Mass Effect'

Dragon Age: Inquisition Cinematic Director Jonathan Perry has this to say:
“Something that didn’t work well is that we tried more, well I won’t say graphic, but in Dragon Age: Origins we had characters crawling around in their underwear and it looked weird because they were wearing these lacy Victoria Secret panties and outfits which looked out of place,” Perry told the publication. “Certainly when you have these characters interacting with each other in such an intimate way it’s incredibly expensive in terms of animation fidelity and getting it to look like they are really there and touching each other. I think Mass Effect’s scenes were done really well and I think we will take Inquisition’s scenes in that direction. You might have a nude character but they are framed in such a way that parts of them are in shadow, or having characters in various states of undress.

Dragon Age: Inquisition confirmed to have shadow and underwear sex.
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Dec 5, 2012
"In Mass Effect and Dragon Age we were kinda conservative so no pussy shots but then this polish company came and suddenly in Witcher 2 you can see a pussy, we need to step up our game man or our esteemed audience will migrate to Witcher 2!"

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Face it Kwans if decapitating countless People and bombing them with Depleted Uranium bombs and White Phosphorus bombs in games won't make your kids into psychopaths and deviants, seeing the titty monster and pussy won't neither. Did Hiver even played Morrowind BTW? You die from fighting even low level enemies in first town with starting combat skills which were around 20 for my Imperial. Why I can't hit monster with my sword was chief complain on Bethpizda boards among with Can't find Caius Cosades Help! This is why Oblivion had quest compass and twichy combat; Kwan Youths can't read.
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Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
The Dragon Age Origins were extremely embarrassing, for sure. Not sure how much "better" Mass Effect's were. Just fade to black like any decent developer should until either graphics look 99% real or puppet sex stops looking stupid.


Mar 3, 2011

So we are back to full circle with ME1 90' soft porn? I wish I could see the meetings leading up to such a decision.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yes as stupid as ''visceral'' combat with fountains of blood, It was far more :obviously: when all of this was either stylized into cartony pastiche of reality or highly abstracted as in MUD and Rougelique games. As to romances I just hope they won't be something forced on you. In fact the Romance tab along with Violence one and parental lock would be :incline:. If it won't be mature nor sexy why bother with this shit anyway?


Apr 9, 2013
IIRC the best sex scene was in ME2 between Jack and Shepard. She had a strap on and Shepard was in tears or something. It was pretty romantic.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell

'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Sex Scenes Will Be 'Mature And Tasteful' Modeled On 'Mass Effect'

Dragon Age: Inquisition Cinematic Director Jonathan Perry has this to say:
“Something that didn’t work well is that we tried more, well I won’t say graphic, but in Dragon Age: Origins we had characters crawling around in their underwear and it looked weird because they were wearing these lacy Victoria Secret panties and outfits which looked out of place,” Perry told the publication. “Certainly when you have these characters interacting with each other in such an intimate way it’s incredibly expensive in terms of animation fidelity and getting it to look like they are really there and touching each other. I think Mass Effect’s scenes were done really well and I think we will take Inquisition’s scenes in that direction. You might have a nude character but they are framed in such a way that parts of them are in shadow, or having characters in various states of undress.

Dragon Age: Inquisition confirmed to have shadow and underwear sex.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
I guess the TPP is only for immurshun, and the faggy looooooong animations weaboos are so fond of. Like the cinematic aweshum 3rd person camera while actions are played out in neuxcom
You take control of the unit during the TPP sections. :M


You two butthurt morons:

The border is not static or rigid. All RPG games have a certain amount of reliance on character skill and certain amount of player skill involved.
True RPG is far more reliant on character skills, or character skills are much more important then in an action RPG. Turn Based combat is far more reliant and dependent on character skills then Real Time combat.
Morrowind is close to being a True RPG - but not close enough. Player skill can sidestep character skill and Morrowind combat is largely about player skill, being all Real Time.
Not to mention level scaling - Being able to finish the game with level 1.

I call Vampire Bloodlines an action RPG (and as far as i know everyone else too) so why the hell would Morrowind be anything else?
Furthermore - the execution of skills in Morrowind melee combat was stupid. Done in this particular inane way because they couldnt - wouldnt spend time and resources on making it better - because they had to worry about teh graphikz - game being FP.
What it should have been is, for example - each miss should have been presented as a hit - while the damage is absorbed by the armor - or by the enemy defending with his weapon or shield.

While this wouldnt make it any less twitchy, it would make it look less stupid. But as they pured more time and resources in fucking graphikz - because of FP pov, - they couldn't and simply would not improve combat.

Obliblion is a larp simulator. This does not make Morrowind a True RPG.

What you are butthurt about doesnt change anything but expose how fucking cheap (and stupid) you both are.
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inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
If BioWare really want to have sex scenes then they need to first make romances that actually matter to the plot and characters rather than being a wish fulfillment fantasy for players. Once that's done, then they should think about making "tasteful" sex scenes which, like the characters themselves, have some value to the story or at least provide insight into the personalities etc. The Witcher 2 did this a couple of years ago (specifically, providing character insights) and this is something that seems to completely elude BioWare.

As for "what makes a true RPG", can we please stop with that shit already? My head hurts.


Its not my problem that morons are being morons. Complain to them.

- i wouldnt mind removing those posts from the thread btw, if any moderator could be bothered.


Apr 9, 2013
I don't think I played any game with good romance.

The only Romance I had was in DA:O with Morrigan which was my very first Bioware game that I played.
DA2: I get to choose between a slut or a kid.
ME: I thought my character shouldn't concern himself with romance and concentrate on saving the world or whatever.
BG2: Go through an inane number of dialogues either agreeing with whomever you want or end the romance.
Witcher 1: Quickies and get to choose who I should give the kid to.
Witcher 2: A quicky and I get to decide whether I should save her or not near the end. Also some dreams about a girl who is supposed to be the one or something.

I also watched NWN MotB: You get to go thru inane number of dialogues similar to BG2 but you can betray her later and eat her soul which was pretty good to be honest.

Edit 2:
Rake, If you are asking whither that really happened or not than no, I was just kidding sorry. I just re-watched the romance on YT and for some reason I remembered Jack's romance to be a freak show but it looks different than the one I remember.
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Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
"In Mass Effect and Dragon Age we were kinda conservative so no pussy shots but then this polish company came and suddenly in Witcher 2 you can see a pussy, we need to step up our game man or our esteemed audience will migrate to Witcher 2!"
Oh. Now re-installing Witcher 2.


Nov 6, 2010
Project: Eternity
I also watched NWN MotB: You get to go thru inane number of dialogues similar to BG2 but you can betray her later and eat her soul which was pretty good to be honest.

AND it is integral to the plot, unlike the usual sidepoints grafted in for the purpose of catering.

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