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Dragon Age: Inquisition Pre-Release Thread

May 1, 2013
The border of the imaginary
I guess the TPP is only for immurshun, and the faggy looooooong animations weaboos are so fond of. Like the cinematic aweshum 3rd person camera while actions are played out in neuxcom
You take control of the unit during the TPP sections. :M

wait so is ti real time or turn based? wtf is this abomination?


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
Last edited:
May 1, 2013
The border of the imaginary
Hmm I'll see if I can try it out or not. But I am not sure how the wargamey part and the RT part pan out. i am literally :cmcc:
It's actually a Phase-based system to be precise.

Just look at all those glowing opinions...
...it's very much a Codex Approved title.

I guess the feel depends on how much of the aiming/Dodging is character stat based and how much is player skill based. but individual actions of each toon in each phase appear to be pseudo-realtime

EDIT: anime artstyle guarantees my buddy will not even consider trying it on his ps3 :( Fuck this console -exclusive faggotry


Oct 2, 2007
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
It depends on a lot of factors like the range you are at, there personal skills and also what class you are using. Even then standing around waving your ass at a machine gun nest will kill you fast so even if you are on a high dodge scout that is super fast you still need to be smart or else a few good shots will take your down, but it is the same for the enemy team.

IF you manage to get into a good position your troops can take the same advantage that the enemy can.


Apr 24, 2012
Rake, If you are asking whither that really happened or not than no, I was just kidding sorry. I just re-watched the romance on YT and for some reason I remembered Jack's romance to be a freak show but it looks different than the one I remember.
Probably because you looked up the romance on YT now, while you had casual sex in-game. Jack has two sex scenes in ME2. One at the end of her romance arc, and one that cuts the romance short.

Casual sex

Skip to 2:26.
Making lurve


Mar 13, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Morrowind is close to being a True RPG - but not close enough. Player skill can sidestep character skill and Morrowind combat is largely about player skill, being all Real Time.
Morrowind combat is really minimally about player skill. In spite of being real time, there's really not much skill involved/necessary beyond clicking the attack button. I would say that if it is possible to eliminate all challenge via some combination of character skill and equipment (which is very possible in Morrowind, maybe moreso than in any other game ever) then you can't really say that player skill is a huge factor.


... look man, everything you do in Morrowind is player dependant. Skills just basically got in the way of that, partly because of bad execution, partly because that type of game is intrinsically against dependanse on character skill.
Due to its somewhat relative use of character skills - it got the place in the action rpg part of the RPG spectrum, otherwise it would have ended in Larp simulator part.

Furthermore, i never said that skills in Morrowind are useless.

Are you able to understand that? Despite Dalek and Bolek lying claims for several pages already?


You havent shown anyone anything moron. You just intentionally lie about what im actually saying and then you construct your answers as if thats what i actually said.

This line above is another stupid blatant strawman lie.

Which makes you a blatant imbecile, or at best case - someone incapable of understanding what is written - i.e. stupid shit - due to you personal butthurt about some action RPG being called what it is.
You are not capable of forming any actual argument so you resort to blatant lying. Strawman arguments is all your brain is capable off - so i dont see why woudlnt call you a moron and tell you to fuck off.

take bolek with you.


yes newfag?

am i supposed to telepathically get something or youre another newfag not capable of writing more then one word and posting smileys or inane pics in pathetic attempt to catch an ego point?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
It won't even be out for a year, news is going to be slow/nonexistent until they're ramping up for release.

Semi-related is Gaider talking about the writing process during KOTOR. http://dgaider.tumblr.com/post/63998900690/on-knights-of-the-old-republic
The original version we discarded… you wouldn’t have wanted that. There was a phase the company went through right after BG2 was released where wordcount was the devil. See, BG2 was incredibly wordy— 1.2 million words worth, as I recall— and that meant incredibly expensive. Even with BG2 not being fully-voiced, there was still the cost of translation… not to mention the correlation between wordcount and game length, and BG2 was considered to have been waaaay longer than it needed to be (I agree— we could have stopped at Spellhold, called it a day, and still had a massive game’s worth of content).

Since the plan was to make KotOR fully-voiced, a really big undertaking at the time (we didn’t even have our own voiceover capability back then, to boot), this reactionary mood came in the form of “let’s keep the wordcount really low, and yet keep the story quality just as high”. Everyone was convinced this was an awesome idea. It wasn’t for us writers to question why, ours was but to do and die… so we dived in, and did our best.

Characters basically had to introduce themselves and say what they wanted in a few sentences. Some had to do it in the same sentence. Investigate options were pretty much non-existant, and back-and-forth needed to be sparse. No room for banter, and the story needed to be kept pretty short overall…

Meaning it was pretty much crap. When the Powers That Be started playing it, they saw that it was crap and asked why. The answer, while awkward, was pretty self-evident.
Things to consider: 1) The bulk of BG2's word count is in copy/pasted Forgotten Realms lore books and item and spell descriptions, not dialogue.
2) Their fully voice-acted games are still too wordy with all the exposition dumps.

Also I had no idea Gaider created the Code of the Sith. That's so funny to me, his forever being a part of the Star Wars mythos.


Dec 9, 2011
Hard to believe 10 years ago he was the writer who actually created things which were bright spots in the game for me and maybe even other people who actually think KoTOR is absolutely irredeemable (Jolee & Korriban backstabbing).
Nov 8, 2007
The island of misfit mascots
It won't even be out for a year, news is going to be slow/nonexistent until they're ramping up for release.

Semi-related is Gaider talking about the writing process during KOTOR. http://dgaider.tumblr.com/post/63998900690/on-knights-of-the-old-republic
The original version we discarded… you wouldn’t have wanted that. There was a phase the company went through right after BG2 was released where wordcount was the devil. See, BG2 was incredibly wordy— 1.2 million words worth, as I recall— and that meant incredibly expensive. Even with BG2 not being fully-voiced, there was still the cost of translation… not to mention the correlation between wordcount and game length, and BG2 was considered to have been waaaay longer than it needed to be (I agree— we could have stopped at Spellhold, called it a day, and still had a massive game’s worth of content).

Since the plan was to make KotOR fully-voiced, a really big undertaking at the time (we didn’t even have our own voiceover capability back then, to boot), this reactionary mood came in the form of “let’s keep the wordcount really low, and yet keep the story quality just as high”. Everyone was convinced this was an awesome idea. It wasn’t for us writers to question why, ours was but to do and die… so we dived in, and did our best.

Characters basically had to introduce themselves and say what they wanted in a few sentences. Some had to do it in the same sentence. Investigate options were pretty much non-existant, and back-and-forth needed to be sparse. No room for banter, and the story needed to be kept pretty short overall…

Meaning it was pretty much crap. When the Powers That Be started playing it, they saw that it was crap and asked why. The answer, while awkward, was pretty self-evident.
Things to consider: 1) The bulk of BG2's word count is in copy/pasted Forgotten Realms lore books and item and spell descriptions, not dialogue.
2) Their fully voice-acted games are still too wordy with all the exposition dumps.

Also I had no idea Gaider created the Code of the Sith. That's so funny to me, his forever being a part of the Star Wars mythos.

Gaider's inability to take criticism, and goddawful romance dialogues (which he's always been terrible at - see Aerie in BG2), causes him to cop an unfair share of the blame. In the BG2 days he was a decent designer as well, and his free patches/mods for ToB displayed a sound knowledge of what core crpg fans wanted.

He also seems to be the kind of guy who, when criticised, turns reactionary rather than assessing whether the criticism is warranted (in terms of its content, not in terms of the way it is put - this is the internet, after all).

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