President Spartacus
Joe actually asks some decent questions.
In his opinion Dragon Age 2 combat changes are actually improvements, so its pretty obvious.Derpy Joe actually does enjoy his![]()
How dare CDP realize their audience is 99% male.
Uhm if by women you mean actual people and not internet retards, you shouldn't be stating this as a surprising fact. The problem of sexism in gaming isn't an issue for women, it's an issue only and specifically for complete fucking retards no matter the gender.How dare CDP realize their audience is 99% male.
I know some girls who like The Witcher and think Geralt is sexy.
They don't give the slightest fuck about SJW issues and would rather have badass heroes fucking sluts than cheesy teeange romance fantasy.
Even among women the percentage of Bioware romance enthusiasts (TM) should be rather low. Bioware's target audience seems to be a weird mix of desperate turbodweebs, rabid ultrafeminists and obsessive teenagers.
sexbadI don't know any girls but I can support this evidence because of all Geralt penis I have seen without asking, can't be men drawing all those dongs.
The problem with those being that they seem to spawn like crazy these days.Even among women the percentage of Bioware romance enthusiasts (TM) should be rather low. Bioware's target audience seems to be a weird mix of desperate turbodweebs, rabid ultrafeminists and obsessive teenagers.
Uhm if by women you mean actual people and not internet retards, you shouldn't be stating this as a surprising fact. The problem of sexism in gaming isn't an issue for women, it's an issue only and specifically for complete fucking retards no matter the gender.
I was trying to say that feminism isn't a women's domain, it's a retards domain and their gender doesn't matter, was it really that hard to understand?Uhm if by women you mean actual people and not internet retards, you shouldn't be stating this as a surprising fact. The problem of sexism in gaming isn't an issue for women, it's an issue only and specifically for complete fucking retards no matter the gender.
Somebdy translate this from SJW to English pliz.... frack it game will be shit anyway and Real Inquisition will be like this
instead of whatspawns.
This is staggeringly similar to the argument that atheism is just another religion, good job.I love how those guys who whine absolutely way too much about feminism and SJW's and such are completely unaware that they're basically the other side of the medal.
And how would you come to that conclusion?I love how those guys who whine absolutely way too much about feminism and SJW's and such are completely unaware that they're basically the other side of the medal.
Name dropping Godwin's law doesn't make him any less right, you know?Instant Godwin! Wow,
And how would you come to that conclusion?I love how those guys who whine absolutely way too much about feminism and SJW's and such are completely unaware that they're basically the other side of the medal.
1.: "those guys who whine absolutely way too much about feminism and SJW's and such"If you're not the one I made fun of there then why are you the one reacting like I put sand in your twat? Why do you feel singled out by a generalised comment? Why do you feel the need to instantly throw down a nazi/jew equation if it doesn't even concern you? Goose step a bit my way here and help me out, bro.
Or maybe that whole argument is meant the other way around: you wanted to state that you think social acitvism sucks per se, and therefore feminism and those complaining about it are equally shitty?2a.: Your response to my question is: "social acitivsm is social acitivism".
Which could be valid if I complained about the fact that --- feminism is social activism and ~therefore~ shitty --- .
You just assumed that it had something to do with the social acitivism thing. But it did not!
I just complained about feminism. And until to the last part of this post didn't elaborate on why I think feminism is wrong.
So I don't care that feminism and anti-feminism have in common that both could be seen as social acitivsm. Both are an opinion. Both are voiced through youtube. Whatever. None of this was not my point, so your counter-argument, which was based upon the assumption my problem with feminism would be social acitivsm, is invalid.
Just a German with some language problems maybe?Oh fuck. An autist.
Trash said:effort, bro.
Well, I am sympathetic-ish towards the MRA, and in general it's absolutely necessary.Trash said:Just look at the various SJW and feminism threads here. Apart from them taking a small retarded and extremist demographic and portraying them as the norm these threads are filled with the usual 'cultural marxism' bull, MRA speak and casual generalisations of women as idiotic 'cunts.' Thereby becoming the exact mirror of that which they made fun of in the first place. If you stare into the abbyss and all that.