Let’s get one thing straight before somebody starts showing their ass: I don’t care who is romanceable. It’s a game. That has nothing to do with this. Schmooples could be the only romance in the game, and I wouldn’t care.
What I care about is the fact that there are two romances available to women who prefer women, two romances available to men who prefer men, and 2 gay characters and 2 bi characters up against 4 straight characters.
The world is not divided into “straight” and “not straight.” It’s divided into a wide array of sexual and romantic orientations, ranging from all to nothing. 4 straight and 4 not-straight isn’t equal, so straight fans who want to talk about “equality” can sit right the fuck down. That is heteronormativity on a nauseating level and I’m tired of seeing it here.
And normally, this would piss me off, sure, but it wouldn’t enrage me. This time is has, because Bioware hasn’t just dropped the ball on representation, it’s double-crossed the sizable portion of its fanbase who are LGBTQ+. They use us in marketing. Sure, there hasn’t been an outright “look at all the gays we’ve collected” ad campaign, but when people on the street hear “Bioware” the first thing most of them will think is “LGBT.” That is a very good amount of the press around Bioware; that they respect and care about the LGBTQ+ community. Our presence in their fanbase gets them money and good press.
Despite the fact that they have us to thank for a significant amount of their fucking hype, we get “half and half” heteronormativity, gay men and women have been told to fuck off, and then our own fandom lashes out at us for daring to speak about it. Between the announcements of Solas and Blackwall as straight characters, Bioware has shown how much of a fuck they actually give about the part of their fanbase that has done arguably the most for them. Not a single fuck.
Don’t reduce LGBTQ+ fans’ rightful anger over a lack of adequate representation to “hate” and “hysteria.” No one has said shit about your faves, and this isn’t about Blackwall, Vivienne, Solas, or anyone else. It’s about Bioware pretending they are here for us for as long as we can help their fucking marketing, and then shoving us aside.