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Dragon Age Dragon Age: The Veilguard - coming October 31st


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
Darkspawn plot = :incline:

Solas plot = :decline:


Dec 14, 2020
BioWare has never put a release date on Dragon Age 4, though EA has previously suggested it won't arrive until after April 2022.

That's kinda interesting, though it's pretty old news. If you click on the link, EA says they don't expect the game to be released before the end of fiscal year 21-22. Does that mean they expect the game to come out before april 2023?

I think the following was an observation on the industry in general as opposed to a BW-specific/-exclusive comment: he thinks that as a result of this sort of thing [working to reduce crunch], a lot of games are going to have to be smaller and a lot more focused in scope i.e. the devs will have to focus on hitting the key selling points of that particular game/series as hard as they can, and cut down on branching out sideways/wide on a bunch of random other stuff

Good luck making an open world game like that.


Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
  • BW don’t generally write things or the choices as bleak as the choices in DAO were anymore. This is a conscious choice on their part, they want their game to be fun
Uh oh!
Between this and some of the other things devs have said it seems they're making the same mistake as Inquisition where the game's premise (Tevinter) sets expectations that the devs have no intention to meet.
The Whedonesque/Disney writing style is a really poor hill to die on, especially after Andromeda and Anthem.

They're setting the game in the degeneracy capital of Thedas and they still won't allow us to be anywhere near as evil as in Origins. Pathetic.


Jun 13, 2019
Saw this on reddit:

  • BW don’t generally write things or the choices as bleak as the choices in DAO were anymore. This is a conscious choice on their part, they want their game to be fun
Uh oh!
Between this and some of the other things devs have said it seems they're making the same mistake as Inquisition where the game's premise (Tevinter) sets expectations that the devs have no intention to meet.
The Whedonesque/Disney writing style is a really poor hill to die on, especially after Andromeda and Anthem.

This is one time that being ''Edgy'' is actually a good. Everything about the mage , slavery in Tevinter , blood magic , etc can be interesting ideas if they actually try to do something with instead of being a bunch of cowards and turn Dragon Age into a fucking Disney movie where nothing really matters , black and white heroes/villans and doesn't try to say anything...

If the rumors are actually true , this game gonna suck..
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Mar 18, 2017
The only deep edgy problematic adult dark nuanced somber tenebrific and mature thing that I liked about DA:O was Orzammar.


Sep 4, 2016
BW don’t generally write things or the choices as bleak as the choices in DAO were anymore. This is a conscious choice on their part, they want their game to be fun
You've failed on both counts then. It's much like the Bethesda Fallout era at this point, you can reanimate a corpse and get a bunch of new hires in to pretend to be making a sequel to something, but Dragon Age hasn't been what it set out to be since the first game, anyone that thinks otherwise is fooling themselves. Disney may well be "reviving" the LucasFilm brand, but that doesn't make them LucasFilm. Much like the dude who was bleating about how DA has always been about diversity/family or some such shit on twitter (or whatever revisionist history he wants to spin), what we have now is some bizarro facsimile of the setting where they've scooped up a bunch of characters from the original game and plonked them down in their neutered, tranny-friendly setting. Won't be long before we see the first wheelchair-accessible DA4 dungeons I'm sure, while Bio devs nod along approvingly while noting "oh, Thedas has always been this way". It's sad as a fan of the original, seeing what's become of it, but it's the same rape that's occurred with other franchises.

If we kept our Wardens as the PC throughout all 3 games, at the end they would be so powerful that it’d be a bit like “Let’s just do [thing], I’ve killed gods before, whatever”. He thinks it’s good that they have fresh characters each time in DA in order to reset that power level. Some people want more Commander Shepard in the next Mass Effect and he feels like, ‘what else could you possibly want / what else could that character possibly do after 3 games?’
Always such a dumb non-answer to give. Geralt showing up at level 1 or w/e each game doesn't mean he's suddenly become shit at his job between games and we need some dumb explanation. Nobody cares, the returning character is still strong/badass. In DA's case, it's always seemed more of a EA-pandering measure for each game; "yes, don't worry Mr Suit, new players won't be turned off by the new game because there is a brand new protagonist again". Doubly retarded given that returning characters then have to waste 50% of their dialogue re-explaining things the player already knows to a new protagonist and said protagonist is sitting there with a dumb look on their face as they sit right in the middle of some family drama that's clumsily half-progressed, half-explained to them. The series would have worked a lot better if they'd retained the player character for a few (non-shit) games, told an actual overarching story arc to completion, wrapped up all major players, then timeskipped or whatever to a fresh batch of characters and started a new arc; you certainly wouldn't notice/feel the difference in tone brought about through staff churn/turnover as readily if they'd adopted such a model. Suikoden, Yakuza & Rance series capitalise on returning characters and companions and execute their stories far better than the half-measures DA claims fame for.

If there's one thing I learned and took away from this series it's that I'd rather have a complete story told in a single game from start to finish, without new plot hooks being kicked off in the closing moments, because then it doesn't run the risk of being wasted and tarnished when a bunch of rainbow haired creatures get imported into the company in a decision-making capacity some years down the line.
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Mar 6, 2016
Grab the Codex by the pussy Strap Yourselves In Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Origins wasn't written with sequels in mind. Apparently they weren't sure if it'd be successful enough to warrant them.


Jan 28, 2018
Everything about the mage , slavery in Tevinter , blood magic , etc can be interesting ideas if they actually try to do something with instead of being a bunch of cowards and turn Dragon Age into a fucking Disney movie where nothing really matters
I am optimistic about writing in DA4. There are actually some interesting things written in DAI. Like for example black woman's (Vivienne) speeches about being fine with servitude as long as the cage is golden.
Or Sera. I don't think it's feminism i think it's a pure trolling.
Also there is this


Feb 14, 2017
As usual, it'll be:

"BIOWARE say.....

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah........

BIOWARE promises......

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah........"

Bioware release a steaming pile of shit, which has fuck all of note which fans of CRPGs want, or any of the tasty BG or DA:O goodness. It gets spunked over by retards, and then onto the next turd.

DA:2 & DA:I were, for the most part, fucking awful. There's probably around 150 hours of torture-level gaming in single-playthrough of both combined. If you hate yourself and your life, and want to subject yourself to more of that with DA:4, crack on.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
"For the most part"
Why do people feel the need to pull their punches?
DA2 and DAI were complete and utter irredeemable trash and no upstanding Codexian should ever mention them in a positive way.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
"For the most part"
Why do people feel the need to pull their punches?
DA2 and DAI were complete and utter irredeemable trash and no upstanding Codexian should ever mention them in a positive way.

I can't say much about DAI but DA 2 has nice idea about some stuff that should it be "backported" to DA:O would certainly make DA:O better.

Mechanically the bosses usually have something unique to offer in DA 2 instead of just banal hp sponge that does nothing all over the fight (besides dragons which has some unique attacks). Of course, removing the tactical camera and full party control pretty much makes the implementation a joke but it is a good thing.

Having a non-linear upgrade path to skills is also a nice thing, you can make skills have different upgrade paths in DA 2 iirc, including magic which gives more choice to tailoring party role compared to linear everything in DA:O.

Passage of time also narratively in concept nice. In DA 2 it is completely wasted, but it something that has potential for heavy C&C. I remember one questline that span all 3 acts has decent interaction depending on your choice (I think it has something to do with a mage boy or something).

Of course, the whole game ended up a hot mess so those positives are easily overlooked.
Nov 23, 2017
From a mechanical standpoint the bosses in DA2 were total fucking shit. The bosses are where how bad the combat is truely shines through. Stuff like the dragon boss and the leader of those guys with the horns were some of the worst bits of gaming I've ever experienced. Not the worst, but they were up there. The dragon was so bad I'm not even sure if me cheesing that fight was cheesing or the way it was meant to be played because it was just so bad. Also, a boss having something unique isn't like some grand revelation for a game released in 2011; that's been a basic boss thing since the '80s.

I don't remember the game's upgrade system being particularly good, but then I don't really remember much of anything about that either. Although it's not nonlinear, it's on a skill tree. A nonlinear upgrade system would be more along the lines of something like what the Devil May Cry series has, where outside of upgraded versions of attacks you can just unlock whatever skill or attack you want if you have what it takes to buy it.

Fedora Master

Jun 28, 2017
"For the most part"
Why do people feel the need to pull their punches?
DA2 and DAI were complete and utter irredeemable trash and no upstanding Codexian should ever mention them in a positive way.

Because manners are for life, not just for Christmas.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
"For the most part"
Why do people feel the need to pull their punches?
DA2 and DAI were complete and utter irredeemable trash and no upstanding Codexian should ever mention them in a positive way.
Because Inquisition had some decent idea at the start and the base thing was a right direction. But in the end they managed to fuck it up hard because they were incompetent lol.


A Memory of Eternity
Oct 7, 2019
"For the most part"
Why do people feel the need to pull their punches?
DA2 and DAI were complete and utter irredeemable trash and no upstanding Codexian should ever mention them in a positive way.

D:AI was mostly shit, but that first dragon fight was probably the best dragon fight in a western RPG.


Jan 23, 2011
Inquisition had a few really good moments. It just required you to wade through long stretches of monotonous content to get to them. If they hadn't tried to make it mmo light, it would have been much better.


Jan 28, 2018
Dragon Age 2 remake when?
DA2 was one of the very few games i dropped. Played two thirds of it and was annoyed, bored, disgusted..Like many others.
But after replaying DAI i thought that now when i am ready for all the cons in DA2 i will try it again. And since this series is like tv show it never hurts to refresh background in the wake of DA4.
Back to your point though. You might be joking but seriously why they choose Mass Effect over DA?..Mass Effect trilogy can't be saved. It was shit from the very beginning of ME2. The plot points were pure nonsense. And i think remake won't improve it. DA deserves remake way more. If only for DAO ffs.
monotonous content
Playing on nightmare with halved exp and leveled enemies helps. But yeah still not quite there.
The locations are gorgeous though.

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