Humanity is the greatest RPG in the Universe.
I mean, it has tons of mechanics. The gameplay is realistic and has depth. You also play on a difficulty that's randomly selected when you spawn and depends on other factors, playing as male or female has advantages and disadvantages.
You also can't cheat and permadeath is on.
You level your skills by using them and there's no limit. You can also start with random de buffs or diseases that give penalties to your main attributes.
It also seems to be multiplayer focused. Other players seem to be dicks though not all. Whole there is pvp, organized and world pvp, most are playing in coop mode. And follow rules.
There are some individuals who try to obtain advantages by switching their sex but the game wasn't designed to support this so there are problems and incompatibilities and all sorts of other technical issues.
One issue is that the game can crash randomly (although only one player is affected at a time, could be connection issues) and that can happen when you're level 1 or all the way up to....nobody knows. Players crashed at 100, 104, 120 etc. there doesn't seem to be a level cap.
After said crash there's a sequel with a main quest that seems to go on forever. Probably an oversight, waiting for an update or an expansion. The dev seems to be quiet and only interacts with some players. Apparently you need to increase your faith stat to get in contact with the dev.
There's a lot to this game. It's probably a 9/10 overall, no bugs, the ending sucks though cus the main character dies. And the sequel further drags the score down although that depends on a player by player basis.