Some more gameplay footage:
Hideous nigger elf, bordercrosser elf and massage parlor happy endings elf....
Some more gameplay footage:
Some more gameplay footage:
Some more gameplay footage:
At least DAO had funny lines to lighten the mood when you don't care about the plot.
Vladimir Vladimirovich in his extreme indulgence decided not to nuke Canada.Why is this shit still alive?
Tactically DA:O relies on a aggro system which is inspired by MMO combat rather than having sets of AI behaviour written for different types of opponent.
There's no real line of engagement or need for much in the way of clever positioning on the player's part. Overall, I think the tactical aspects of the combat system are one of the more lacklustre elements of DA:O's design.
Initial aggro is equipment based, which is lame as fuck.You draw aggro by casting spells at an enemy, by doing damage and by taunting, no?
Luckily, there are other things influencing it, some even sensible, so it's not all bad.
I *think* it was butchered completely in DA2. I remember enemies never switching targets based on dealt damage.
Did NWN have faggotry? Cant remember.Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
Did NWN have faggotry? Cant remember.Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
Fun fact:Did NWN have faggotry? Cant remember.Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
I think their first game with faggotry was Jade Empire romance in BG2???? Come ON!
23 Oct 2000, 09:00:00
Well... for some people homosexual relationships are the epitome of fantasyFun fact:Did NWN have faggotry? Cant remember.Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
I think their first game with faggotry was Jade Empire romance in BG2???? Come ON!
23 Oct 2000, 09:00:00
"Dragon Age: Veilguard's charater creator is without doubt the most indepth character creator I have EWASEEN in video game".
Arishock thinking: "what in the fuck am I looking at?"
KOTOR actually with Juhani. But nobody remembers because nobody plays as female Revan.Did NWN have faggotry? Cant remember.Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
I think their first game with faggotry was Jade Empire
Even if they've seen better they will give a blatant lie.
The characters playersexual guys.. they just don't have any preferences what so ever. It doesn't what's their background , personal desires and all of them are super into you and open to romance.. because they're pansexual.. just ignore that even pansexual or whaver people have their own preferences and won't date a fucking hobo in the street.
I hate what BG3 did for companions.. Now every game with them must have them all being romanceable despite being a negative towards what type of the story you can tell.
Can't have someone like Abelard , Samara , Durance or Boone because guess what , they need to be attractive and available.
Probably doesn’t see many video games.
Did NWN have faggotry? Cant remember.Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
Kaidala is an optional party member in Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker, where she fights alongside the player providing support and healing. As a nymph, she has a strong connection to nature and the player character is able to romance her (regardless of their gender) in order to gain her trust. If they are successful in establishing a relationship with her, the grove that Kaidala oversees will be replanted. Some fans have referenced her as being a part of Bioware’s first female/female relationship (if the player character is female), due to her bisexual identity.
Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker allows the player character to flirt with a variety of NPCs in an attempt to build relationships with them. While it is possible to flirt with an NPC of the same gender as your player character, you cannot progress beyond mutual flirtation.
"You can play rock, paper, scissors with a skeleton! So cute!"Dragon Age Origins said:The demons of the Fade are jealous of the world they sense from across the Veil. They constantly push against the boundaries of the Fade, and when they finally cross over, they attempt to possess the first living creature they see. They are unable, however, to distinguish that which was once living from that which still is... in fact, a corpse provides an even more tempting target to a weaker demon as it has no will with which to resist the possession. The demon cannot rationalize why this is so; it only sees a target and grasps at the opportunity.
A skeleton is exactly that: a corpse animated by a possessing demon. Upon finding itself trapped within a body that cannot sustain it, the demon is driven insane... it seeks to destroy any life that it encounters, attacking without thought to its own welfare.
The exact names given to skeletons of this type vary according to the nature of the demons that possesses it. A "fanged skeleton" is a skeleton possessed by a hunger demon. These skeletons devour whatever life they encounter and often possess the ability to drain life energy and mana from their victims. A "shambling skeleton" is a slower-moving skeleton possessed by a sloth demon, able to bring entropic powers against its opponents, slowing them and even putting them to sleep. More powerful demons have been known to command skeletons, but at that level they are known by other names: revenants and arcane horrors, to name two.
Le reddit rock paper scissors skeleton
I am sure that a woman writer is responsible for this
Also it seems they are writing off Origins and 2, usually choices carried over through games but The Vileguard will only allow players to pick a few choices from only Inquisition. They are trying to do a soft reboot but are they really trying to sell this game to kids with top surgery scars and trans characters that they will be forced to interact with?
Thank you. That's the thing that bothers me the most. They're pushing this harmful ideology bullshit on young, developing minds, confusing our youth's perception of masculinity/femininity, forcing them into the snares of big pharma that will happily mutilate them for money. It's evil what these developers are trying to do: forcing the normalization of it being okay to chop your balls off and for our boys to grow up as weak men unable to identify as proper men.are they really trying to sell this game to kids with top surgery scars and trans characters that they will be forced to interact with?
On top of this these neo-puritans are forcing the new ideal of how women should look: unattractive, ugly, androgynous, masculine.
Modern commies believe that life is faith, bad and good. The world is bad because it is shackled by an evil dominant ideology that shapes bad faith, which is why it must be replaced with a good one.
In other words, the natural division into two genders is a bad faith that they want to overcome by normalizing transgenderism, which uses zippertits and pronouns as props. However, they repel any criticism by shouting, ridiculing or pretending that it has always been this way. Do you remember Mizhena from Dragonspear? Then they said "what's the harm, it's only one character!" or "trannies have always been around"!. Now they will tell you that zippertits have always been there and will never go away.
Soft reboot is normal, its been 10 years and Dragon Age was never big to begin with. Even with Inquisition selling 12 million copies is just a result of lucking out on the release date, if they released it a few months later it would have been a huge failure. The thing I dont understand is making a live-service game aimed at a "modern audience"(kids that will spend their parents money blindly) and then turning it into singleplayer because of shifting trends while adding the most vile and gross things they can. These are the kind of people that cry about bigotry and hatred when accused of manipulating kids on the internet but now doing these things with games? Its not just Dragon Age either, I saw Sims having top surgery scars now too, I guess this director is moving inside EA doing the same things everywhere.Changing of the guard + they wrote themselves into a corner, of course they're trying to do a soft rebootGame fell off from top 100 on Steam again. It is simply not possible for any AAA game with the marketing spam of this calibre to fall off that quickly in 3 days when it is only a month away. Not to mention even in recent interviews that director I dont wnat name saying how much they focused on PC version and how this will be the best Dragon Age experience on PC. AAA titles usually stay in top 50 if they arent popular, top 10 if there is actual hype for them among casuals. It will be interesting to see how its going to turn out after release, I just want EA to pull the plug already and kill Bioware.
Also it seems they are writing off Origins and 2, usually choices carried over through games but The Vileguard will only allow players to pick a few choices from only Inquisition. They are trying to do a soft reboot but are they really trying to sell this game to kids with top surgery scars and trans characters that they will be forced to interact with?
Can't wait to see this thing burn and crash.
Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
Some more gameplay footage:
My bröthers, let me intröduce yöu tö the Advanced Race Theöry.
Canadian racial science have möved beyond such simple cöncepts as skin cölör.
Now a completely random example of the Advanced Race Theöry analysis. Let's say... ryzer.
Skin hue: Warm. Because he's anything but cool. Also "warm" or "warmie" is a slang for effeminate faggöt in my language, which makes it extra funny.
Skin tone: Probably rather dark, given the algerian dröp of blööd pumping in hearts of all french men.
Melanin: Paradoxiacally rather löw, despite his dark cömplexiön. It's a result of terminally önline black pill döömer life style.
Final judgement: Sickly gray lesser race.
It's both.I wonder what's the source of "all races are pretty much just humans" sickness.
I *hope* it's just some westoid social justice nonsense.
Because the alternative is much scarier - burned out writers who don't understand the appeal of fantasy and genuine world building, or simply don't care.
Bunch of fucking pussies. Hiding behind their monitors in anonymity while supporting these grotesque perversions on the human body. Such cowards they are, facilitating a generation of children to fall victim to these abominable practices of chopping and skewering one's private parts; of being addicted to life changing medications that leave permanent changes on the human anatomy; of having a whole generation of depressed people who can't even identity their God given gender; on top of ruining attractive hot waifus in RPGs.
Then they get all bitchy when you challenge them on this shit. Fuck off man.
Some of the dialogue options others were showing were worse than soap opera.
With this degree of subtlety and natural writing, I can't wait to see how the mandatory troon representation is tackled in this game...Some of the dialogue options others were showing were worse than soap opera.
Here we go with the whole "but the franchise has ALWAYS been x" and the "just ignore it" arguments that paid shills love using. And yes Bioware has always been known to include faggotry in their games past BG2, but there's a threshold and at this point even your average gamer is starting to get put off by the sheer amount of pozz. And now there's some bizarre attempt to normalize top surgery scars now.
Some more gameplay footage:
And on a different note,
Some more gameplay footage:
For anyone wondering like I was: the gameplay starts at 22 minutes into the 23 minute video.