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Capcom Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
I'm still playing, but not so much. There has been no quality DLC yet that would add proper content and I'm getting burned out doing the same shit over and over again. Started my 4th new character two days ago. Made a fighter. Really fun vocation, very powerful too if you can get off a Dragon's Maw on a boss monsters weak spot. Ur-Dragon is kinda impossible though (good luck getting those wings, mr. Fighter) and I can't be bothered to switch to assassin just to kill him. I'm just floating in Everfall and playing duo with my Ranger pawn. I'll probably go full solo at some point. The game is actually more fun without pawns.
I realised that pawns are all fucking useless too. No matter what vocation you pick for them they will always fail to use the right skills. Occasionally they might get lucky, but that's only occasionally. The only pawn worth its salt is a pure support Mage, but it gets tiring constantly building the same Mage pawn.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
To be honest if you are on your 4th new character you probably got your money's worth.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Oh, for sure. At this point I'm just making up arbitrary rules to challenge myself to squeeze the last drops of the nectar before moving on. I'm just kind of playing it on the side now anyway. I started playing MH Tri again and that's what I mainly play now, in between me crying over the fact that I have no BROS to hunt monsters with.


Mar 10, 2011
So... any tips for this game? It's pretty damn awesome, but the world is putting its jackboot all over my face at the moment.


May 19, 2005
Get out of towns and level on your own by exploring, also keep switching pawns as last thing you want is having a pawn 10 levels bellow your level.

But yes, there are some issues ... in one of the story missions I was going up a road and there were Snow Harpies that I never fought before but OK ... then come a Chimera during the middle of the battle ... followed by a Cyclops after I beat that clusterfuck and taken 10 steps up the road, J-O-Y.

The game can really fuck you with mob placement, also someone have a hard-on with unbeatable bosses ... Hydra? you cannot beat it when you first fight it (you win after a while but damn, its like your 4th boss) and then later you have the Evil Eye you cannot beat and have run away, it really goes against the way I try to play since I always try to fight an win.


Mar 4, 2009
If it helps, I think those are the only two bosses you can't kill if you try hard enough.


Sep 24, 2008
But yes, there are some issues ... in one of the story missions I was going up a road and there were Snow Harpies that I never fought before but OK ... then come a Chimera during the middle of the battle ... followed by a Cyclops after I beat that clusterfuck and taken 10 steps up the road, J-O-Y.

When I played this game for the first time I thought fights like this were hard. And then I got to post-game and went to that one magical chamber
Chimera, Gorechimera, Lich and endlessly respawning Hellhounds, maybe some skeletons too, I don't remember. OH GOD ITS HEAVAN

Also this:
If it helps, I think those are the only two bosses you can't kill if you try hard enough.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
As I posted earlier in the thread, i really enjoyed this game but it has lost its lustre. I haven't bothered to play it now for 2 weeks. *sigh* Hopefully, I cna get back into it somehow.
Apr 4, 2007
This game's pretty great. Just fought what I thought was the final battle...but nope, more shit to do. Not complaining though, more of a good game is never a bad thing. Kinda curious how they sandbagged a ton of cool enemies and bosses until the epilogue though. And it seems like the difficulty ramps up in the Everfall. The double Cockatrice room was pretty badass, and Big Grey seems nicely done too (I assume you have to encounter him multiple times in order to finish him). Might go explore more of the overworld and find more of what changed. Already found a couple Wyverns; might go Drake hunting.


Jun 15, 2009
If you want to get the best gear , i suggest farming the everfall a bit before using your crystals and triggering the real ending . Of course theres not much point in doing it, but i am a bit of completionist. The new game + is a let down, diffculty dont really scale and its a cakewalk after everfall, thats why i am not talking about the game anymore, when its done its done, no mod to add alas , no dlc worth buying so far.Oh i really had my money's worth but i really wish i had more , if they fix the few issues in their next game i am pretty sure dragon's dogma 2 will be be phenomenal.


Mar 7, 2008
Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to Dragon's Dogma 2, as well.

I'm just concerned about how long it will be before we see that.

I would totally buy a Dragon's Dogma 1.5 with exactly the same game engine but a new country to explore. They could probably get that to market in less than a year.


Jun 18, 2010
So I decided to grab this from an FTP onto my lovely jtagged xbox to see if the fuss was worthwhile.

Graphics were ok for a console title, nothing spectacular. Generic is probably the word I'm looking for, but the armor models were pretty good. No retarded spikefests or chainmail bikinis. Fighting in the intro segment was ok, although the chimera seemed to take forever to die. Maybe there's a trick to it besides climbing onto its back and mashing heavy attack. Seemed to work anyway. Pawn chatter was irritating as fuck. I wish you could turn that off. Also, all the slo-mo camera pans whenever a pawn tries to do something are idiotic and irritating.

I picked strider since bows, fuck yeah. Aiming was a bit of a bitch though, the thumb stick apparently has no middle ground between static and move cursor at full speed, making precision adjustments against moving targets quite tricky. Enemies take ~20-30 arrows to kill with regular attacks but can kill you in 1-2 solid hits. Oh yay, HP bloat. Only one save slot is ok until you realize the game will save on top of it if it feels like it. Click an escort mission by accident? Congratulations, the game just automatically overwrote your savegame and now you're stuck with another stupid NPC in tow. It also means you won't be able to run multiple characters simultaneously to figure out what works and what doesn't short of making a bunch of additional profiles. I can kind-of see where Capcom intended to go with the savegame system (pseudo-ironman mode) but it doesn't really work. It's an annoyance that doesn't really giv anything in return. Once I hit gran soren I decided to switch from strider to ranger and spend all my gold on the most pimped-out bow I could get hold of. A perfectly-timed dire arrow (so that's spend 4-5 seconds keeping a reticule on a moving target with a thumbstick that has no adjustable sentitivity) will knock roughly half their hitpoints away and send them flying like it was a goddamn FUS RO DAH. I literally sent a bandit flying 20 metres backwards with an arrow. Immersion: Shattered. But you have to use dire arrow. Because the 7-arrow shot does no damage. I tried firing 20 regular shots into the torso of another highway bandit from the same group and knocked less than 25% of his hp away. I'm level 15 and there's a quest in the starting village to go down a well. There's some crocodile men down there. After my pawns all bumrushed them and died I spent 15 minutes standing on a ledge shooting arrows into them. I managed to kill one, but the hit point pools on the others were just too damn bloated. I eventually thought fuck it and went back up to the village and took a break. When I fired the game up again, the single save slot it allowed was corrupted.

Final thoughts: World is servicable but bland. Combat is not paticularily difficult but working your way through a bajillion hitpoints is tedious as fuck. Maybe it's just a case of archers being screwed over. You'd think firing 7 arrows into a regular bandits torso at point plank would at least faze him a bit. The save system is utterly retarded.
3/10, would not bother with again.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Most things have bloated hp to encourage you to attack their weakpoints/use effective elements. The lizards, for example, lose like 3/4 of their hp if you kill their tails.

Pawn chatter and cinema cam can both be disabled.

Dunno if normal archers are especially weak, played as a mage archer, shit was pretty effective. You get access to a lot of different types of attacks and status effects.
Apr 4, 2007
Fighting in the intro segment was ok, although the chimera seemed to take forever to die. Maybe there's a trick to it besides climbing onto its back and mashing heavy attack.

Sort of. Climbing on chimera's is part of the best strategy for them, but the other part is taking off each head in the right order. You want to cut the snake tail off, cause it to go into stun (which gives close to double damage while it rolls around in pain), then do the same for the goat head (now that the snake can't pluck you off), use your biggest damaging attacks while it again rolls around, and then mop up the crippled monster however you want. And I'm not sure if the intro character has it slotted, but there is a sword skill called Gouge that is designed for stabbing things effectively while climbing; much better than generic heavy attack.

I picked strider since bows, fuck yeah. Aiming was a bit of a bitch though, the thumb stick apparently has no middle ground between static and move cursor at full speed, making precision adjustments against moving targets quite tricky. Enemies take ~20-30 arrows to kill with regular attacks but can kill you in 1-2 solid hits. Oh yay, HP bloat.

Oddly enough, bows can only be a good primary source of damage for two classes: Assassins and Magic Archers. Assassins can do it through all sorts of damage augments and a zoom shot skill to kill far away enemies in one (maybe two) blow(s) and Magic Archers are just plain awesome. For everyone else, the bow mostly serves as support, to knock out aerial enemies, disrupt mages with knockdown shots, deal elemental damage when enchanted, and take advantage of nifty specialty arrows.

Also the non-magic bows have a lot of "trap skills"; skills that are just plain bad. Any of the multi-shots are pretty terrible, the only things worth bothering with are power/knockdown shots or disabling ones. I'd say of any weapon, bows have the most. Fortunately, bow classes have daggers, which are excellent weapons with tons of great skills.

I literally sent a bandit flying 20 metres backwards with an arrow. Immersion: Shattered. But you have to use dire arrow. Because the 7-arrow shot does no damage.

Yeah. This is no game for anyone with a simulationist bent. Double jumping, air-juggling, rolling making you invincible, launching slashes, and POWAH ARROHS will drive them batty.

I tried firing 20 regular shots into the torso of another highway bandit from the same group and knocked less than 25% of his hp away.

The bandits on the way to the woods, right? Poor placement by the devs, sticking a high level bandits so close to a low level quest. Blast Arrows did a good job messing them up, as did a quick throw off the cliff.

I'm level 15 and there's a quest in the starting village to go down a well. There's some crocodile men down there. After my pawns all bumrushed them and died I spent 15 minutes standing on a ledge shooting arrows into them. I managed to kill one, but the hit point pools on the others were just too damn bloated.

Lucky. I tried that my first time down the well after a frontal attack turned bad, but the bastards just followed me back up. Eventually I killed them with the use of a few combos (Oil arrows plus fire attack) and accidentally learning the secret to beating them is to cut off their tails, which takes out their ludicrous damage resistance, and makes them flop around dead. Lighting them on fire was more fun though.

World is servicable but bland.

Pretty much. There's not very much in the way of cool stuff to find that isn't quest-related. And the fact that the exact same enemy spawns are constantly present in the world (barring some changes after a certain event) gets a little boring; I started traveling at night to change things up, or going it alone to just avoid some encounters altogether (mostly wolves/dire wolves). It's also retarded how some of the coolest monsters are sandbagged until the "post-game", and the fast travel system can't be (effectively) used until New Game+.

Combat is not paticularily difficult but working your way through a bajillion hitpoints is tedious as fuck.

I agree combat isn't very hard for the most part, but I don't see the HP bloat complaint as valid. That's only if you play it like a typical RPG and just do what your build is "supposed to do". The game rewards experimentation and clever thinking. I don't know if you got to the Everfall quest in Gran Soren, but as a part of that quest there is an ogre wandering around a part of the dungeon. This monster is clearly meant to be avoided by use of side tunnels, but I had to kill that mofo. Weapons weren't powerful enough to deal with its damage resistance at the time, so I got creative, luring it to a spot of the edge of a long drop, in which I had a powder keg lying in wait. Set it off with a blast arrow and knocked the sucker down to his death, gaining a level or two in the process.

The save system is utterly retarded.

It's annoying as all hell, for sure. My guess is that they didn't want people farming the shit out of rune crystals by gearing up low level pawns with end game gear and essentially "cornering the market", making every other player's pawns not worth hiring. Being restricted to one character at a time solves this, I suppose, but I don't think it was worth it. Then again, I found Dark Soul's online features completely superfluous and resented not being able to pause in hostile areas if something came up, so maybe I'm just not down with this new generation of online integration.

Overall, while the game was not without some glaring flaws, it has a lot of upsides and a sequel could make for something really great if developed well. I would recommend giving it another go, except for the fact that single save slot plus modded FAGBOX tendency to corrupt data sounds like a recipe for HULKRAGE. Maybe they will say "Fuck it!", to the (IMO, worthless) online component and make a better save system next time?


Jun 18, 2010
So the ranger which is touted as the specialist archer is worse at archery than the hybrid archer classes? O_o

Oh well. I couldn't get over how utterly bland the world is. Worse than oblivious on the generic-o-meter outside main quest. And the single save combined with the game atutomatically overwriting it when it feels like it plus the boring combat are the final nails in the coffin. Back to arkham city and bayonetta I guess. Pity. The whole climbing onto giant monsters thingie was sort of neat.


Jun 18, 2010
Well, I decided to give it another shot, changing vocation from ranger to assassin since I already had all the dagger skills unlocked. Things generally died easily and I eventually killed the griffin and got some sweet platemail. Since I had 8 ranks in assassin at that point, it was a simple task to unlock a bunch of sword and shield skills and switch to fighter. Saurians went from HP sponges to walkovers once I went from bow to blade. Second time I went to bluemoon tower we got horribly raped by bandits standing on unreachable ledges and firing knockdown arrows. So I figured "what the hell... I got all kinds of sweet augments. I'll try going back to ranger."

Yeah, big mistake. Apparently the game has a vendetta against rangers. The class itself is fine. Tenfold flurry, comet shot and spral arrow are all pretty good skills. But there are no longbows in the game. No, really, I went and checked.
There's the starter bow, a rusted bow which is worse. Then there's a slightly better version of the starter bow which can be found in one chest only and has a 15% chance of dropping. And since I opened that chest without knowing that I won't see it. Then there's an upgrade that would *almost* match the shortbows I can get in stores. But that requires a golden idol, which you can only get from a specific quest that only becomes available if you go out of your way to alter the outcome of another quest. Since there's absolutely nothing linking these quests together it's basically impossible unless you go into the game with foreknowledge. Needless to say, I already finished the quest with the "wrong" result.
Next upgrade after that is a bow that drops off the dragon and then there's an even better one in the postgame.

So basically, if I want to be ranger I can either start a new game or wait until the game is over. There's no such thing as loading a gamebefore the quests got borked because Capcom apparently doesn't beleive in multiple saves. A feature I've grown to dislike more and more as the game progresses. I am loath to experiment in case something doesn't work and the game overwrites my saves, throwing resources away. My sole remaining options seem to be either switching to Magic archer (there's already 3-4 different bows for them in the Gran Soren smithy) or going strider until rank 6 and hoping I can use their pilfer ability to steal the bow off a wandering pawn.

It's a halfway decent hiking simulator, but combat long since ceased to be challenging save for a single encounter on the way to bluemoon tower. Unless I switch to ranger, in which case encounters take bloody ages because the developers decided to drop tons of swords, longswords, maces, magic staves and shortbows into the game instead. If item distribution was a little better, the AI was a lot smarter and you could be rid of the retarded save restriction, I might even go as far as to call it a good game.

But items are borked, combat is too easy unless I go out of the way to cripple myself and saves are, as mentioned, retarded. It's almost enough to drive a man to reinstall Skyrim.

God damn it, Dragon's Dogma.


Mar 4, 2009
Praytell, have you some kind of LARPers need to play a Ranger, or do the Assassin's bow skills simply not appeal to you?


Jun 18, 2010
Assassins bow skills generally require a long windup. Ranger gets meteor/comet shot (sniper shot with no windup), gamble/great gamble (windup, but hits like a truck and you can steer the arrow in-flight) and 10-arrow flurry (which combined with a fire/ice/holy enchantment from my pawn is a pretty decent shotgun blast). Also AoE stun arrow.

But most importantly, the longbow has a far better knockdown chance. Which means arrows are pretty much guaranteed to knock harpies out of the sky. And 10-arrow flurry/comet shot are excellent at disrupting casters. The reach of the assassins shortbow also means you won't be sniping off enemies on faraway ledges. Or if you try, your arrows will do no damage at all.

I guess it's mostly the dissapointment of picking a base class from the outset that I'd like to run for a first game, then finding out that it gets utterly shafted by item distribution until the last quest before you go and kill the dragon. For the first 10% of the game (before starter bow got obsolete) and the last 1% of the game (after you get the first upgrade to the starter bow) ranger works quite well.


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
eh, after a few maxed classes/dozen levels you don't really need item upgrades and can just go for visual style, including farming postgame/everfall. it will just mildly increase difficulty which is a good thing most of the time ('cept maybe in a few of the more annoying everfall rooms).
Apr 4, 2007
Apparently the game has a vendetta against rangers.

Yes and no. I think a lot of the people behind the Devil May Cry series worked on this, so they are wary of how ranged weapons can really break an action game. That might be why ranged weapons are all much less powerful than melee counterparts and how a lot of the skills/consumables are designed to have synergy with melee (e.g Oil Arrows plus Toss and Trigger or the Magic Archer's Exploding Bolt requiring melee to detonate). On the other hand, sometimes builds in RPGs just suck. Look at pure Fighters in D&D games. Or consider Arcanum, where after putting 7-8 points in some tech school you could rummage around in trash bins and build weapons or drones which were completely outclassed by lategame Vendigroth schematics, all while the mage, with a similar LP investment, could kill everything, talk with the dead, summon super-ogres, and teleport anywhere. Or try playing a Str/Con/Dex Nameless One in Torment and see how much content you miss out on. Or try having fun in Mass Effect 2 or 3 with any class but Vanguard.

Sometimes some character types just suck; it's a fact of the genre. While this tendency shouldn't be an excuse to shield games from criticism, it might not be a bad idea to not be too attached to any one build, especially in a game that actively encourages class-swapping.

If item distribution was a little better, the AI was a lot smarter and you could be rid of the retarded save restriction, I might even go as far as to call it a good game.

My recommendation for you is to swap to Magic Archer or Mystic Knight, easily the most interesting classes, and roll with only your main pawn. Speed-run to the end game too. This way you'll be playing a more interesting class with a lot more depth than just "shoot things", the AI won't be distracted by as many expendable meatshields, and you'll be able to fight all the more interesting enemies that the developers decided to sandbag until the end for no apparent reason, like hydras/beholders/liches/hellhounds/dragonkin.

That's if you're still interested in giving it a shot. I can totally understand if you're burnt out.


Jun 18, 2010
Well, I played it for 2-3 nights and completed it. I started strider, rushed to grand soren, switched to ranger and it was k' for a while. Once ranger got unbearable (was vocation rank 7-8 at the time), I unlocked all the dagger skills and neat augments and switched to assassin until the gryphon died and I got gryphon armor, gryphon greaves, a neat longsword and a wyvern shield out of the bluemoon tower in one go. Then I switched to fighter and pretty much roflstomped everything until the last mission before the dragon when you finally get a longbow upgrade. I then switched back to ranger. Oil arrows plus 10-arrow flurry/spiral shot was a staple since my main pawn was mage with high anodyne, fire affinity, ice affinity high comestion, high ingle and the aoe blind spell. Long as I soaked something in oil, my pawn would usually ignite it for me. After going back and forth between Gran Soren and Cassardis a few times to check for quests, random encounters had me at a level where everything else was a walkover. If ever there was an argument for level scaling, dragon's dogma is it.

Once the dragon died I had no real interest in continuing with the everfall/new game plus since I still got another 30 or so games that got bundled on my xbox while it got jtagged that I need to try. At the moment I'm splitting my time between Dark Souls and popping moles in GOW3 when I just need some mindless 'splosions.


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
good news everyone:
the fuckers at ign said:
During the Tokyo Game Show tonight, Capcom announced Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, a new "major expansion" for Dragon's Dogma. The expansion will come to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and will be released in 2013.

Capcom says more information on Dark Arisen will be coming soon. In the meantime, Speedrun and Hard modes will be coming to Dragon's Dogma before the end of the year. Speedrun challenges players to beat the game as quickly as possible, and beating certain times will offer equipment as a reward. Hard Mode increases difficulty but lets players earn increased equipment as a reward.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
So, what's the Kodex Konsensus on this one? Been thinking about grabbing a used copy for the PS3 (and help kill the industry), should I?

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