Finally switched back to Fighter after some dissatisfying experiences with the other Vocations. No more buying new gear, no more stat growth manipulation by levelling other Vocations (although Sorcerer was much more fun than I was expecting), I'm just gonna stick with old reliable until I beat the game. The only class that can attack at a decent speed while blocking to avoid getting stunlocked. And the Divine Defense skill fully blocks dragon breath, which I suppose I'll need for Big Red.
Oh yeah, I was passing through Venworth on my way to do something else, the elf guy shows up in front of my house and give me that weird "psychic letter" thing that the Magick Archer woman gave me, and wants me to go on "one last quest" with him. Seriously, dude?! I taught you archery, helped you earn your place in the dumb little village, earned the respect of your father, even saved your little sister. Feels like I've given him everything a man can give another, unless he wants to suck me off or something, which I suppose that's where it was going. I told him to kick rocks, and was pleasantly surprised when the game fully respected my decision. He just leaves and you can't even talk to him again. Finally, a JRPG where my character doesn't act like they have severe fawning/people-pleasing codependency issues, caving in to the demands of anyone that asks anything of them. I already got a whole Portcrystal and
the Meister skill out of the affair. The quest chain
feels finished to me, so it is.
After that, I managed to inch along and make a little more progress in the Sphinx's quest. I knew about the "easy" solution to the second riddle and decided to go along with it because
I really DO love my Main Pawn that much
, although her reaction afterward left something to be desired. "Surely not...!?" hurts, even a mindless automata designed to do my bidding doesn't want me
. I just want love, baby... The second and third ones practically solve themselves, although the ones after have me wondering if Itsuno actually knows the proper definition of what a "riddle" is. It's
supposed to be something you can ruminate on for a few days, and then come up with an answer to. Just telling me to
"bring me the thing MOST valuable to you" doesn't really stimulate the imagination, does it? It gives you nothing to work with, as there's no hint built into the grammatical structure of the riddle itself. Was something lost in translation? Or is this supposed to be a game of trial-and-error where I kill myself and load a save until I get it right? I'll give it what I got for these two, but for the second set of riddles, I'll accept the outcome of the quest one way or the other. Half the bullshit in this game isn't even worth my time, much less an item that only exists
for idiots that let the Dragonsplague go off in their world.