Well, I was going to write billions at first, but I thought to myself "let's not exaggerate". Anyway, is there any ingame source about how large the population of the world is?Millions? Try billions. It's a bit unclear just how much of the worlds infrastructure will crumble, but I would expect most high tech to fail fairly quickly, followed by mass starvation as global logistics break down. I used to pick this ending as a kid, but I think if you don't take what tong says at face value, and actually consider the likely consequences it's going to be worst disaster in history short term, and long term there's no real reason to believe the world won't end up with a new illuminati (it happened 100% of the times so far!).Tong ending is terrible... At best, humanity is set back a century, at worst millions will die.
Billions is probably more accurate now that I think of it. Africa in Deus Ex probably have a population between 3-4 billion...