TO be fair, I do like ER. At times. When I went to Fort Mourne, that was nice. A giant golem shoots arrows at you from afar, you have to sneak around and thin the mob before fighting the miniboss. There's some exploration and jumping around and then you get to the proper boss. The castle after Margit is also excellent. Vertical and horizontal exploration, multiple routes, you can go infiltrating or storming the gates. I found an NPC, then jumped down into some sewers to fight a miniboss and got the start of the previously mentioned NPC's quest. This is the good part.And the people who like Elden Ring are not the ones who like Dark Souls, unless they're NPCs.
The bad part is that getting to these areas means dealing with the open world. Sure I could kill a boss like Margit at level 1, but have fun fighting him for 2 days because you skipped the open world content and you only have a shitty +2 weapon.
One of the worst moments for me so far was when I discovered an elevator somewhere in the eastern part of Limgrave that took me down. Initially, I thought I landed in some cool ass dungeon. Underground, but the sky was full of stars and there were these weird looking stone people around. For a moment it felt like something straight out of Lovecraft. Then I cleared the surrounding area and realized that no, this is not the cool ass dungeon I was expecting but another part of the open world and I was running around it all I was thinking was "Why am I doing this? Why am I fighting those crabs from DS3? Why am I fighting the barbarians from DS3's Ashes just reskinned as ghosts? Why do they have homing missiles? Why are the rats I've been fighting since DS1 here? Why is their plague skin texture fitting for what looks to be a magical realm? And why the fuck am I running around lighting random obelisks?
While playing the soulsborne games and Sekiro I've felt joy, anger, frustration, excitement but never boredom. ER makes me feel bored at times.
I understand that at the end of Liurnia there's another well designed dungeon, but here's the problem - the whole experience feels like a work week. Exploring the open world is Monday to Friday just so I can then enjoy the weekend at it's end.

This is the best summary of the game I've read so far. It reflects exactly my experience, and the reason I dropped it with 30h out of boredom.
I think it's simply harder to make open-worlds as meaningful interaction-wise as corridor worlds. With DS1 and BB I felt like every step and every corner presented a meaningful decision or situation that made the experience tense and addictive. But here shit is spread too thin, and so it feels... boring, lost of times. From should have made the world and content smaller and, consequentially, denser.
I'm sure I'll come back to it eventually and like it, but the experience already have been marred, and nowhere near what BB or DS1 gave me already. Im sure I'll rate it above DS3 but that's it.