I feel upbeat about their next game because
a) It's not another Risen.
b) 512MB RAM restrictions left behind for good.
I feel like I should install Gothic 3 + Mods now.
How many people that worked on G1 and G2 are still there? Hell... how many people that worked on Risen 1 are still there?
Whoa whoa whoa, there's a Risen 3? What's the consensus?
Did you work for Piranha Bytes?
How many people that worked on G1 and G2 are still there? Hell... how many people that worked on Risen 1 are still there?
These are the core old guard who designed Gothic 1-2 (as far as I know - I'm going by memory):
Alex Brüggemann (Founder) - Died in 2013
Mike Hoge (Founder) - Left after R2
Tom Putzki (Founder) - Left after G2
Stefan Nyul (Founder) - Left after G2
Björn Pankratz - Still there
Horst Dworczak - Still there
Stefan Kalveram - Still there
Sascha Henrichs - Still there
You're missing tangible differences upon learning skills and FUCKING AMAZING MUSIC, but true otherwise. Also completely morals free.the gothic formula is really simple all in all:
-hard as fuck difficulty, especially at the beginning
-interesting social structures with interesting factions
-natural gameworld contentblockers that require you to either gain strength or social status to progress, which are clearly signaled to the player, almost resembling a metroidvania game.
-rich handcrafted gameworld filled with secrets and opportunities
-interesting social structures with interesting factions
Known problem = your computer is shit.I tried playing Risen since I bought it on some sale long ago, but shit keeps randomly crashing with some VC++ errors. Apparently it's a known problem without known solutions.
the gothic formula is really simple all in all:
-interesting social structures with interesting factions
-rich handcrafted gameworld filled with secrets and opportunities
Piranha Bytes games tl;dn.
Gothic 1 - kind of hard to get into becouse hard control system, but it pay with atmosphere, dialogues(not best but still add something) and maybe some nostalgia.
Gothic 2 - Best of the best, with Night of the Raven one of better games I played. And if you don't agree with me, well... I can say only this in potato 'Powiedzmy sobie szczerze. Przyszedłeś tutaj tylko dlatego, żeby móc pocałować DU w dupę!'
Gothic 3 - worst of the series, but after large amount of patches it is good game. Well... at least medicore.
Risen 1 - nice game, have some Gothic spirit. Can give large amount of fun.
Risen 2 - nope. This is big fucking nope.
Risen 3 - Polished turd. Another big fucking nope.
G1 did have some obviously unifinshed content left around though, like the always hostile camp of bandits between the old mine and the troll canyon. There were also some rather barebones areas like the free mine or the swamps around the sect camp. I think it would be cool for a remake to work a bit of new content into these.I'd pay 100€ for a G1+G2 remake, limited to the engine. in fact I'd be really happy if they left everything else as it is.
G1 did have some obviously unifinshed content left around though, like the always hostile camp of bandits between the old mine and the troll canyon. There were also some rather barebones areas like the free mine or the swamps around the sect camp. I think it would be cool for a remake to work a bit of new content into these.
G1 did have some obviously unifinshed content left around though, like the always hostile camp of bandits between the old mine and the troll canyon. There were also some rather barebones areas like the free mine or the swamps around the sect camp. I think it would be cool for a remake to work a bit of new content into these.I'd pay 100€ for a G1+G2 remake, limited to the engine. in fact I'd be really happy if they left everything else as it is.
, just update the engine and don't fuck with anything else.