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Incline Elminage Gothic (former Japan only dungeon crawler)



Aug 23, 2005
i forced myself to find the random altar in E: Original inside Sheba ruins, did the 3 set town ones and... now gotta force myself psychologically to rnadomly search the entire Last Court. goal is to simultaenously finish both post games in the same day!


Aug 23, 2005
Dorarnae Courtier

dudes, post-level 100 and plus (yeah, yeah, i know) LEVEL DRAIL ex-skill is UNBEEEEELIEVAAABLEE

LITERALLY just poke Belial with 1 level drail ex-skill point well spent and at these super high char levels you drain him for freaking 8 - 14 ENTIRE LEVELS.

his dmg output is instantly reduced by a linear amount each time! from my own personal experience just now level draining Belial when he shows up a drain of 8-10 levels will reduce his melee atk dmg on me from like 800-1100 damage down to 750, or lower.

a second level drain poke and after the 2nd one his standard melee atk damage goes down to about 50% of the 750 number i just quoted. also works insanely well on the birds as you can see. doesn't seem to fucking NOT level drain either; it always hits and drains them. probably because i always have everyone else who is not the level drain character casting the alchemy spells about speed.

obviously if: 1) you ran out of SP, u're fuked if you don't have another way to win and, 2) if his turn comes before yours. heh. that's at least one guaranteed necessary casting of a rez spell after the battle (to maximize probability of raising) AND also 1 necessary casting of the alchemy spell that fixes broken gear.

quite the annoying fuck it's like he's both built for wiping and if not capable of that then he'll settle for pure attrition. btw, how many 'final bosses' are there really? i know there is Incarnation, and then one secret one. is there another one after that one?


Aug 23, 2005
Cleveland Mark Blakemore

oh.. oh dear god... out of boredom tonight (hey, elminage only goes so far) i decided to give WIZARDRY 8 another try. sure it is in no way, shape or form even remotely a resemblance of what a wizardry dungeon crawler *is*, what it *is* though is... pretty fucking good. notwithstanding it is still quite simply the most unbelievably obtusely designed controls and controlling interfaces and it is such an UNBELIEVABLE tedium getting the hang of all of the hot keys because, you know, it's 2001 now folks and we can no longer utilize those things, what were they called, ....menuuus? Nah, wiz 8's too big to be contained in an incredible fast, accesible and easy to understand series of cellularly organized system of input and output, no, we did everything... SEPERATE!

want to attack an enemy? YOURE IN LUCK MATE!








*cleveland sucks himself off while wondering absentmindedly why they had him do 2 weeks of O.T. just to make sure that 40 HOTKEYS were working come release day but his ideas for a revolutionary system whereby he proposed to Sir-Tech having a sort of grouping mechanism that the game automates for the player and presents a unified interface containing all of the contextually necessar- NOOO THEY LAUGHED! ARGH!*

better men have tried to make something out of "turns", but in the end... can a turn ever truly be... trusted?


Aug 23, 2005
Shackleton GhopTheConqueror Celerity Mustawd Dorateen Dorarnae Courtier Siveon Viata MrRichard999


- Assuming of course I am merely finding this out tonight and everyone already knew, i rather doubt that's the case so here I share the info I just read on the japanese forum of the Elmiange wiki(s) and that news is that: If your WEAPON has a + SIGN, or better yet, a "2" number (goes up to "3" in Gothic, higher in 'Original' still) and you are wearing a piece of "clothing", probably, say, a SPIRIT BELT, which is a very low-key versatile "obi" for mid-game / end-game because it provides +1 AC and it also features + SIGN for versus ELEMENTALS and another + SIGN for versus DEVIL types.

- When you hit the enemy with your weapon, that has an actual bonafide 2x modifier on the for versus ELEMENTALS and/or DEVIL type of enemies, as opposed to the mere (1.5x) + SIGNS on the Spirit Belt you're wearing: YOUR WEAPON WILL DEFAULT TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- YOU WILL NOT, NOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTttttTTT!!!!! I REPEEAAT NUUTTT hit for 2x for versus that Type of Enemy, nope, you'll be hitting for the 1.5x for versus that Type of Enemy courtesy of your FUCKING SPIRIT BELT.

- This is apparently news to me only, as ALL of the japanese Elminage wikis do indeed faithfully explain this detail right from the very beginning, right in the "BASIC INFORMATION FOR BEGINNERS" in the japanese 'Original wiki that I, of course, never read because. You know. ;)

- END OF POST / SUMMATION: the damage modifiers on your "clothing" will override any better ones for the same enemy Types that may be present in your weapons.

PLAN and ENCHANT accordingly! :)~~

EDIT: for the dubious, you can verify it very easily by equipping a 2x or 3x for versus sumbitch enemy weapon and then buck naked except for an obi/cape/cloak/etc that has a + sign for versus the same sumbitch enemy.

When you continue cycling through that char's status screens the change is immediate and you see the previous 2 or 3 modifiers under the enemy type downgraded to a horrifying, spine-chilling + sign. OR... WORSE. (yes, indeed, you can downgrade any dmg modifiers on your weapons right down to a big ole ZERO with the right clothing!). Heh.
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Aug 23, 2005
also just finished verifying for certain whether Weaponry dmg modifiers such as the +, the 2x or the 3x (or in Original, the Circle, the Star and beyond, up to 10x dmg...) can actually really truly be "upgraded" by enchanting a weapon that has a + sign (1.5x) versus DEVIL and enchanting it with DOUBLE DAMAGE vs DEVIL.

Well, sure enough, buck naked and w/ only the weapon equipped that was 100% wasted Ore in the enchanting "upgrade". It is _not_ possible to upgrade either weapon OR armor dmg modifiers, however on WEAPONS YOU CAN ADD MORE OF THEM, AND IF THEY FEATURE A BLANK CANVASS OBVIOUSLY GO FOR THE BEST ONE; BUT NOW KEEP IN MIND THAT IF THE MANTIS GAUNTLETS YOU HAVE ON ONLY HAVE A HUMBLE + SIGN vs INSECTS THEN THAT shiny "2x" YOU JUST ENCHANTED ON THE NEW WEAPON WILL ONLY DISPLAY AND DEAL DMG CORRESPONDING TO A + SIGN LEVEL. i.e. wasted enchantment materials for not paying attention to the entire outfit.


Aug 23, 2005

this shit just got even more in-depth. starfish is on a fucking nother league on itemizatio man!

ok, so in Gothic (don't remember if so also in Original, but i think this particular thing is new to Gothic):

- The reason they "nerfed" the ...up to 10x dmg modifier and... beyond (!) attitude in E: Original is simple: for Gothic Starfish decided to utilize TWO CONCURRENT AND SIMULTAENOUSLY SYMBIOTIC "lines" of DMG modifiers.

- 1st line, literally above the 2nd line of symbols (in char's character screen); if your LORD char equips the Holy Saber he will instantly display a + signe on every single enemy type, because's that's what that weapon is packing.

- If you notice the bottom 2nd line, however, assuming wearing nothing else, it will show a line of equal signs ====== , which obviously means-- etc.

- So, in E: Gothic, what happens is that the two lines actually COMBINE WITH EACH OTHER for determining your final enemy-type dmg bonus!!! voltron-style.

- If in above scenario stays the same, the + sign versus every type will become TEMPERED by the 100% normalized and standard equal sign === present vs EVERY TYPE OF ENEMY: the end result becomes such that by not wearing anything that LORD character has just downgraded his Holy Saber's 1.5x dmg bonus vs all enemy types to... NO BONUS! Hah!

- THAT IS FUCKING BRILLIANT! forces a level of paying attention to THE ENTIRE PICTURE. Reminds me of how Starfish implemented the ALMOST NEAR PERFECT balancing act in Wizardry Empire 2 of where Starfish decided to integrate ACCURACY / to-HIT modifiers, both GOOD ONES and BAD ONES, depending on what kind of out fit it was, so it was not ONLY your weaponry dictating the char's potential Accuracy when striking!

- ex. Wiz Empire 2's standard Full-Plate Armor comes with a negative (not literally, as in this case, a negative would be a bonus, but rather a DECREASE in accuaracy); following the obvious historical logic that full mail of that sort hampered knightly movement and as such also their COMBAT. (germans gave that a myth-busting blow but, overall it's not a myth more like physics).

- They dropped that incredibly well implemented integration for Wiz Empire 3, and the armors all went back to only featuering: the Armor Class modifier, and the enemies it was weak or strong versus, and of course if/what any "elemental forces" it was weak or strong to. Unlike in Wiz Empire 1 and 2, where dressing up was always THE MOST FUN PART, because you could get to ponder the pros of wearing a sleep Black Costume this adventure, as it may only feature 4 points towards my Armor Class, which is worse than the 7 points the Shiny Chain Mail offers; but the sleek Black Costume offers me a juicy extra point of to-HIT (in that game, the THACO, for those wondering); "so i think i'll go with the black costume and instead equip a weapon I normally consider not worth using that much as it has a very low THACO (to-HIT modifier), since i am "making up for its lack" with the Black Costume.

this type of very FUN way of making the ITEMIZATION meaningful was a big, BIG part of why I love wiz empire series so much, and SPECIFICALLY wiz empire 1 and 2 !

i was very sad title empire 3 dropped that, as it was a very bad entry (still good though), and now I am ecstatic they implemented something even smarter and more polished and more thought out and took that to a natural Wizardry-universe evolution and level of sheen thyat one would expect of them with introducing in Elminage: Gothic thw splitting of the previous Elminage titles 1 single line of all enemy-type dmg bonus modifiers and making it two seperate ones that would integrate with weapons, and the other with clothing, respectively, and then in the end result the player benefits from making smart choices with increased dmg yaaay yaay starfish yaaay.


Aug 23, 2005

I'M currently splitting my play time on unlocking elminage original post-game dungeon (and then finsih it) and finishing also ibag's tower.

however my spirits are beginning to feel the bern, man. i'm on floor 13th, and the encounters and encounters of the same red birds, same stargazers, same birds WITH stargazers, same new-color dragon that takes 10x more dick than the previous one: yes, every single fight is aweoms enad fun to win and play; but STARFISH JESUS PUT A FUCKING FOUNTAIN OR SOMETHING HERE!!!!


Jan 21, 2016

I'M currently splitting my play time on unlocking elminage original post-game dungeon (and then finsih it) and finishing also ibag's tower.

however my spirits are beginning to feel the bern, man. i'm on floor 13th, and the encounters and encounters of the same red birds, same stargazers, same birds WITH stargazers, same new-color dragon that takes 10x more dick than the previous one: yes, every single fight is aweoms enad fun to win and play; but STARFISH JESUS PUT A FUCKING FOUNTAIN OR SOMETHING HERE!!!!

dove bell dude.


Aug 23, 2005

YAH, i been seriously considering using them but my thinking is: i'm getting schooled the second i don't give it 100% every encounter, with all of my resources always, etc; and if i start using the dove bell i'll get LESS XP.

and i'll level slower. remember they forgot to include XP for money donations in this release of Gothic; they added back into the game after fans complained about this so they put it back into the game via the 3DS remix.

sure, i could go grind for XP somewhere safe, i know, and probably level faster farming demons in the Ancient Caves or whatever, but that is BORING AS FUCK. the point is to play the game and fight new enemies and rise to the challenge right? it's balanced enoguh that you never feel overwhelmed by sheer amount of unending fights, not at all, in fact compared to almost every other rpg gothic is very light on "random encounters" and that includes in comparison to earlier elminage games too!

it's just that they're difficult. :)


if i find myself i reached a floor that is like THAT, i'll use dove bell there. nothing worse than battles put there for no reason other than to intentionally roadblock your progress in the service of artificial difficulty (which is not a real thing, but people think it is).

so far i can handle Big Bird and cousin Belial just fine. just gotta make sure they, uh, never hit me first.


Aug 12, 2015
I used so many dovebells to clear the last five floors I ran out of materials to even make them anymore (used up all the bad AP ores I sold to the shop over the course of the 200 hour playthrough)


Aug 23, 2005
Dorarnae Courtier

so, i decided my main problem traversing EFFICIENTLY (note, what i mean is i can not-die well enough, but in order to win i have to use everything i have); i decided my two biggest problems were my ninja and my thief.

the two are my only Innocent and single-class party members from the very beginning. After all of the hundreds of hours i now forcertain there will not be any pressing "need" for my Gothic thief to continue stealing weapons inside Ibags. A "better" or rathre, a different class from him would reinvigorate the entire party, as he has no spells and he can only do standard thief stuff.

as for the ninja, welll obviously his AC decline automatically makes any ninja, even a pure one, an A-tier player in a crew if for nothing else than he can just defend others every encounter, heh. But in reality other than their amazing Armor Clsas, their amazing M-range and L-range access of weaponry that compliment their built in beheading; other than their unique ability to stpo an enemy ambush encounter and of course forget about how they're the only hider-class that does it automatically, who cares about that anyway. He didn't have spells and was therefore almost always 1 step behind everyone else during planning out the coming few rounds.

up until this point i didn't give a shit cos a 125 lvl ninja does some MASSIVE FUCKING DMG to the enemy! but... not to THESE ENEMIES or the ones coming up. HE HAD TO GO.

I enchanted some glass slippers to accomodate larger size feet and now I have a level 170-something neutral cleric, haha. I'm pumped: i've actually never, ever before used clerics for real other than to lvl up to 13, learn 7th-spell-school level spells, and change immediately onto the next Caster-class or whatever in order to build up the portfolio.

so, i notice Clerics actually have a ridiculously good list of access to almost the exact same heavy-hitters that fighters and lords can utilize in the world of hammers, clubs and maces. He can use some good Whips too. I just found a whip called "Yamata" in some floor in the tower and it is truly the single most numerally balanced and impressively designed whip i have ever seen. 5 to-HIT (the number), EIGHT atks per swing (EIGHT!), and damage that is 4-32.

cna you BELIEVE that good of a whip? makes one want to fucking cry! also almost cried when i saw he can use Ass Hammer... in any case my GRAND PLAN is not to keep him as a priest, rather I needed to fix his biggest weakness which was no skills other than pure NINJA, so now he has Cleric casting, once he has them all it's fof to either using a Hermit's Dagger to go back to being a 200 lvl ninja now w/ cleric spells, or have not yet decided if perhaps using one of the other items could perhaps end up being better, like for example (information redacted: looking it up to make sure the item i'm thinking of that changes priests into fighters and then another item to turn the fighter into lord is available in E: Gothic).

so yeah, any advice on how to proceed like, stay my course, learn the cleric spells and then slap a hermit's knife on him ASAP to have him back into black pajamas again this time with the ability to pathetically heal the group for 150 hit points? i'm thinking so, but am looking through the ITEM.CSV to make sure there isn't a more interesting variation. Who knows, maybe keep him as end-game level 400 cleric?

i read on the wiki that only pure clerics receive the privilege of outputting 100% of the possible dmg from IMMOLARITI. bishops/etc deal only 1/8th of the possible dmg.


anyway last development was: as i said, the other hole in the crew aside from the thief was 2nd hole: he was also illiterate in magic and as you can well imagine, he didn't have Ninja-shit. Although i have to say the ability to disarm an opponent is quite frankly A-tier material. Disarming Polyete, Skillving or Death Scythe immediately on round start (hobbit race) and watching them be unable to kill me.... fuck, not even the ninja can do shit like that!

but like i said, no magic, too simple to be part of the whole. So I used an item to turn into a Shaman. oh, yeah, it was female. the item was the medal of power the king gives you: i'd been holding on to it. I used it for the thief to turn into something because I always knew i had the glass slipper option for the other one.

I'll type more later. gonna miss being able to disarm opponents but gotta say am looking foward to creating a glass cannon type. always wanted to use a Shaman. frankly i'm more worried about what to end up doing w/ the cleric.

EDIT: btw, i already have the thief-turned-shaman equipped w/ the Angelsky Falls bow (or whatever it's called) after enchanting the alignment issue. Her "career path" is already set in stone.

i'm worried about the ninja-turned-Cleric. in any case worst case scenario i exchanged a ninja w/ no spells for a Cleric with.... cleric stuff. TBH only thinkg I'll miss is VIGILANCE. ninja's ain't that great in GOTHIC. right now am looking through the entire item file to see if there are any class-changing items like the glass slippers. I know there are more medals of power but i looked at the table for the treasure chests medals of power are in and the % of finding one are hilarious, so not counting on a MoP.

EDIT EDIT: just remembered my new cleric can't be bothered to lay a finger on a hermits knife LOL
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Aug 23, 2005
from reading the item file and checking items with the SP.csv file to correlate if anything i just saw the floowing:



also it has the SP effect "104", and "104" is described in the SP.csv file thusly:

104 If the user is not a summoner, they will learn 'Summon' 'Contract' and 'Return' and gain 3 MP. If the user is a summoner, nothing will happen.


Aug 23, 2005
hmm, hmm, lots and lots of enemies have this sword! it is not available as a drop, EVER, it can only be acquired through stealing it off enemies.

good thing i turned my thief into a cleric, eh? haha. well, i can quickie lvl up to 26 a new thief and steal the soul stealing blade part (for example even the 1st dungeon floor master, yep, he has one inside his inventory. its stats are not very good. the entire point is it teaches whoever uses it's SP-effect to have 7 spell-levels of full castings that legitimately contract enemies exactly same as a summoner.

basically it owuld be a pure cleric, basically, since he kept his level, from the glass slipeprs and all that, but as if he had been a summie before becoming clerical, basically exactly what i did w/ my bishop.

meh. i looked through absolutely everything and sadly there is absolutely nothing more! items that change shit! only one other is a Shield that female-Herbalists can equip and SP-effect class-change into a FEMALE lord. aside from the glass slippers, that shield i just mentioned, and the regular medals of power seems like i'll be finding new ways to make the cleric great.

first thing i'm gonna do is change his race. currently he's a gnome (used to be gnome ninja) but nah, now i want him Devilish. so i'll go to the room for doing that in that story dungeon. Meanwhile there has to be way to transform into other races, right? my dream would be to turn him into a Dragon-newt and then use the UNICORN HORN i already have stashed away in Warehouse to change the attribute of the breath. stuff like that.

man it is quite sad how much little of this cool "stuff" Gothic features whereas in E: Original almost every single item and/or thing you interact with can end up being very "meaningful". Gothic is of course more serious in tone, or so they want to believe, but it's a lot of fun just straight up creating ogre and goblin and magic puppet races and also all of the 1000 and 1 different items/ways in Original to change from something to something else person or class whichever.

anyone else? i'm perfectly fine with ending up with a pure, 300 lvl priest obliterating asboutely every encounter in the climax with a well placed IMMORELATI or whatever; for sure change of pace from hiding as the ninja and then beheading them.

changing that thief into a shaman was good luck tho, jesus end-game bows. MY GOD. of course i dressed her up in the bow, right, and everything else charms for attacking: of course she died instantly in the 1st encounter from 1 strike from Nago the enemy boar haha


Aug 23, 2005
Q: Is there no way to learn the summoning spell in addition to the job change from the Summoner?
A: By using the SP of "召霊 sword", the framework of the summoning spell Lv1 You can learn anyone 3 times.
It notes that "召霊 sword" is a drop of only Ivagu spire of the last of the hidden dungeon.

so i'm just gonna bid adiue to my lost thief and embrace my new cleric, gonna spend a few minutes grinding the floor 2 ore spot in the tower in order to get good ore sizes to enchant a holy light +3 and a dark light +3 seals and have both of them at 300 % !!!!

maximum lethality when executing ppl via instant-death spell or punishing little by little via Elnam bolts! SUGOYYY

and maximum 300 % and rising always never fail super happy resurrect sir grey-beard!

actually cool thing tho: my ninja wasn't innocent-class tho, unlike the thief. i created a regular Fighter first for the 1st dungeon then when he met the stats changed him to ninja and took the opportunity at that moment (they ask you) to change his ex-skill to REPLICA.

guess what ex-skill he stil has as a cleric? replica. should proivde some interesting moments maybe, or it'll be super stupid and the cleric replica will waste every single round casting the worst possible stupid fucking thing ever for no reason. or even better, waste rounds physically attacking or something. yheah, somehow i doubt the cleric replica will be up to the standards set by a ninja replica.
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Aug 23, 2005
Rooting around and reading through of all of the seemingly hundreds of short-length or "well, it doesn't seem important"-type of text notes/documents inside Elminage Gothic I came upon a totally random cool little text list that lists every single item in the game that has an SP effect, OR that it does "something else" (for example the Thnder Sword casting one specific spell does not mean it is triggering an "SP Invocation", etc):

No Name Use Effect ????
?????????? ??????????????????????????????
0 ??????
1 Longsword 0
2 Hundred Sword 0
3 Innocent Sword 0
4 Mixer Blade 0
5 Crimson Blade 0
6 Rusty Longsword 0
7 Moon Blade 0
8 Worn Sword 0
9 Saga-Bringer 0
10 Imperial Sword 0
11 Laevateinn 0
12 Demon Saber 0
13 Evil Excalibur 0
14 Short Sword 0
H Beastbone Blade 0
16 Lightning Sword 9 Attack a single enemy with lightning.
17 Dragon Killer 0
18 Foil of Evening Calm 0
19 Blunt Sword 0
20 Fool's Foil 0
21 Palindroma 0
22 Skolugy 0
23 Silver Rapier 0
24 Crownless 34 Emits a light making it easier to find hidden things. No time limit. X
25 Antique Sword 0
26 Soul Eater Sword 0
27 Claymore 0
28 Executioner's Sword 0
29 Flamberge 8 Attack a row of enemies with fire.
30 Holy Sword 0
31 High King's Sword 0
32 Bario Sword 0
33 Sun Sword 0
34 Ogre Sword 0
35 Mysterious Great String Sword 0
36 Freeze Sword 18 Attack a single enemy with ice.
37 Gram 0
38 Hell Sword 0
39 Dragon Emperor Sword 51 Breath attack.
40 Dagger 0
41 Marquis Knife 0
42 Quick Dagger 0
43 Bewitching Dagger 0
44 Cerebellum 0
45 Rusty Dagger 0
46 Hermit's Knife 0
47 Azoth Dagger 52 Has a high probability of paralyzing a single enemy.
48 Chimera Dagger 0
49 Happy Seven 0
50 Kalun Wen Han 0
51 Bloody Dagger 0
52 Vile Sword Ramshanock 0
53 Tachi 0
54 Crow Goblin 0
55 Nene Kirimaru 0
56 Muramasa 0
57 Ame Shikou 71 Attacks a single enemy with a rainbow of light. Damage increases in proportion to the number of spells used during battle. X
58 Oboro 0
59 Murasame 0
60 Demon Killer 0
61 Aozasa Katana 0
62 Ninja Sword 0
63 Hebi no Soushou 0
64 Komari Benten 0
65 Obokolope 0
66 Kodachi 0
67 Kogarasu Katana 0
68 Dawn Sword 0
69 Kotetsu 0
70 Kutneslika 0
71 Heshikiri Hesebe 0
72 Epetam 0
73 Dancing Katana 0
74 Hirano Toushirou 0
75 Izushi Shortsword 0
76 Fushun 53 Lets all party members escape from battle.
77 Ima Sword 0
78 Demon's Kitchen Knife 0
79 Nodachi 0
80 Monohoshizao 0
81 Kogitsune 0
82 Cut Snake Sword 0
83 Onimaru 0
84 Neck Splitter 0
85 Chained Star 0
86 Vestiges 0
87 Iwatou 0
88 Kusanagi Sword 0
89 Totsuka Sword 0
90 Youringen 0
91 Doujigiri Yasutsuna 0
92 Lance 0
93 Ice Devil's Spear 0
94 Spiral Spear 0
95 Trieina 0
96 Saint's Spear 0
97 Cursed Spear 0
98 Tower Lance 0
99 Charge 0
100 Malte 0
101 Gungnir 0
102 Blue Gale 0
103 Trischula 0
104 Rune 0
105 Spear 0
106 Demon Spear 45 Attack a single enemy with holy.
107 Tonbokiri 0
108 Amenonuboko 0
109 Komatsumei 0
110 Yashahime 10 Has a chance of poisoning a row of enemies.
111 Youbokuten 0
112 Killer 0
113 Romulus 0
114 Lon 0
115 Amenonuhoko 0
116 Vig 0
117 God Slayer 0
118 Hand Axe 0
119 Savage Axe 0
120 Elven Axe 0
121 Victreim Axe 0
122 Diamond Axe 0
123 Rusty Handaxe 0
124 Power Axe 0
125 Orc Axe 0
126 Vorpal Sickle 0
127 Hemeid Axe 0
128 Lavlus 0
129 Menon Axe 0
130 Describer 0
131 Broadaxe 0
132 Giant's Axe 0
133 Dwarven Halberd 0
134 Alakahi 0
135 Death Chopper 0
136 Bone Axe 0
137 Emperor's Axe 0
138 Death Scythe 0
139 Vorpal Scythe 0
140 Plackio Axe 0
141 Golden Axe 0
142 Barbarian Axe 0
143 Witch of Death 21 Attacks all enemies with a non-elemental bomb.
144 Pick 0
145 Mill Hammer 0
146 Entrei 0
147 Spiked Club 0
148 Hekatan Hammer 0
149 Blood Hammer 0
150 Justice 0
151 Havoc Hammer 0
152 Comet Hammer 0
153 Aas Shifter 0
154 Ukon Basara 0
155 Head Craze 0
156 Despico Hammer 0
157 Morningstar 0
158 Smasher Mace 0
159 Bone Breaker 0
160 Mithril Mace 0
161 Holy Mace 0
162 Confusing Mace 0
163 Pope's Mace 27 Emits a light making it easier to find hidden things. Has a time limit. X
164 Maunt Mace 0
165 Giro's Thigh-bone 0
166 Elemental Mace 0
167 Mjolnir 34 Emits a light making it easier to find hidden things. No time limit. X
168 Expulsion Mace 0
169 Kaas 0
170 Mace 0
171 Skull Crusher 0
172 Magic Blue Club 0
173 Silver Ram 42 Creates a barrier that can deflect a single Drain attack. Stackable. X
174 Camel Mace 0
175 Evil Mace 0
176 High Priestess Mace 31 Displays any dead adventurers on the current floor.
177 Stampy Stamp 0
178 Unicorn Horn 0
179 Serpent Mace 0
180 Shaluhl 0
181 Bicorn Horn 0
182 Pain 0
183 Flail 0
184 Quenstene 0
185 Lundo Flail 0
186 Light Den Battledore 0
187 Crystal Cudgel 0
188 Furious Cudgel 0
189 Temperance Club 0
190 Shamrock 0
191 Great Tree Branch 0
192 Great Club 0
193 Yaglesi 0
194 Rizefeyd 49 High probability of recovering a single ally from Death
195 Sickening Flail 0
196 Konbou 0
197 Onbei 0
198 Deck Cudgel 0
199 Lahtskamei 0
200 Mandragora Club 55 Has a chance of paralyzing a single enemy.
201 Confusion Club 0
202 Devil Club 0
203 Mystery Club 0
204 Joker Club 0
205 Matsukage 0
206 Eimal 0
207 Filid 43 Recovers all HP for a single ally and recovers all status ailments except Death and Turned to Ashes.
208 Devil Stick 0
209 Longbow 0
210 Ghostly Bow 0
211 Meltos Comb 0
212 Diamond Shower 0
213 Polyte's Holy Bow 0
214 Raging Bow 0
215 Chariot 0
216 Ice Bow 0
217 Herculean Bow 0
218 Silver Bow 0
219 Garndiva 0
220 Elnabeis 0
221 Flame Heresy 0
222 Shortbow 0
223 Magician's Bow 0
224 Exorcist's Bow 0
225 The Crow 0
226 Fairy Bow 60 Lowers all enemies' speed.
227 Composite Bow 0
228 Reverse Bow 68 Has a chance of charming a row of enemies.
229 Skylark Bow 0
230 Wargod Bow 0
231 Angel Strike 0
232 Failnot 0
233 Calamity Bow 0
234 Diablo Strike 0
235 Iron Whip 0
236 Fanged Serpent 0
237 Ringschutesher 0
238 Dragon Tail 0
239 Vampire Whip 0
240 Entwined Whip 0
241 Hanged Man's Whip 0
242 Hellmaster 0
243 Demon's Whip 0
244 Queen's Whip 0
245 Yamata 0
246 Alraune Whip 0
247 Blind Love 0
248 Whip 0
249 Fairy Whip 0
250 Seijuobi 0
251 Charm Whip 0
252 Thunder Lord Whip 19 Attack a single enemy with lightning.
253 Ancient Ivy 0
254 Empress Whip 0
255 Lash 0
256 Silent Whip 0
257 Flame Whip 0
258 Angel Ribbon 0
259 Thorned Ivy 0
260 Sealing Whip 0
261 Staff 0
262 Brahma-Deva 0
263 Flame Rod 0
264 Fairy Staff 0
265 Welsh Cane 0
266 Ruin Rod 0
267 Magician's Staff 0
268 Trickster's Rod 0
269 Star Rod 0
270 Chancellor's Staff 0
271 Tilns 0
272 Rib Breaker 0
273 Death's Staff 0
274 Meteor Spindle 0
275 Kunai 0
276 Tasram 0
277 Shuriken 0
278 Poison Sword 0
279 Battered Kunai 0
280 Fate Ring 0
281 Hitode Shuriken 0
282 Bitto 0
283 Demon's Full-Moon Ring 0
284 Thunder God Particle 0
285 Wanyudo 0
286 Raptor 0
287 Stone 0
288 Power Sling 0
289 Ice Tomahawk 0
290 Power Blowgun 0
291 Devil Gun Boanils 0
292 Broken Tomahawk 0
293 Death Arm 0
294 Mantis Blade 0
295 Obsidian Boomerang 0
296 Gravity Ring 16 Inflicts damage by splitting the ground. Has a low chance of swallowing the enemy. The damage in the crack in the ground, swallowing the enemy with low probability. Inflicts damage by splitting the ground. Has a low chance of swallowing the enemy.
297 Life Stealer 0
298 Cancer 0
299 Mana Burn 0
300 Brass Knuckle 0
301 Needle Vambrace 0
302 Hawk Talons 0
303 Dragon Bright Jamadahal 0
304 Vector Knuckle 0
305 Bandage 0
306 World 0
307 Bone Spike 0
308 Chalk Fang 0
309 Blue Strike 0
310 Heart Breaker 0
311 Demon Claws 71 Attacks a single enemy with a rainbow of light. Damage increases in proportion to the number of spells used during battle. X
312 Dark Claws 0
313 Heavy Book 0
314 White Scriptures 24 Recovers a small amount of HP for a single ally.
315 Oldest Book 0
316 Item Encyclopedia 0
317 Ghost's Book 0
318 Black Scriptures 2 High probability of putting a single enemy to sleep.
319 Judgement Book 0
320 Named Sword 0
321 Fine Sword 0
322 Fine Dagger 0
323 Holy Sabre 0
324 Mirage Lance 0
325 Mirage Shield 0
326 Heater Shield 0
327 Knight Shield 0
328 Goddess Shield 0
329 Shield of Truth 0
330 Yges 0
331 Mukade Shield 0
332 Demon Shield 0
333 Large Shield 0
334 Holy Guard 0
335 Mithril Shield 0
336 Unholy Shield 0
337 Tri Shield 0
338 Bent Shield 0
339 Hollow Shield 61 Has a chance of confusing a row of enemies.
340 Buckler 0
341 Beastbone Shield 0
342 Innocent Shield 0
343 Dragon Shield 0
344 Magic Shield 0
345 Bario Shield 0
346 Pinpoint Shield 0
347 Small Shield 0
348 Fairy Shield 0
349 Ghost Shield 0
350 Exorcist's Shield 0
351 Autoguard 0
352 Rusty Shield 0
353 Demon's Wing 0
354 Plate Helm 0
355 Kabuto 0
356 Mythril Helm 0
357 Mithril Helm 0
358 Saphire Armet 0
359 Worn Helm 0
360 Golden Kabuto 0
361 Leather Helm 0
362 Electric Cap 0
363 Evil Bascinet 0
364 Dragon Helm 0
365 Transform Helm 22 Moves the party to a place you've already been. If used during battle, takes you to a random location.
366 Phantom Mask 0
367 Skull Helm 0
368 Fur Cap 0
369 Magician's Hat 0
370 Ghost Crown 0
371 Silver Tiara 0
372 Magical Wreath 0
373 Torn Hat 0
374 Wicked Hat 0
375 Plate Armor 0
376 Knight's Armor 0
377 Neutral Armor 0
378 Crystal Armor 0
379 Saphire Armor 0
380 Scavenged Armor 0
381 Shadow Armor 0
382 Breastplate 0
383 Ashigaru Armor 0
384 Mithril Plate 0
385 Goddess Breastplate 0
386 Magic Plate 0
387 Cracked Breastplate 0
388 Demon Breastplate 0
389 Chainmail 0
390 Ice Mail 0
391 Elven Chainmail 0
392 Ramera Armour 0
393 Shiny Chain 0
394 Cursed Chainmail 0
395 Bronze Corset 0
396 Leather Armor 0
397 Tough Leather Armor 0
398 Hunter Guard 0
399 Dragon Mail 0
400 Luci Koynunu 0
401 Rotten Leather Armour 0
402 Ruin Leather Armour 0
403 Robe 0
404 Fairy Robe 0
405 Ninja Suit 0
406 Crested Robe 0
407 Lunar Feather Robe 0
408 Cursed Robe 0
409 Snake God Robe 0
410 Gauntlets 0
411 Knight Gauntlets 0
412 Mithril Gauntlets 0
413 Magic Gauntlets 0
414 Saphire Arm 0
415 Damaged Gauntlets 0
416 Death's Gauntlets 0
417 Chain Gloves 0
418 Virtue Gauntlets 0
419 Mantis Gauntlets 0
420 Ramera Gauntlets 0
421 Rose Gauntlets 0
422 Old Gloves 0
423 Ruin Gauntlets 0
424 Leather Gloves 0
425 Power Glove 0
426 Ninja Gauntlets 0
427 Dragon Glove 0
428 Force Glove 0
429 Ragged Gauntlets 0
430 Heavy Hand 0
431 Mittons 0
432 Fairy Gloves 0
433 Magical Gloves 0
434 Flame Gloves 0
435 Light Mittons 0
436 Holey Gloves 0
437 Dark Mittons 0
438 Plate Leggings 0
439 Dwarven Leggings 0
440 Mithril Leggings 0
441 Magic Leggings 0
442 Saphire Leggings 0
443 Rusty Leggings 0
444 Salamander Leggings 0
445 Chain Leggings 0
446 Hope Greaves 0
447 Holy Leggings 0
448 Hardy Greaves 0
449 Immortal Leggings 0
450 Bone Leggings 0
451 Dark Boots 0
452 Leather Boots 0
453 Tough Leather Shoes 0
454 Woodsman's Boots 0
455 Dragon Greaves 0
456 Hero Greaves 0
457 Battered Leather Shoes 0
458 Spulunker Shoes 0
459 Shoes 0
460 Fire Shoes 0
461 Ninja Socks 0
462 Magical Boots 0
463 Angel Sandals 0
464 Glass Slippers 0
465 Red Sabo 0
466 Cloak 0
467 Silver Cloak 0
468 Diamond Colony 0
469 Saphire Cloak 0
470 Master Cloak 0
471 Heavy Cloak 0
472 Dark Cloak 0
473 Cloak 0
474 Frost Cloak 0
475 Griffin Cloak 0
476 Koynunu Manteau 0
477 Self-changing cloak 0
478 Corrupted Cloak 0
479 Wings of Destruction 0
480 Cape 0
481 Innocent Cloak 0
482 Crescent Cloak 0
483 Midsummer Garb 8 Attack a row of enemies with fire.
484 Magical Cape 0
485 Torn Cape 0
486 Nightmare Cloak 0
487 Chain Belt 0
488 Innocent Belt 0
489 Power Belt 0
490 Spirit Belt 0
491 High King's Belt 0
492 Short Belt 0
493 Demon King Belt 0
494 Leather Belt 0
495 Bat Belt 0
496 Champion's Belt 0
497 Blue Belt 0
498 Force Robe 0
499 Bone Belt 0
500 Judgement Obi 0
501 Obi 0
502 Tiger Loincloth 0
503 Warrior's Black Obi 0
504 Mystery Obi 0
505 Crimson Obi 0
506 Dirty Obi 0
507 Charm Obi 0
508 Charm 0
509 Anti-Demon Charm 0
510 Purify Charm 0
511 Holy Charm 0
512 Flame Charm 0
513 +1 Flame Charm 0
514 +2 Flame Charm 0
515 +3 Flame Charm 0
516 Ice Charm 0
517 +1 Ice Charm 0
518 +2 Ice Charm 0
519 +3 Ice Charm 0
520 Thunder Charm 0
521 +1 Lightning Charm 0
522 +2 Lightning Charm 0
523 +3 Lightning Charm 0
524 Light Seal 0
525 +1 Light Seal 0
526 +2 Light Seal 0
527 +3 Light Seal 0
528 Dark Seal 0
529 +1 Dark Seal 0
530 +2 Dark Seal 0
531 +3 Dark Seal 0
532 +4 Flame Charm 0
533 +4 Ice Charm 0
534 +4 Lightning Charm 0
535 Rainbow Charm 0
536 Spell Charm 0
537 Magic Charm 0
538 Curse Charm 0
539 Divine Charm 0
540 Crude Ring 0
541 Bone Ring 0
542 Sacred Tree's Ring 0
543 Diamond Ring 0
544 Rusted Ring 0
545 Fairy Ring 0
546 Cat's Eye Ring 0
547 Recovery Ring 35 Recovers a small amount of HP for all allies.
548 Death Ring 0
549 Friendship Ring 0
550 White Ring 0
551 Sara Ring 0
552 Angel's Ring 0
553 Heracles Ring 0
554 Drim Ring 0
555 Ring of Life 0
556 Ankh of Luck 0
557 Ankh of Faith 0
558 Ankh of Stamina 0
559 Ankh of Speed 0
560 Ankh of Strength 0
561 Ankh of Wisdom 0
562 Ankh of Divine Fortune 0
563 Cult Ankh 0
564 Life Ankh 0
565 Keen Ankh 0
566 Herculean Ankh 0
H Intelligence Ankh 0
568 Potion 24 Recovers a small amount of HP for a single ally.
569 Potion of Awakening 144 Recovers a single ally from sleep.
570 Antidote 28 Recovers a single ally from poison.
571 Mahi Oil 33 Recovers a single ally from paralysis.
572 Night Dew Lozenges 145 Recovers a single ally from silence.
573 Herb of Tranquility 146 Recovers a single ally from confusion.
574 Love Flower Crystal 147 Recovers a single ally from charm.
575 Stone Softener 148 Recovers a single ally from petrified.
576 Full-Health Potion 143 Recovers all HP for a single ally.
577 Revival Tonic 44 Has a chance of recovering a single ally from death.
578 All-Purpose Herb 137 Cures sleep, silence, confusion and charm for one ally.
579 Black Lacquered Helm 0
580 Black Lacquered Plate 0
581 Black Lacquered Gauntlet 0
582 Black Lacquered Shield 0
583 Black Lacquered Mask 0
584 Holy Flute 149 Removes curses cast by ghost and undead-type monsters. I curse that has been applied to the monster of Ray immortality. Removes curses cast by ghost and undead-type monsters.
585 Harp of Sleep 2 High probability of putting a single enemy to sleep.
586 Horn of Surprise 17 Raises all enemies' AC by 4. Stackable.
587 Kagura 25 Bless the weapons of all allies, allowing them to damage ghosts.
588 Captivating Lute 64 Has a high probability of charming a single enemy.
589 Puppet Maracas 62 Makes enemies concentrate attacks on a single ally.
590 Fissure Drums 16 Inflicts damage by splitting the ground. Has a low chance of swallowing the enemy. The damage in the crack in the ground, swallowing the enemy with low probability. Inflicts damage by splitting the ground. Has a low chance of swallowing the enemy.
591 Zero Flute 66 All changes made during battle to ally and enemy abilities are returned to normal. Undo friend or foe of all, the ability to changes in combat. All changes made during battle to ally and enemy abilities are returned to normal.
592 Healing Fork 36 Heals all allies of mild status effects. Recover state mild abnormalities of All allies. Heals all allies of mild status effects.
593 Thunder God's Harp 19 Attack a single enemy with lightning.
594 Magic Stahl 61 Has a chance of confusing a row of enemies.
595 Full-Bodied Swing 0
596 Syphon Ring 0
597 Energy Flux 0
598 Aura Punch 0
599 Magic Map 3 Display the map of the current floor.
600 Devil Iron 999 Alchemy material.
601 +1 Devil Iron 999 Alchemy material.
602 +2 Devil Iron 999 Alchemy material.
603 Elvish Iron 999 Alchemy material.
604 +1 Elvish Iron 999 Alchemy material.
605 +2 Elvish Iron 999 Alchemy material.
606 Vectorium 999 Alchemy material.
607 +1 Vectorium 999 Alchemy material.
608 +2 Vectorium 999 Alchemy material.
609 Devil's Lapis 999 Alchemy material.
610 +1 Devil's Lapis 999 Alchemy material.
611 +2 Devil's Lapis 999 Alchemy material.
612 Sensolite 999 Alchemy material.
613 +1 Sensolite 999 Alchemy material.
614 +2 Sensolite 999 Alchemy material.
615 Millstone 999 Alchemy material.
616 +1 Millstone 999 Alchemy material.
617 +2 Millstone 999 Alchemy material.
618 Junk 999 Not a particularly useful thing.
619 Air Seed 999 Makes it possible to breathe underwater.
620 Small Chest 0 Regains year of youth.
621 Rock Counter 999 The number of stone blocks on the current floor become known. The number of stone blocks of the floor can be seen within. The number of stone blocks on the current floor become known.
622 Dove's Bell 999 Drives away monsters on the current floor. I drive away the fixing of floor monsters within. Drives away monsters on the current floor.
623 Crow's Bell 999 Attracts monsters on the current floor. I recall a fixed monster floor within. Attacts monsters on the current floor.
624 Sheephair Brush 999 Displays monsters on the current floor on your map. I want to display the map of the floor fixed monster within. Displays monsters on the current floor on your map.
625 Bone Slippers 999 Carries the party to the temple when they are wiped out.
626 Death's Pinwheel 999 Level of monsters becomes known during combat. Level of monsters in combat is known. Level of monsters becomes known during combat.
627 Dice of Fate 999 Displays certain numerical variables in combat. I want to display a number of different decision in combat. Displays certain numerical variables in combat.
628 Philosopher's Stone 0 Class changes into that of an Alchemist.
629 Star Fragment 999 Mysterious fragment.
630 Moon Fragment 999 Mysterious fragment.
631 Sun Fragment 999 Mysterious fragment.
632 Space Fragment 999 Mysterious fragment.
633 Medal of Power 0 A completely new Class chooses you and it is a random event.
634 Magic Herb 142 <Herbalist> Restores MP of all allies by 1. I will restore the one MP of the herb nurses] All allies. <Herbalist> Restores MP of all allies by 1.
635 Illusion Drop 999 Preparation material.
636 First Love Flower 999 Preparation material.
637 Sun Herb 999 Preparation material.
638 Mystery Herb 999 Preparation material.
639 Tranquil Herb 999 Preparation material.
640 Underground Goblin Map 3 Displays a map of the current floor.
641 Duma's Gem 3 Displays a map of the current floor.
642 Weed 999 Weed that seems to be of no use.
643 Rock 999 Rock that seems to be of no use.
644 Sturdy Steel 999 Very strong steel.
645 Bulky Hide 999 Fur of a huge animal.
646 Strike 0
647 Strike 0
648 Strike 0
649 Strike 0
650 Strike 0
651 Strike 0
652 Strike 0
653 Strike 0
654 Strike 0
655 Strike 0
656 Strike 0
657 Strike 0
658 Strike 0
659 Strike 0
660 Slash 0
661 Slash 0
662 Slash 0
663 Slash 0
664 Slash 0
665 Slash 0
666 Slash 0
667 Slash 0
668 Slash 0
669 Slash 0
670 Slash 0
671 Slash 0
672 Slash 0
673 Slash 0
674 Charge 0
675 Charge 0
676 Charge 0
677 Charge 0
678 Charge 0
679 Charge 0
680 Charge 0
681 Charge 0
682 Charge 0
683 Charge 0
684 Charge 0
685 Charge 0
686 Charge 0
687 Charge 0
688 Attack 0
689 Attack 0
690 Attack 0
691 Attack 0
692 Attack 0
693 Attack 0
694 Attack 0
695 Attack 0
696 Dark Crystal 0
697 Do nothing 0
698 Mork Cricketer 0
699 Dragon Flute 51 Breath attack.


Aug 23, 2005
never in a million years, Courtier Siveon Dorateen GhopTheConqueror Shackleton Viata Celerity Mustawd Crooked Bee

did i remotely imagine Gothic actually has, and the numbers DO NOT LIE!, _more items that do shit than Elminage: ORiginal! hoooray! The "common conception, herp herp" has always, and i myself shared it until right this moment and reading this that E: Original had that contest on lock down because supposed Starfish wanted to make Gothic grittier and that meant somewhere along the process a mandate or whatever said ONLY 10 ITEMS IN THE ENTIRE GAME CAN DO SOMETHING! TEN! NINE! IT IS NOW NINE! AND THEY... BREAK WHEN USED!.

but guess not. there's so much shit in that list: emperor dragon sword being a free unending source of POMEEDOON spell ??? i need that in my life; so many enemies carved betwixt their necrotic remains using THE WITCH OF DEATH scythe never would've imagined it casts (Elminage's version of 'Tiltowait' called) Enterook Mista.

And i always wondered wtf was so fucking sdpecial about the fucking Master of Love's DRAGON FLUTE. you have to jump through 20 hoops to get it and it has crap stats and can charm an enemy, or maybe not, depends ! but it also has on-demand fire-based breath attack so.... yeah, niiice. and it is fire-attribute because the master of love uses it on you in battle sometimes but it doesn't say AND NOW HIS FLUTE WARBLES HOT YOGAA- etc.

Saw at least 3 different weapons that were all 3 weapons considered "heavy hitters" and usable only by NON-CASTER character builds (and classes, ofc) and they made sure to have some magic love spread around as i saw a lot of "THIS DOUBLE AXE SP TRIGGER ZEO NADAAR SPELL YO".


Aug 23, 2005
that doc is old apprently cos i just noticed there are even more i know of that aren't listed. but they're all mostly stuff that was prolly added later because 90% of it is random weapons giving +1 Attribute point, nothing worth mentioning.

did learn today however there is a sword called the soul eater sword that grants any character that cannot summon an enemy and therefore bind him to service, well, now they can by using that sword and without having to change their class to summoner. obvious downside is no Summoner class perk of oath of blood which basically means have fun trying to summon shit there buddy with yer sword of souls!

the other stuff not on the list:

the entirety of the 15-20 Rings of Something in the game, each one does what their name syas mostly. Ring of friendship (60% vs charm), etc stuff exactly like you're imaginig. They are actually insanely useful, those rings, as the single highest anti-Beheading gear is Angel Ring with fucking 65 %.

there is a shield with 90 percent vs beheading but shields take up valuable arms... a ring just occupies 1 of two accessories.


Aug 23, 2005
btw, i think i found the file which tells the game how to place enemies, as in how to position them whether initiate the encounter with first 3 of the same zombies in row A @ you, then tow B is a GIANT SERPENT OMGZ, and a surprise 3rd row is something whatever.

That sort of thing? well i do believe this is the lone text file responsible for all of the setups and seems to me almost BEGGING to be tweaked:




no joke whatsover here i do believe it is as simple as moving around their X's and O's. the text file is machine-interpreted and assuming the person who tweaks it floows their set up rules which we don't know about, game should interpret fine. i mean. this AINT ROCKET SCIENCE.
Last edited:


Aug 23, 2005
the entire list of specifically what item harbors an invocation SP and what that SP does, note that this list includes holdovers from the very beginning (Original) so the "numbers" that represent shit are the same game to game.

i.e. giving a whip the SP number of '104' does exactly what it will do regardless of what elminage game it is. ANYWAY



No Type ?? ???????????????????? ??????? ??

0 ?? ??

1 Class change system Class is changed to Warrior Class changed to Warrior

Class change system Class is changed to Warrior Class changed to Warrior
Class is changed to Mage Class changed to Mage

Class is changed to Mage Class changed to Mage
Class is changed to Cleric Class changed to Cleric

Class is changed to Cleric Class changed to Cleric
Class is changed to Thief Class changed to Thief

Class is changed to Thief Class changed to Thief
Class is changed to Alchemist Class changed to Alchemist

Class is changed to Alchemist Class changed to Alchemist
Class is changed to Servant Class changed to Servant

Class is changed to Servant Class changed to Servant
Class is changed to Bishop Class changed to Bishop

Class is changed to Bishop Class changed to Bishop
Class is changed to Hunter Class changed to Hunter

Class is changed to Hunter Class changed to Hunter
Class is changed to Brawler Class changed to Brawler

Class is changed to Brawler Class changed to Brawler
Class is changed to Bard Class changed to Bard

Class is changed to Bard Class changed to Bard
Class is changed to Shaman Class changed to Shaman

Class is changed to Shaman Class changed to Shaman
Class is changed to Summoner Class changed to Summoner

Class is changed to Summoner Class changed to Summoner
Class is changed to Valkyrie Class changed to Valkyrie

Class is changed to Valkyrie Class changed to Valkyrie
Class is changed to Lord Class changed to Lord

Class is changed to Lord Class changed to Lord
Class is changed to Samurai Class changed to Samurai

Class is changed to Samurai Class changed to Samurai
Class is changed to Ninja Class changed to Ninja

Class is changed to Ninja Class changed to Ninja
Class is changed to a random basic class. Class changed

Class is changed to a random basic class. Class changed
Class is changed to a random intermediate class. Class changed

Class is changed to a random intermediate class. Class changed
Class is changed to a random expert class. Class changed

Class is changed to a random expert class. Class changed
Class is changed to a random class. Class changed

Class is changed to a random class. Class changed
21 Race change system Race is changed to Human Race changed to Human

Race change system Race is changed to Human Race changed to Human
Race is changed to Elf Race changed to Elf

Race is changed to Elf Race changed to Elf
Race is changed to Dwarf Race changed to Dwarf

Race is changed to Dwarf Race changed to Dwarf
Race is changed to Gnome Race changed to Gnome

Race is changed to Gnome Race changed to Gnome
Race is changed to Hotlet Race changed to Hotlet

Race is changed to Hotlet Race changed to Hotlet
Race is changed to Fairy Race changed to Fairy

Race is changed to Fairy Race changed to Fairy
Race is changed to Werebeast Race changed to Werebeast

Race is changed to Werebeast Race changed to Werebeast
Race is changed to Dragonewt Race changed to Dragonewt

Race is changed to Dragonewt Race changed to Dragonewt
Race is changed to Devilish Race changed to Devilish

Race is changed to Devilish Race changed to Devilish
Race is changed to Magic Doll Race changed to Magic Doll

Race is changed to Magic Doll Race changed to Magic Doll
Race is changed to Ogre Race changed to Ogre

Race is changed to Ogre Race changed to Ogre
Race is changed to Goblin Race changed to Goblin

Race is changed to Goblin Race changed to Goblin
Race randomly changes in the range of 'Human' - 'Devilish' Race changed

Race changed
Race randomly changes in the range of 'Human' - 'Goblin' Race changed

Race changed
Race randomly changes in the range of 'Human' - 'Magic Doll' Race changed

Race changed
36 God's Divine Protection type Receive God's Divine Protection 'Ildorah' Received the Protection of Creation It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods

It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods
Receive God's Divine Protection 'Achtelle' Received the Protection of Transformation It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods

It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods
Receive God's Divine Protection 'Rosela' Received the Protection of Destruction It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods

It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods
Receive God's Divine Protection 'Void' Received the Protection of Space It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods

It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods
Receive God's Divine Protection 'Nalhu' Received the Protection of Time It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods

It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods
Receive God's Divine Protection 'Dehein' Received the Protection of Existence It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods

It is not possible to receive the blessings of the gods
42 Character sheet change system Gender is changed to Male Gender changed to Male

Character sheet change system Gender is changed to Male Gender changed to Male
Gender is changed to Female Gender changed to Female

Gender is changed to Female Gender changed to Female
Alignment is changed to Good Alignment changed to Good

Alignment is changed to Good Alignment changed to Good
Alignment is changed to Neutral Alignment changed to Neutral

Alignment is changed to Neutral Alignment changed to Neutral
Alignment is changed to Evil Alignment changed to Evil

Alignment is changed to Evil Alignment changed to Evil
STR inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). STR gained

STR inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). STR gained
INT inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). INT gained

INT inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). INT gained
PTY inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). PTY gained

PTY inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). PTY gained
VIT inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). VIT gained

VIT inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). VIT gained
AGI inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). AGI gained

AGI inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). AGI gained
LUC inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). LUC gained

LUC inreased by 1. Can not exceed the racial limit (race base value +10). LUC gained
STR decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. STR lost

STR decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. STR lost
INT decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. INT lost

INT decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. INT lost
PTY decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. PTY lost

PTY decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. PTY lost
VIT decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. VIT lost

VIT decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. VIT lost
AGI decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. AGI lost

AGI decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. AGI lost
LUC decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. LUC lost

LUC decreased by 1. Cannot be reduced to 2 or less. LUC lost
Will increase age by 1. Became 1 year older

Will increase age by 1. Became 1 year older
Will decrease age by 1. Became 1 year younger

Will decrease age by 1. Became 1 year younger
Will increase age by 10. Became 10 years older

Will increase age by 10. Became 10 years older
Occupation changes became 0. Attained Purity

Attribute of breath changes to Fire Breath changes to Fire

Attribute of breath changes to Fire Breath changes to Fire
Attribute of breath changes to Water Breath changes to Water

Attribute of breath changes to Water Breath changes to Water
Attribute of breath changes to Thunder Breath changes to Thunder

Attribute of breath changes to Thunder Breath changes to Thunder
Attribute of breath changes to Holy Breath changes to Holy

Attribute of breath changes to Holy Breath changes to Holy
Attribute of breath changes to Dark Breath changes to Dark

Attribute of breath changes to Dark Breath changes to Dark
Attribute of breath changes to Sleep Breath changes to Sleep

Attribute of breath changes to Sleep Breath changes to Sleep
Attribute of breath changes to Poison Breath changes to Poison

Attribute of breath changes to Poison Breath changes to Poison
Attribute of breath changes to Paralysis Breath changes to Paralysis

Attribute of breath changes to Paralysis Breath changes to Paralysis
Attribute of breath changes to Silence Breath changes to Silence

Attribute of breath changes to Silence Breath changes to Silence
Attribute of breath changes to Confusion Breath changes to Confusion

Attribute of breath changes to Confusion Breath changes to Confusion
Attribute of breath changes to Charm Breath changes to Charm

Attribute of breath changes to Charm Breath changes to Charm
Attribute of breath changes to Petrify Breath changes to Petrify

Attribute of breath changes to Petrify Breath changes to Petrify
Attribute of breath changes to Death Breath changes to Death

Attribute of breath changes to Death Breath changes to Death
Attribute of breath changes at random Breath changes

Attribute of breath changes at random Breath changes
77 System based Forgets all spells. All spells have been forgotten.

System based

??????????????? Map reset to unexplored state

Map reset to unexplored state
79 Recovery system Max HP is increased by 1-20. Max HP increased

Recovery system Max HP is increased by 1-20. Max HP increased
MP is fully restored. MP fully recovered

MP is fully restored. MP fully recovered
MP is fully restored for whole party. Party MP fully recovered

MP is fully restored for whole party. Party MP fully recovered
MP is reduced to 0. MP dropped to 0

MP is reduced to 0. MP dropped to 0
MP is reduced to 0 for whole party. Party MP dropped to 0

MP is reduced to 0 for whole party. Party MP dropped to 0
Fully restores HP and removes abnormal status effects for the entire party. Everyone's HP and status was restored.

Fully restores HP and removes abnormal status effects for the entire party.

Get petrified Petrified

Get petrified Petrified
Die Dead

Die Dead
Get turned to ash Turned to ash

Get turned to ash Turned to ash
88 Item change system (possibly Item craft, or alchemy system is better, I don稚 even know if this line appears in game anywhere or is only for reference) (Ice Mail) When Flame Mail is used, becomes Frost Flame Mail. Changed to Frost Flame Mail. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.
Item change system (possibly Item craft, or alchemy system is better, I don稚 even know if this line appears in game anywhere or is only for reference)

(Flame Mail) When Ice Mail is used, becomes Frost Flame Mail. Changed to Frost Flame Mail. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.

(Shield of Truth) When a summoner in the party returns a summoned Medusa, the shield will become a Goddess Shield in exchange for removing the summon contract. Changed to Goddess Shield. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.

(Corrupted Cloak) When a summoner in the party returns a summoned Succubus, the cloak will become a Nightmare Cloak in exchange for removing the summon contract. Changed to Nightmare Cloak. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.

(King's Sword) When a summoner in the party returns a summoned Insect Lord, the sword will become a Crimson Sword in exchange for removing the summon contract. Changed to Crimson Sword. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.

(Rusted Ring) When a summoner in the party returns a summoned Vampire Lord, the ring will become a Friendship Ring in exchange for removing the summon contract. Changed to Friendship Ring. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.

(Wooden Pill Box) When a summoner in the party returns a summoned Shogun, the box will become a Pill Box in exchange for removing the summon contract. Changed to Pill Box. Nothing happened. You seem to be missing something.

(Loincloth) Loincloths reduced to 1. Loincloths reduced to 1.

Occupation changes to Cleric when user dies. Blessed with an exchange of life.

A single party member's sex is swapped at random. Someone's sex changed.

Displays game progress: - Number of cleared events, number of encountered monsters (including deities) and item completion. Mysterious letter appear.

If the user is a Servant, their occupation will be changed to Lord. Enveloped by magic light. Nothing happened.

The first letters of your name and nickname are changed to 'Bald'. If your name is shorter than 'Bald', then it will simply be changed to 'Bald'. Went bald.

Uses an SP move to make Harmony your contracted summon monster. 1. If the user has learnt a summon spell, the summon level will be random. 2. If the user does not already know any summon spells, they will forcibly learn a level 1 spell, have 3 MP for the level 1 spell, and make a contract with level 1 Harmony.

SP for the spear "Kiyomi". If the user is also the SP user, then: 1. If there is only one party member, nothing will happen or 2. if there are 2 or more character is the party, the user and one other character will be turned to ash at random. The Flames of Passion consumed them both. Someone is missing.

Consumes 1 Fame from anyone with SP to add attack power to the Wand of Records. The Wand of Records' attack power is equal to 1 ? X, where X is equal to: ??Amount of fame from offered SP) x 2 + 1. This attack power can be seen on the item display. Furthermore, if either of the following occurs due to SP failure, please leave a message and take no further action: 1. Having no fame; 2. Having not cleared a scenario section. ( flg_008a == When OFF, fails). The Wand of Records shone with Fame. Unable to offer fame.

If the user is not a summoner, they will learn 'Summon' 'Contract' and 'Return' and gain 3 MP. If the user is a summoner, nothing will happen. Attined power of contract. Already possesses the power of contract.

Bluelane (421) is changed to Bluelane 1-(324). A mysterious impulse built up.

SP move that changes experience points into money. The user is reduced to level 1 with 8 HP and all further experience they gain is added to their GP. Existing experience was exchanged for GP.

Randomly grants one of the following five items (Removing the SP move will also remove the item). 1. 112- Buckler, 2. 127- Leather Helm, 3. 164- Breastplate, 4. 216- Boots, 5. 483- Altoush. What will appear?























Jan 21, 2016
Muramasa with X2 to ennemy type with death scythe blessing for a total of x10 dmg (I haven't tried with the death spear which is x10 to god and then death scythe blessing, would mean x50 dmg against god? lol)


Aug 23, 2005
dear god fighting Belial is so fucking tedious. by seemingly an amusing accident i have ended up with a new level 150+ Cleric.

this man used to be my level 120-something Innocent Ninja.

I got tired of him never being able to DO ANYTHING or cast a single spell besides "ninja stuff"so i devised the master plan of first buying some women's glass slippers. ahem. i cobbled them into manly-sized feet-sizes by using magical enchantment Ores and stuck it on my Innocent Ninja so he'd finally learn some spells, and then when he learned Cleric spells I even already had pre-bought and safe in the Warehouse a Hermit's Knife for him to go back to Ninja; and all this folks, without losing a single level!

lol then i remembered clerics can't equip knives. on the plus side my new 200+ level cleric will clear out the fucking gates with 1 single IMMOLARATI. plus, you know, healing and shit. I'm cool.


Aug 23, 2005
i haven't fought any gods yet other than regular god-type enemies. they have all been far simpler to defeat because they don't hit as hard as polyete, stargazer or Belial do. not only do they hit hard, but many times in a row, and if the party member receiving a few slaps from Belial on a Round Start (fight!) if he doesn't have at least -35 AC preferably -40 AC and HIGHER (don't stop!) he will 100% guaranteed be dead when Belial finsihes the 4th or 5th punch (each one dealing i dunno, like 200-400 dmg depending, all i know Belial can easily take off 1k of HP off my -42 AC Lord who has 1.2k Hit points. The only one who takes his beatings easy used to by my -55 AC NINJA, who i just turned into a priest LOLOL cos i forgot my brilliant plan to hermit's knife him back into the ninja suit was fucking retarded cos clerics don't equip the fucking knife.

on the upside this particular cleric can wipe out two, three or more Belials all together if they want using IMMOLARATI and his old self as a Ninja could definitely not claim anything near as cool.

also, i'm dead sure with a few more level ups and grinding for a few minutes the Tower 2nd floor Ore-mining deposit and getting lucky with one that has hopefully 55+ points.... i can raise my new Cleric's DARK ATTACK ATTRIBUTE to 300 %.

the ultimate. the feeling the devil has when he wakes up. and/or do the exact same but with 300 % HOLY ATTACK ATTRIBUTE, which might be better. Elnam already does SICK, SICK dmg on Belial and he only has a default +3 holy seal amulete equipped, and each elnam bolt deals 200-300 dmg or more. probably the 2x dmg vs Devil belt he's wearing which boosts the Elnam damage total (however it does not interefere in any way with how, or WHETHER OR NOT, said Elnam hits or whatever; but it does factor into the spell's end-result the dmg.

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