Well there are certainly a lot of moving parts to manage, so it's complex at least. Just looking at the different main characters you can pick shows mechanics involving:
* Police raids, you can influence how camouflaged you are
* Trading w other factions, you can influence prices
* Income from various types of businesses, that can fluctuate per type
* Control unions
* Faction relations (ally, neutral, enemy, ?) that change through gameplay
* STD gameplay
infection chance can be influenced
* Businesses can offer different quality levels of product/service
* Base upgrade prices can be influenced
* Businesses must be staffed, skeleton crew or fully staffed?
* "Favors" exist and may be bought
Watching the devs play was excruciating and I skipped a lot of it, but there is a lot going on here. The demo ended up being mostly a lot of XCOM combat, which isn't a bad thing particularly if the actual game is balanced like they said instead of the lame cakewalk we saw here.
Still interested to check this out.