wow, setting spu delay to "0" by manually editing the config file boosted my performance in wiz-labyrinth of lost souls almost 1.5x times. sure, the game already ran/runs at its native maximum of 30fps but that little option made it fly (with fps limiter disabled from emu options).
i haven't continued playing WLoLS tho because there is a hard crash whenever a few specific mage spells are used, including katino. after extensive trouble-shooting (i.e. analyzing the log files, changing every single option around over and over) i have come to the conclusion that the problem has to do with a "bad" .pkg of the game.
the .pkg requires you to install a "crack.pkg" over the wizardry.pkg because the game .pkg is by default a "trial version", since this game was a PSOnline downloadable. I have yet to try and see if the same spells crash the game WITHOUT the crack by simply playing the trial version (allows you to explore first 3 floors), mostly because i can't be bothered right now since it will probably crash anyway; the error messages when this happens all reference missing assets/scenes, so i don't think the crack.pkg has anything much to do with it.
other than that, game is theoretically 100% playable as long as you never use those spells in combat... but screw that, obviously.
i decided to re-download persona 5 iso again (i foolishly deleted the 20gb thing when i saw how it ran...) so i'm still downloading both catherine and p5. i bet however that the main reason catherine now runs so well is simply because of the extensive optimization the dev team has done for persona 5, as they share the same engine.
sadly i really don't think whatever specific bug makes WLoLS crash when casting specific spells will get fixed any time soon as i really can't imagine this being anywhere near the dev team's radars whatsoever.
i'll post later with some gameplay footage of catherine running, and p5 as well, now that i know about manually editing the config file. that change alone mentioned in the video's description literally almost doubled the performance for the one game i am using to test the emulator, so i expect similar tidings for p5/catherine.
i'm hoping p5'll now be at like, 15 fps in crowded areas and 20 fps anywhere else, but i'll confirm it.
oasis789 : nicoblog finally put up ELMINAGE: ORIGINAL, the new 3DS port/localization but it is in .CIA format. I used to have a handy tool that allowed to easily unpack .cia/.3ds roms and then build the folders back into either of the 2 formats and decrypt them along the way, but i completely lost it and cannot find it.
it was called something like RomFileExplore or something like that, maybe it was FSTool or some shit like that; my point is:
- i just literally now spent like 40 mins googling for this tool and couldn't find it, i did find: 3ds builder, every file explorer, makeROM, romFS builder, romFS extracter, 3ds explorer, decrypt9, CTXtool, and a bunch more.
- NONE of those were even remotely close to the capability of the tool i mention, which was a simply exe which when launched had a simple GUI where it had buttons for opening a 3ds game file, extracting shit, decrypting the shit, and building the ROM again.
- I once again ask you or anyone reading what is now the easiest/fastest way to convert this elminage: original 3ds .CIA rom into something I can play in CITRA... all the other tools i found earlier googling require console commands and/or simply don't do what they should be doing correctly.