no, slow motion should not be normal. you probably aren't using the optimal settings for the emulator, as there are a bunch that are added with Cemuhook.
If you don't know what Cemuhook is it is "third party" DLL addition that you drop into Cemu folder and it will add new options to Cemu, and configuring those are the key for perfect BotW frame rate.
This guy covers cemuhook and its options:
No, the game runs a solid 30fps on cheapish laptops and 60 on the latest desktop cpus.Is it normal that Zelda BOTW is pretty slow on my I7 4790k ? It's okay in Wilderness area, but Link walks in slow motion in towns.
I never used Retroarch, is it good? And is it easy to set up?
After Dragon's Crown in 2013, Vanillaware released four "scenarios" for Muramasa: Rebirth (the PS Vita port of Muramasa) and then released in 2016 Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, which is a remake rather than a simple port of their earlier game Odin Sphere.Dragon's Crown also looks really good (it's the latest Vanillaware game afaik). Too bad the game itself is pretty bad.
I'm pretty sure if I paid 70$+ for a game that was over in 30 minutes I wouldn't be giving it any GOTY nominations. The itemization in Dragon's Crown is indeed pretty bad (too many items with too subtle differences... nobody gives a shit about 3% resistance to undead damage) but the sense of progression is a good thing, and encourages going as deep as you can into the chaos labyrinth in the endgame, not grinding low level shit that won't give loot anyways. And the skill system puts it above Shadow over Mystara imo. Being able to load up your wizard with different sorts of spells, or make your dwarf specialize in chucking bombs or grappling enemies or whatever is pretty cool. That also kinda falls apart after you get way too many skill points, but that's well into the post game, and even then, you can only equip so many spells/abilities/items so you have to pick a loadout instead of just being generic mage guy with the same spells every time.The 'progression' elements are superfluous and only dilute the game instead of enriching it in any meaningful way. It leads to rote repetition and incentivizes grinding, which should never happen in games like these. Sitting in menus selling/identifying items drags the game down, it doesn't provide any actual benefit.
Dragon's Crown pales in comparison with Shadow over Mystara, for example, both mechanically and in terms of level design.
The game has a beautiful art style and cool music, though. It's not bad. Just not as good as the best arcade beat'em ups, Capcom or otherwise. Play, for example, Denjin Makai 2 or Undercover Cops for examples of truly great games of this type.
Figures that as soon as i post that, the Async shaders got merged in.
If you just grab the latest build, you'll have it enabled from the get go.