Surely that can't be the goal though.
Why not exactly ? He is way too smart to believe he can actually take down Steam. If Epic would strangle any significant part of the market from Steam, Valve would reduce their revenue cut and all publishers would stop to give a shit about Epic.
If Epic achieved it by accumulating a huge loss, they'd never recover it.
1) If they can have almsost all gamers get used to buying exclusives there, they will be able to sell all games published by them without sharing revenue with anyone.
2) Supposedly operating costs are 7% of the revenue, so with their 12% cut, they generate 5% of revenue from all exclusives sold there as profit. It's not exactly the kind of money pool Gaben is swimming in, but it's still a nice profit with no risk, or investment.
The two above points are easily worth the hassle of perpetually giving out some very low risk, shortterm loans, to secure exclusives.
Every loss Epic has from the EGS can be written off in taxes.
You don't write losses from taxes, you write them off the future profits, which is the base to calculate taxes from. You know what else, other than purposefully lost money, can be written off from future profits ?
Any sensible investment that potentially will turn a profit in the future. This is why corporations reinvest all profits and don't pay any profit taxes, is your mind blown already ?
"Rich people loose money to not pay taxes" is a clickbait headline aimed at grabbing attention of a doubledigit IQ reader, by generating a righteous anger in his confused mind.