Good day all, Tuesday is ever a day for excitement as tensions and plotting surface in the office in the runup to another Dev Clash session. Today however feel free to tune in an hour earlier, as we'll be having a special wee stream for Third Rome itself.
For now though, we're going to talk about features available not only for Russians, but the Orthodox world at large: Metropolitans and Icons.
Patriarch Authority has been a game concept for Orthodox nations since time immemorial, or at least since release. While it's effects have been tweaked a little over the game's lifespan, sadly it has remained somewhat stale in that you wait for events to push it up or down. We've decided to revisit this mechanic to give it more life for Third Rome.
Patriarch Authority will still grant meaty bonuses to Unrest suppression, Missionary Strength and Manpower but it can now be spent to commission new
Icons for your nation. Orthodox nations across the globe will be able to make a call against the longlasting effects of high Patriarch Authority against a strong temporary bonus granted from commissioning an Icon.
Commissioning an Icon will cost 10 Patriarch Authority and will grant that icon's bonuses for your nation for 20 years. You can at any time switch your Icon out for another at a cost of a further 10 PA, or just wait for them to run their course. Each Icon's effects are as follows:
icon_michael = {
discipline = 0.05
manpower_recovery_speed = 0.1
icon_eleusa = {
global_unrest = -3
harsh_treatment_cost = -0.25
icon_pancreator = {
development_cost = -0.10
build_cost = -0.1
icon_nicholas = {
improve_relation_modifier = 0.25
ae_impact = -0.1
icon_climacus = {
global_institution_spread = 0.25
embracement_cost = -0.2
So a lot of flexibility is offered to the Ambitious Orthodox nation willing to part with some of their Patriarch Authority. Sources of Authority were, however, few and mercilessly random, so we have added a new State ability for followers of the Orthodox faith: Consecrate Metropolitan.
In any well developed (30+) State where your religion is in all provinces and cultures are accepted, you can Consecrate a Metropolitan. This will permanently grant a reduction to Devastation at the cost of slightly increased State Maintenance, but when used will bestow +5 Patriarch Authority. Any Orthodox nation can do this, but it plays particularly well into the Tsardom's hands with their increased State limit, allowing them to have more Metropolitans and boost up their Patriarch Authority further.
Both Metropolitans and Icons are features of Third Rome, our upcoming Immersion Pack for EU4. Next week I want to go over some of the changes coming along with v1.22. See you then!