The final solution to Nauvis is always artillery.
Even if you don't have arty, gun+flamer wall stops anything. To make it last for an eternity*, add bots and supply trains.
I would've liked to see final solutions to be varied. E.g. it's okay to have always war on Nauvis, always peace on Vulcanus, some friendly hippy solution on Gleba, no-solution-because-lolrandom-weather on Fulgora and some automatable cyclical bullshit on Aquilo.
*That is, until your resources run out.
But I've thought about "the final solution" for a bit. And, gentlemen, I do have a rant to share.
I haven't really played recently, but there's something that bugs me after I've watched some discussions and videos.
The game feels unfinished and rushed even more than vanilla. Now, now, hear me out, I know that the thing is decade in development.
Vanilla always had some decline in content density closer to the endgame. What's there to do when you've launched the rocket?
Let's compare it to, say, Minecraft and DF. In both, when you've "won" the game, you still could've gone on adventure looking for rare biomes or turbo-rare drops or built cities.
Factorio has a nice, but still limited progression.
When you learn to build a megabase with direct miner-train insertions, you realize that there's a single optimal way to do it (I haven't built them, but I know how to). There's nothing left to do then. You can't build "cities" because there're not enough decoratives or interactives (because no NPCs and POIs).
If you try to have some building variety, you can build circuit area, intermediary areas, science areas, research center, mall/hub, mine, train depot. Maybe some specialized military areas. So 7-8 installation types. They're connected by trains, so their relative geometry is basically irrelevant. That's one of the reasons why all city block bases look the same.
So I feel that there's not enough sandboxing in the sandbox game, because there're no "painting" tools and clutter.
There's no possibility to build temples or random things like in Minecraft. Or spam NPCs and hunt for unique dragon's left middle toe like in DF.
You can't fool around.
And if you would, say, expand 5 thousand screens to the south, just for shits and giggles, you get an endless carpet of biter nests. Or emptyness, because there're no random interactables to look for.
The problem became much worse in expansion. In all the games I saw, bases on other planets look like functional miniaturized clones of Nauvis's base: you build it, it spams items, you get out never to return (well, maybe you come to do some troubleshooting, but its a chore). Planets feel small, not geometrically, but functionally, because there's nothing to do except farming that particular color of ore. The world isn't interactive.
The staticity of the world and its monotony is why the game feels unfinished. It's like it had frozen in perma beta and can't let it go.
Kinda sad, really.