After a couple of playthroughs, I can say that this mod is too just a tad too short for what it wants to be. Thematically it is indeed Fallout 1.5, but its length would place it at Fallout 0.75.
Regardless of the major questlines you choose, it seems that you will run out of quests to do before getting all the attribute surgeries and high level perks. At that point it devolves into a repetitive grind if you want those. Special encounter rate also suggests the game's length is shorter than intended; it's entirely possible to fully explore the small outdoor map and run all over the place for a long time before hitting even one special encounter -- at 10 luck and 100+ outdoorsman. Maybe the encounters have too high level requirements, I wouldn't know. Found only 2 special encounters over 2 playthroughs.
One issue is the lack of non-combat skill checks, compounded by the restocking skillbook vendor. Stapleton was okay in Fallout 1 due to time limits and good skillcheck distribution throughout the content, but here it just makes the few skill checks less meaningful as every character ever can have the skillbook skills high enough to pass all their checks for a negligible skillpoint cost. And since shops don't have much money or useful goods in the first place, you practically have to buy skillbooks all the time to get rid of your loot. You know it's bad when a gifted character ends up with over 100 excess skillpoints before level 18 and no idea where to spend them.
Speech is pretty much the only well-used noncombat skill. Lockpicking also has a fair number of uses, but you won't be in a hurry to level it up for anything important. Some stats, traits and perks also feel woefully underused, but I'll have to play more before commenting on those. Combat skills on the other hand are very well represented. Two unarmed arenas, new guns of all three types, decent selection of melee weapons and even throwing gets some love.
Another problem is the inability to rest in town areas. That has to be a bug, I can't grasp why they would do such a thing. I guess all town NPCs are counted as hostile for some reason. It's annoying in the few quests that require you to be in a certain place at a certain time of the day. And a very minor gripe: the custom config exe for sfall/hires patch. Why did they even bother? It lacks some options, so I had to touch the config files anyways to get my usual settings. Oh well.
That's honestly all the bad I can think of at the moment. Everything else is pretty good. Quest design and reactivity is very Fallout and the world feels true to the original lore. The companion dialogs are a nice small improvement over the originals. Definitely the best Fallout total conversion mod I've played.
did anyone disarm the bomb in chucks shop? I am curious how high my trao skill would have to be
IIRC 70something to spot the booby trap, 101 to disarm it. It's the highest traps check I've seen.
The Shift button is highly appreciated. My eyes can but dont want to play pixel hunting~
The mouse wheel is okay. We have the F2 feature of arrows button so it's not like something we dont have before.
Indeed, those aren't something we didn't have before. They are standard sfall features. Almost decade old stuff.