And by killing smart people - I mean - I am killing dozens of innocents, usually, to kill the stupid big boss at the top. Sure, the president of the NCR or the leader of the brotherhood might be a stupid idiot, but that doesn't mean the people under them are, nor does it mean their general cause is so bad that it must be obliterated.
When the Legion takes the Dam, it results in the followers of the apocalypse or The Kings being killed. Maybe they aren't exactly the "smartest" people around, but there's nothing evil or stupid about those factions. Julie Farkas alone is worth slaughtering a bunch of stupid rapists for, considering what good she does. What can the legion do again exactly? Protect some caravans? Big fucking deal. So you'll sacrifice the only good to come out of the wasteland to preserve capitalism?
You don't need to kill the BoS if you choose to side with no one, which is what any sane person would do. Not that the BoS are the most likable of factions, but they never do anything worthy of total slaughter, at least not in NV.
A lot of Legion sympathizers always bring up the argument of, "Well, there's no evidence in the game for the Legion to actually do X, I mean, once they can finally stop conquering the map, they'll settle down build a utopia for sure, because that's what Caesar wants."
While it's true they might allow gay/lesbian relationships (because Rome sort of allowed those things, I guess, I'm no historian, but that's my impression), it doesn't change the fact being a woman in Legion territory is akin to living a life of slavery. It's a joke really, why waste perfectly good minds or bodies on manual labor or breeding stock? But that's what you get for following a hypocrite's idea of a perfect society.
Rual even sticking with you through your Legion escapades is just a token sympathy card from Obsidian. Realistically, he should blow your brains out for siding with a bunch of women-abusing thugs. Raul is some kind of chivilrous desperado, that much is unequivocal.
Caesar's dream come true will result in brief empire, where commerce and growth ramp up under his reign, but as soon as he's dead, unless he's found some incredibly equally charismatic and powerful leader to walk in his footsteps, it's inevitable that such a large amount of territory will crumble under his laws. You can't sustain a society by denying technological advances (in part, the Romans died out due to fact their leaders all drank fucking lead like a bunch of uneducated simpletons - a shame nobody was doing any kind of research back then to realize how fucking stupid they were being) like the Legion do. You certainly can't maintain order when you're turning half of the population into slaves or forcing them to work like cattle, not when firearms have already been invented.
Julie doesn't die at the end of the legion playthrough, Caesar grants them all safe passage back to the NCR, and likely, even when and if he conquers NCR, they still wouldn't be killed, as there are plenty of people who live under Caesar's land, he being an ex follower himself has a soft spot, and, if you knew shit all about the legion, you'd know that Caesar believes in evolution. The legion is a foundation that Caesar believes can stand, as well as unite the wasteland under one banner than can flourish, at the end of the game it states that caesar had brought civilization to the mojave, without corruption and resource mongering, it's a civilization that can actually survive, and thrive. You know that the NCR is on the brink of death at the beginning of the game right? They have 10 years before they run out of water and die, which is why they're trying to steal Vegas from mr house, so they can support their stretched out dying animal of a nation.
The kings are a footnote, and the NCR attempt to get you to kill them as well. The only difference between the NCR and the legion is that one makes you do what it wants, and the other sits idly by as you go against it's wishes and cries when you do. You know you lose NCR fame for going against Moore's wishes?(It can actually prevent you from continuing if it goes over the threshold) I'll agree that NCR has one of the best endings, but that isn't because it's the best faction, it's entirely because of the courier. Without the courier the ncr kicks the followers out of the mojave, and slaughters everyone. One of the reasons that I sometimes play the NCR is because you have the freedom to disobey the NCR, that doesn't make it a good faction, that makes it a weak faction that can't stand on it's own.
Indeed, but not killing the BoS when independent will likely lead to them eventually taking over the area, they take helios one, and they won't let a robot control the strip, independent is chaotic as fuck.
The reason legion sympathizers bring it up is because it's true, it's not wishful thinking, it's how the legion operates, they aren't some new thing, they are one of the largest factions in fallout, with a massive amount of territory, and under their territory, people thrive, law is absolute, there is no crime, no monsters, no raiders, just safety. Where those minds like Julie Farkas can further progress instead of dealing with drug addicted lowlifes.
False, that isn't remotely true of Caesar's territory, the Fort in Vegas is a war camp, and the people in it are enemy PoWs, conquered tribals, and ncr, those women are not treated any worse than the men. They serve roles that they are fit to, let's not pretend that men and women are equal al'right? Manual labour is a necessity, it needs to be done, and breeding is also a necessity, they need soldiers, having another generation of warriors is superior to having a bunch of women get slaughtered in battle. Let's look at history, when have women EVER been soldiers? Modern day, sure, but we live in a relatively stable world with a relatively stable population.
Let me try to make an analogy, imagine that the legion is Sparta, and the territory under it is Greece, the legion is entirely military, nothing else, under it's law the people are free, they pay no taxes whatsoever, and the legion doesn't bother with them at all, save criminal scum and drug dealers/junkies. Did Sparta being a brutal military state that threw babies off a cliff in any way affect the progress of the greeks? Doesn't seem so, what with them being one of the most inventive and prosperous ancient civilizations in the history of mankind.(Something that Caesar knows very well.)
Nope, because Raul isn't a moron, he's lived in legion territory, and he understands how it works.
The legion doesn't deny technological advances, they're simply a crutch to the legion, and again, the legion and the people under the legion aren't the same thing, legion land has working power, that is a technological advancement, the legion attempted to procure energy weapons from the van graffs. At hoover dam, the legion has advanced weaponry, marksman carbines and anti material rifles, because they can afford the luxury in this situation, the reason things like medicine aren't allowed is because Caesar is breeding strong soldiers, he isn't coddling the weak, again, like Sparta. All of this is fine for a military state, the people will have technology, and in fact, they do, and nobody will mind. As for the legion crumbling, maybe so, all nations crumble eventually, but I don't think it will be any quicker than others, not given how expansive the wasteland is, when the continent is conquered there will be no use for the legion, and yeah, maybe it will crumble, but the negative affect will be felt amongst the enemies and tribals more than anyone of particular value. Anyhow, egyptians, romans, americans, almost all of europe, hell, the whole world, and almost all great nations have had slavery at some point, the greatest nations even more so than the small. Nor do firearms have anything to do with it, they've existed for a long time, and women weren't soldiers for most of it.