Caesar's Legion was executed just so ham-fistedly awkward for me in NV.
Constantly killing smart people? What game are you playing? It's required of every faction to kill the BoS, the president is a dumb worthless piece of shit, Oliver is a blockheaded retard who deserves to die, literally nobody of value is lost siding with the legion. Disagree with all of your opinions on Caesar, he makes perfect sense to me, he's building a civilization that can thrive in the wasteland, he's uniting forcefully a bunch of degenerates that would otherwise bring instability to his nation, look at the thing with the NCR and the khans, that would never happen with the legion, there is no, play nice with raiders because some people feel bad for them. And unlike the demokrecy of the ncr he gets shit done, the courier can refuse all of the high commands orders and do whatever the fuck they want against moore's wishes, because the NCR chain of command is weak. You even attempt to disobey caesar and you get the most sincere sounding threatening dialogue that has ever been in any beth game. Say it again and he follows through with slaughtering you. How many useless junkies are in the Legion? None, how many people are complaining, not doing their share, corrupt, or anything else in the legion? 0.
Oh no, they abuse, enslave, and agressively rape their enemies??!?! That's awful and demoralizing, then again they do that in their own territory too..Oh wait, no, they don't. Yeah, seeing as Caesar's legion is what it is, I'm skeptical that they have any code regarding war crimes, and why should they? Many traders can choose to enter Caesar's territory, those under the flag of the bear suffer.
I think some of your issues are due to a lack of understanding, that isn't a vital point, AT ALL, the legion have not crossed the dam, that is all ncr territory right now, cottonwood cove is not remotely vital, the attack at the dam is the only thing worth anything. Now, tell me, you're complaining about how little legion there is in the ncr controlled territory, let's do a tally: legionaries all along the roads to vegas, nipton, crawling with legionaries(And remember, legion are offensive, they don't linger, because they aren't in their own territory.), legion overlooking the ncr ranger outpost, and, they take the outpost as well, legion camp in between novac and searchlight, legion on the path to searchlight, searchlight itself, completely compromised due to legion, legion in Nipton, right across from the NCR, in it's own territory, legion in the lucky jim mine, legion from nipton to cottonwood cove, on either side of the ranger outpost. Legion frumentarri on the strip, in camp mccarran in a high position compromising their patrols at every turn(This is spoken, not seen, yay dialogue.), legion frumentarri working at hoover dam, cottonwood cove, which in itself is limited to be useful without being important enough to force the NCR's hand. Legion assassins can show up pretty much anywhere in NCR land, save the strip area.
NCR in legion territory:
Their aesthetic sucks in your opinion, I think their aesthetic is actually pretty cool, the goggles, bandanas and headresses with the outfits they have would be cool in better graphics, in game it looks goofy, and it doesn't stand up to the ranger vets, but I don't see it as a major negative, and I like the centurions as well. Besides, their armor is only slightly less effective than the ncrs while being significantly lighter, and they cost literally nothing to make, it's football padding and they manage to slaughter the NCR wearing it.Their means of warfare is boring???? LOL. They anhilate endless tribes and assimilate and brainwash them into killing machines, they are trained to be able to kill no matter what happens, no weapons, no ammo, they're twice as strong and twice as fast and twice as brutal as the ncr troopers. They burn villages to the ground and put their denizens on burning tires, they infiltrate and corrupt the ncr high command, they assassinate president, and sometimes just straight up slaughter and raid twice their numbers, a la nipton and cottonwood cove, they unleash radiation. The ncr sits at the dam while the legion tears it apart from the inside. Not sure if you noticed, but the NCR is fit to lose the war, even amongst it's most prized veterans like hanlon, who is mostly responsible for them even still holding the dam, is betraying them. Without the courier the NCR would almost indefinitely fall, their victory the first team was almost entirely based off of strategy, this time, they have none because of oliver. As for the NPCs, Caesar is amongst the most interesting and brightest character in game, without being an inane faggot or a powerless corpse.(No offense to house, who is pretty much my favorite character) Lanius is pretty awesome, but really, what do you expect when you say motives? There are none, that's what makes caesar's legion unique, it's a pure war machine, the motive is life, you obey, or you die.
Khans have no glory, their basically the remnants of a biker gang, they were straight up generic raiders in 1, they have no history besides getting shot up by the ncr for raiding people.
Remove the legion for the sake of variety? Not one of the dozen power armor factions and Brotherhood splinter groups? Not that I'd want to get rid of them, because I don't care, but you do. Because the legion is so generic and it's kind is overrepresented compared to the few and scarcely used pre war American government wannabe factions.
Destroying their culture is necessary, it's the exact reason the NCR fails, because it's surrounded by "nations" that the legion would likely have already destroyed.(And made use of)
As for sympathizers, the NCR sympathizers are noticeably biased queers, literally, they are queers, Veronica actually complains about how the legion doesn't allow lesbians.(Which has no basis in reality, and proves how simple those against the legion are in their thinking.) Whereas Raul, who is literally the only useful companion in the game, tells you all about legion territory, and is the only non biased, non moron, non queer companion, and not surprisingly the only one to join you on a legion playthrough.
tl;dr, I disagree with you on every point, true to caesar.