
Yeah, but they'll ask Obsidian to create another FO game hopefully.
If there's one thing I do like about Bethesda, it's how hard they troll their fanbase. Moira surviving was hilarious.
No more newsposts untilthe countdown is over.a non-Bethesda proper Fallout comes out.
Bethesda is very large, right? I would have expected them to start FO4 development a while ago, probably while Skyrim was entering the end of its production? Considering how long ago that was, and how little they knew of the specs of their new primary platforms, I would anticipate another "creation engine" experience.
Holy fuuuuu, why did you make me remember that??vampires.
I want everyone to see this. This is what you call tempting fate.I am confident Bethesda will do Fallout justice this time.
I mean, you can't get worse than vampires.
Yeah, but they'll ask Obsidian to create another FO game hopefully.
If Bethesda stays away from the west coast, a new vegas sequel could possibly be made.
Is that coming to consoles too? If not, I could see them launching FO4 in 2014 on their primary platforms and 2015 in PC, after TESO goes f2p.
Anyone else excited for FO:O? It will be set in post-apoc New York with the Statue of Liberty as the backdrop.
Is that coming to consoles too? If not, I could see them launching FO4 in 2014 on their primary platforms and 2015 in PC, after TESO goes f2p.
Anyone else excited for FO:O? It will be set in post-apoc New York with the Statue of Liberty as the backdrop.
Yes, TESO will inevitably be shit
Boston was confirmed for FO4.
Now we'll see Whitey Bulger in an all ghoul gang.
It probably won't be Creation Engine. Fallout 4 is going to be released no later than late 2014 and then market will be deep in new next-gen and there will be several open world games all looking better than Skyrim and either released or already advertised(Witcher 3, Dragon Age Inquisition, that Warhorse game). That combined with all this news of them licensing "Void Engine" based on IdTech is pretty strong indication it'll be new tech. How good it will be, considering it's Bethesda, I have no idea. But if my assumptions are correct we are now very close to Fallout turning into actual corridor shooter.If RAGE is any indication of what is possible with IdTech