What kind of generic giant spider actually kills something? That would imply success, and success isn't the generic giant spider way.
Fuck you, bird.
Hi dead, I'm a catI'm dead, aren't I?
Hi dead, I'm a catI'm dead, aren't I?
Spiders are fuzzy you ignorant fucks.
But all y'all niggaz won't know that because "oooh, I don't wanna touch it!" You'll let a dog that licks its balls slobber all over you, but Charlotte can't spin a web in your barn. Fuck you. I love you.
Spiders are fuzzy you ignorant fucks.
But all y'all niggaz won't know that because "oooh, I don't wanna touch it!" You'll let a dog that licks its balls slobber all over you, but Charlotte can't spin a web in your barn. Fuck you. I love you.
I guess Charlotte should just go build her own fucking barn instead of spinning around like the little bitch she is around other people’s property.
I am almost certain that >Fallout 76< (may Allah forgive me for uttering its name) represents the lowest a video game can virtually go.
I am almost certain that >Fallout 76< (may Allah forgive me for uttering its name) represents the lowest a video game can virtually go.
This post wont age well
Skyrim 2 has to come out eventually. And there is still starfield on the horizon.I am almost certain that >Fallout 76< (may Allah forgive me for uttering its name) represents the lowest a video game can virtually go.
This post wont age well
I think the statement will last for a long time though, at least when it comes to AAA games. Hard to see any upcoming games failing at this magnitude at absolutely everything - the game itself and essentially all the extra products surrounding it.
Fallout series had lost its way the moment Bethesda announcedthat players in Fallout 76 would be able to launch nukes at each otherFallout 3.
If I were a spider, I wouldn't be taunting a bird. Unless I was a really big spider and I ate birds.
That 100% depends on if bethesda will once again use the mutilated corpse of the gamebryo engine to shit out that gameSkyrim's launch state was so pathetic, I honestly doubt TES VI can be *that* bad.
If I were a spider, I wouldn't be taunting a bird. Unless I was a really big spider and I ate birds.
That 100% depends on if bethesda will once again use the mutilated corpse of the gamebryo engine to shit out that gameSkyrim's launch state was so pathetic, I honestly doubt TES VI can be *that* bad.
Bethesda has already proven it can't make a game playable on launch without mods and is actively doing worse with every iteration.
That's a pretty cool looking spider. Instead of being nightmare fuel, it runs on nightmare fuel. Where can I get one?If I were a spider, I wouldn't be taunting a bird. Unless I was a really big spider and I ate birds.