Q: Paired with PVP and nuclear missiles, a lot of people are concerned about griefers. The trailer shows some sort of bounty system. Is that part of punishing anti-social players? How do you want to encourage people to co-operate instead of shooting on sight?
A: I don't want to force people into playstyles. I want systems that reward certain behaviour. The thing why i can't tell you how it works because we are still messing with it. We have the same goals where we don't want other players ruining the experience. Thats the worst for us to bear. If you stop playing the game because of another player acting like an asshole, we have encouraged the wrong things. At the same time, its important to us to enable players to a certain kind of drama. As for the wanted level, maybe that was in one of the videos, we do have a system right now that if a player is acting up, let's say he murders somebody who didn't want to engage in combat. That's possible at the moment yet very very hard to do that, maybe it will change. He gets a status as being wanted and can't do a lot of the things other players can do. All the other players can now see him and he gets a big bounty on his head. He becomes some sort of epic enemy, that every other player can go after. And as of right now a player becomes wanted and everyone can see him, everyone will gang up on him it's a lot of fun. How do you get to a wanted level? We're still messing with. I think there is an interesting dynamic there, we don't want to put the brakes on too hard right now. But if the system is becoming too problematic for players we will dial back and make gaining the wanted level harder. I'm going to throw one more thing in that i think is important for people: All the quests we have designed are playable solo or in a team of four. That means there are no quests focused on PVP. We want to seperate PVP and player made challenges seperated from the hand made quests.