commie said:
Bullshit. It doesn't lag on my ancient 4 year old system with max details. If you are trying to run it on a P4 then what do you expect?
Weren't you just saying that the engine is shit and small amount of NPCs are there so it won't lag?
Well it doesn't lag if you run it on a reasonably new system. If with a handful of NPC's it STILL lags for you then it's your hardware at fault. I said that it lags if you have MANY NPC's. So the
is on you.
More like because everything is brown. And lol you call this better looking?
Looks like some mod or cheap c-class game from the eastern europe.
Posting Xbox screenshots to 'prove' your point? You have to do better than that! Post a PC shot with graphics maxed out dude.
I can do that too with those 'better looking' games:
No they aren't. They all work according to the same static script.
As opposed to no script, but just randomness in Guild 2? (see below)
Have you actually played Guild 2 for more than two minutes?
Yes they do stuff in accordance to their profession (which is kinda logical durr hurr) however they don't follow the same set of scripts and the same path. They also do stuff differently. You can reload the game from the beginning of the year and NPCs won't repeat what they did in the same way. They work, they go to taverns to relax, they go to courts with their own needs, they run for positions in power, they hold grudges against each other, etc - and all the time it's dynamic.
Oh so in other words there's no AI there at all if every time you reload a game they do something else! They should be doing things based on their needs, wants, development etc. If you now say that it's random every time you restart then where's this AI? Face it, there's no AI at all. 'Dynamic' is an old euphemism for 'no AI' in games. Always has been. All that the NPC's are doing are just rolling a die to see which of the listed script presets they will do at a time.
You heard it here first folks. Aurora which looks and runs much smoother in The Witcher than in NWN2 and UE3 with which 95% of devs never have problems - are shit.
Bullshitz. CDProjektRED threw out almost all of the Aurora code apart from the scripting and a bit here and there. The engine is almost totally rebuilt. They only still kept the 'Aurora' name so prominently for marketing purposes. That's why it runs much smoother in The Witcher; it's essentially a new engine.
UE3 is well known as a shit engine, primitive. What's new? You yourself rage against it often enough or have yu forgotten?
Why do you lie? Everyone had a bad performance in NWN2, in fact it was one of the main complaints about the game, but somehow your system magically was an exception?
Well I never played it when it first came out, but after a time when it was patched up a bit and better video drivers. With everything on max it lagged a bit, but without AA up too much it was fine.
7900gt is weaker than XBox360's videocard which is basically an upgraded Radeon X1900. Still I remember it running quite well on 7900gs without antialiasing and too much aniso - turning them on caused problems of course.