Silellak said:
There's no "looking deeper" about it. It's an obvious juxtaposition, to the point where the other NPCs in the town outright state that the towns are in shitty condition. Do you actually think Novac and Primm are supposed to be anything but shitholes?
But they're not even shitholes. They're just collections of scattered buildings with no rhyme or reason, with a dozen people living there.
Mad Max takes place "a few years" after the apocalypse. The Road takes place however-old-the-child-is years after the apocalypse (no timeframe is given; I'd say 12-13 years at most - probably closer to 10). The original Fallout takes place 84 years after the apocalypse. New Vegas takes place 204 years after the apocalypse. You can hardly compare any of those works quoted to NV. If anything, if the situation in NV were similar to those, it would be less realistic.
204 years have passed, yet kids chase rats down the street and eat them raw. Things weren't this bad even in the original Fallout.
It's not about a number, but about observing the condition of the surrounding world and contrasting it with people's behavior and how they "live".
If the world looked lively/thriving enough to support the hefty number of years that passed since the war, then some things would start making sense. However, it is still as desolate as ever, barren, yet somehow filled with these out-of-place pockets of cheerful, trusting people, places that luxuriously expend electricity, and businesses that survive despite having no customers.
And they sure are articulate, generous storytellers, though their stories often are about as interesting as WoW quest descriptions.
For this world to make sense, I'd expect to see many other travelers in the wasteland vistas, you know, so that the traveling merchants I encounter on the way would actually have a chance of NOT STARVING TO DEATH.
I'd expect to see territorial patrols and caravans exchanging goods between settlements. Real caravans. The wasteland has to come alive.
I'm sorry, but when you take the game into 3D and add "realism" to it, you have to compensate for lost levels of abstraction, otherwise it just doesn't make any goddamn sense. I am looking at a realistic ruined highway, yet standing in a world which demands that I look at it from the perspective of Sim City.