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Fanstratics: A HoMM 3 Spiritual Successor


Aug 26, 2010
That being said he did write about his "Troop Rally Ability" mechanic and I'm not sure how I feel about it. It is not a new thing in this genre for creatures to have abilities that can be activated by the player, but his idea of needing to charge it is a weird one. Obviously it depends on how exactly we'd charge them and how powerful they'd be (and if they'd scale with number of units in stack), but in theory this can radically change how the game is played.
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
On one hand they didn't show much up to this point on the other the concepts arts are really neat and better than anything I've seen in western games for the last 10 years. Even if the game is never released they'll make good RPG Codex avatars.


Jun 18, 2009
I don't think we will somehow manage to get the game without the usual Kickstarter drama, Epic whoring and a bag of broken promises, but I'm still curious.
There's (seemingly) so little momentum to the project that it reminds me of this, unfortunately:


Never cancelled, the site is still up, but the updates that persisted for some years have stopped.

But yeah, nice art.


Those interviews are good reads, so that's something as well.


Aug 18, 2018
But the name do suck, I have to keep reminding myself that the name is NOT Fagtastic.
Considering the number of games being published today, arriving at a unique name is very difficult. All the easy names have been claimed. Don’t believe me? Imagine your own game name, then search for it in the Apple or Google App stores, then search for a ‘.com’ domain name.
Speaking of the game name, this explanation must be one of the worst excuses ever. People are coming up with proper creative names all the time.


Aug 26, 2010
Its like when you know that you are wrong, but can't admit it and you desperately search for arguments to justify your stubbornness.


Jan 6, 2012
Nah, not everyone is good at coming up with names. I could see Fanstratics being a placeholder name only for him to run with it as the project's gotten outed early. He may or may not change it later.
Jan 4, 2007
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Newsletter #8

Hey, All.

Welcome. Hope each of you is doing relatively well.

With this Newsletter... another change. Previously, whenever anyone signed up for the Newsletter, they received all of the previous Newsletters, one-by-one, week-by-week, until they were caught up. This approach turned out to be pointless, as it isn’t too difficult to hunt down all of the earlier Newsletters. So, with this month, all past and future Newsletters will be available via the Fanstratics website. No more trickle of content.

For those of you seeking past Newsletters, you will find links for each at the end of this and future Newsletters.

Last month we concluded my interview with Tavern of Might and Magic and GoodGame.ru. This month we start my interview with Behemoth Cave (Webpage & Facebook).

As for this month's Troop concept sketch, I give you the Gatorkin Caster. For those of you who want to see Justin actually render the drawing, you can watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.

As always, ‘thank you’ to everyone who wrote, especially those with positive sentiments. If you have any questions or comments, regarding Fanstratics (FST) or Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (HoMM3), feel free to send them along, and I’ll try to answer them in future newsletters (newsletter@fanstratics.com). Please keep in mind, it may take at least 7 days before I reply.

Until next time.

Fanstratics Game Director & Designer

(Questions, Answers & Comments)

Fanstratics Faction #5: Krasadox.

In the craggy, Arid desert, dwell the vulgar Krasadox. Unkind to the weak, their crass culture, like their environment, elevates the strong and debases the delicate. While most would consider them to be crude and barbaric, they consider confrontation to the purest form of respect and honesty. Nature is not cute. Nature is cruel and uncompromising. Why untie the knot, when you can hack through it? Why solve the puzzle box, when you can simply crush it? Krasadox believe in brutal efficiency.

This faction will be familiar to anyone acquainted with HoMM3’s ‘Stronghold’. Representing the Krasadox is the Gnoll Spear Thrower, which can be viewed in the Fanstratics Gallery. This inclusion may surprise some, as the Gnoll was originally in HoMM3’s ‘Fortress’. When building the troop rosters for the various factions, relative themes were adjusted, and in the end... the Gnoll was a better fit with the Krasadox. So, a modification was made.

Fanstratics Feature: Legendary ‘Boss’ Battles.

In last month’s ‘feature highlight’, I described the Troop Rally Ability as an old idea which never made it past the conceptual stage. Legendary Boss Battles is another such idea... and another logical one. If you look at HoMM3, it is clear where I wanted to have these events, specifically the ‘creature banks’.

Why were full boss battles not implemented in HoMM3? Time. We simply didn’t have the time. Like the Troop Rally Ability, it was a new feature and would require new programming and more unique art. So, I quickly discarded the idea, and instead settled for battles where the Hero’s Army was ‘surrounded’ by the Enemy Army (versus the typical Left against Right arrangement). Later, with the Armageddon’s Blade expansion, we implemented the four neutral dragons (Faerie, Rust, Crystal, and Azure), which were arguably the game’s first boss creatures. While these dragons were more powerful, they were not what I ultimately wanted.

Almost 10 years later, I specifically remember playing ‘King’s Bounty: The Legend’, encountering the ‘giant turtle’, and thinking to myself, “Yep. There it is.” There were other such encounters in ‘King’s Bounty: The Legend’: a giant spider, a giant lizardman, a giant demon, a giant mech, etc. My favorite was the Kraken. Regardless, for Fanstratics, the plan is to have one ‘boss’ loosely associated with each of the nine Factions.

It is very interesting to know if you are familiar with the gameplay and game mechanics of the subsequent games of Heroes of Might and Magic (IV — VII), and King’s Bounty Legends? Will you take ideas for the most successful game elements from there?

Speaking of ‘King’s Bounty: The Legend’...

While it is more difficult than ever before, due to the sheer quantity of games being published today, I do try to stay market informed. All of the HoMM’s, and HoMM related games, are typically on my radar, and if there is an idea or mechanic I find inspiring... yes... I try to incorporate it. I’d be a fool to ignore a good idea.

Keep in mind, for all the people who love a unique element from a specific game, there are always others who hate it. Obviously, as a game designer, this results in a ‘no win’ situation. For myself, this leads to what I find so interesting about this question. It gets to the inherent conflict of any creative endeavor... audience expectations versus author aspirations.

Game development is a production triathlon. It requires focused attention, one day after the next, over the course of years. If I’m not in love with the product I’m creating... my desire will evaporate and the production will falter.

I must create the game I long to play. With this in mind, for Fanstratics, I have two general design guidelines.

First... do I find ‘it’ inspiring (author)?

Second... is ‘it’ in the spirit of the original HoMM games (audience)?

If I believe the answer to both questions is ‘yes’... I work to integrate ‘it’ into the game (time and budget permitting).

In my humble opinion, you should definitely consider making the game cross platform. Many users are switching to Apple and Linux.

HoMM3 was eventually ported to Linux, so a part of me wants to continue this tradition. Unity makes compiling the game for Linux relatively easy, Steam encourages developers to port their games to Linux, and there’s always Wine. It’s testing, with different distros, with different hardware configurations, where things become complicated. In the end, it’s a cost/benefit issue, with the ultimate question being, “Will we sell enough copies on Linux to reap the costs spent converting and testing the game?” All I can say is, “We will look into it.”

Behemoth Cave Interview

Questions 1a-4c [Edit: look like it only goes up to 2b.], of 18

This interview was conducted by Behemoth Cave (Webpage & Facebook) and originally published on November 10th, 2020. It’s another relatively long interview, comprised of 18 questions in 33 parts. I’ll be posting around 5 to 7 ‘parts’ per Newsletter, until we reach the end, after which we will roll into another interview. Below are questions 1a to 4c, of 18.

1a. Let's begin with a topic that always raises a lot of controversy among the community: The Heavenly Forge. Story about the futuristic town and the negative reaction of the Heroes’ fandom which lead to cancelation of the project is well known. The whole criticism was mainly based on materials for the press containing the pictures and information about infamous Naga Tanks, Zombies with chainsaws and Minotaurs with jetpacks. Was this really the actual, up-to-date vision on Heavenly Forge at the time?

Yes. Everything now known, was planned, with some obvious exceptions (i.e. the Naga Tanks were not going to be partly nude).

1b. Have you considered “mitigating the design”, “toning it down”?

We did go back-and-forth, to a minor degree, about how we might ‘adapt’ the concept, but after the controversy... we were basically unmotivated. We soured on the concept after the negative reaction and the subsequent rift with a portion of the fandom. In the end, it was easier, and more comfortable, to move onto the Conflux, which was waiting in the wings.

1c. What other ideas for this faction came up among the Heroes 3 developers team?

Jennifer Bullard and the map making team proposed the idea of a Clockwork Town, but I shot it down. New World Computing’s (NWC) art staff was struggling with the Forge, and I had lost confidence in their ability to craft anything not fantasy related.

1d. After all these years, can you shed some new light on the technology present in the world of M&M?

When it comes to deep Might and Magic lore, Paul Rattner is really the best person to ask, but I will do my best. To start, I’m not sure what you mean by ‘new light’, as what is publicly known is relatively accurate. Regardless, from my understanding, at its most basic, the idea was simple. ‘Ancient’ high technology machines, typically hidden, could be accessed and manipulated to produce ‘magical’ events, via ‘physical and mental ritual’. This excluded high tech machines, such as the Heavenly Forge, which made magical artifacts via simple instruction.

2a. Abandoning the idea of Forge also left an empty slot for a new town in expansion, the Armageddon’s Blade. In the end, Conflux made it into the game - a mix of elemental forces. How do you feel about this decision?

In the end, I was satisfied with how it transpired. In general, I like the Conflux town, but I do wish there had been more time to flesh it out.

2b. Have you considered any alternatives for the 9th faction? If so, can you name any of them?

As I mentioned, Jennifer Bullard and the map making team came up with the idea for a Clockwork Town, which I liked, but as I mentioned, I had strong doubts the NWC art staff could deliver.

Personally, at the time, I didn’t have any further factions in reserve. This doesn’t mean more couldn’t be done, but the overall plan was two new towns (Forge and Conflux), followed by a pure map pack. In the end, it became two expansions: 1 new town (AB) and 1 pure map pack (SoD). Later, the Chronicles were added, which collectively could be considered a third expansion, but this was long after I left NWC.

Past Newsletters
This month's Troop concept sketch, I give you the Gatorkin Caster.

Edit: It won't let me upload a screen cap of the Gatorkin Caster concept. You'll have to click the link if you want to see it.
Last edited:


Aug 18, 2018
This month's Troop concept sketch, I give you the Gatorkin Caster.

Edit: It won't let me upload a screen cap of the Gatorkin Caster concept. You'll have to click the link if you want to see it.


Aug 18, 2018

Fanstratics - The Ninth Newsletter!

Hey, All.

Welcome. Hope each of you is doing relatively well.

With this Newsletter... another small adjustment. I’m relocating links to the ‘monthly Troop concept sketch’ into the Questions Section.

Why? As each is revealed, I want to chat a little bit about each one.

In writing these Newsletters, about the development of Fanstratics (FST), I continue to unearth old memories concerning the development of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (HoMM3). Before all of this began, part of me wanted to author a book about HoMM3’s development, and with the way things are going, these posts are quickly becoming the loose developmental memoir I had in mind. Perhaps, after the ‘interview well’ runs dry, I’ll start posting HoMM3 development anecdotes. We’ll see.

This month I have five questions, followed by part two of my interview with Behemoth Cave (Webpage & Facebook).

As always, ‘thank you’ to everyone who wrote, especially those with positive sentiments. If you have any questions or comments, regarding Fanstratics (FST) or Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (HoMM3), feel free to send them along, and I’ll try to answer them in future newsletters (newsletter@fanstratics.com). Please keep in mind, it may take at least 7 days before I reply.

Until next time.

Fanstratics Game Director & Designer


Fanstratics Troop: Archangel.
When word first broke concerning the development of Fanstratics, I quickly needed a ‘signature image’ for the game.

For me, it came down to the Archangel or the Human Cavalier. After giving it some thought, I settled on the Human Cavalier, as I thought it embodied the entirety of the game, where the Archangel was more representative of one faction (Allegiant).

For HoMM3, the Archangel has arguably become its signature Troop. I remember George Almond’s color picture of the Archangel, when David Mullich and Phelan Sykes first showed it to me. I don’t recall why Phelan had George create the picture. It may have been for the box art, but Scott McDaniel (Marketing) shot it down as he wanted ‘3D’ rendered armies on the box front. I suggested, “Let’s use it for the Main Menu.” Both David and Phelan liked the idea, with Phelan recommending we animate the flames on the sword.

In hindsight, I wish I’d advocated for the option to customize the Main Menu background. When Armageddon’s Blade was released, the Archangel disappeared. With subsequent releases, accompanied by Paul Romero’s wonderful Main Menu score, some people never saw the Archangel in all its Main Menu glory.

In the years since, I have seen two different sculptures of the Archangel. One on Kickstarter (canceled) and a second on Artstation (where is link to YT, as he also did Solmyr). One last story about the Archangel as it relates to the Main Menu...

At one point in development, David Mullich asked I talk to Mark Caldwell (Executive Producer).

David, “He doesn’t like the Main Menu.”
Me, “What’s wrong with it?”
“He wouldn’t say.”
“He wouldn’t say?”
“More like he couldn’t say. I couldn’t get anything out him. You try talking to him.”

Scott White (Artist, GUI, Castle town, Tower town, etc.) and I had been working on the game’s interface for weeks, and Scott’s office just happened to be adjacent to Mark’s. Before I stopped in to see Mark, I took a detour to give Scott fair warning. I mentioned I was going to see Mark, because he had an issue with the Main Menu GUI. I remember Scott’s puzzled expression and shoulder shrug. In response, I shrugged my shoulders as well.

After giving Scott a head’s up, I walked into Mark’s office, and got right to it, “You don’t like the interface?”

Mark replied, “It’s ugly.”
Me, “It’s not ugly.”
“Yes it is.”
“You think the Archangel is ugly?”
“No, the Archangel is great.”
“Then how can you say it’s ugly?”
“Everything but the Archangel is ugly.”
“Everything? Can you show me specifically what you think is ugly?”

Mark exhaled, rolled his eyes, and started the game.

We were looking at the Main Menu splash screen, I said, “Okay. You think the Archangel is fine... but you think the icons are ugly?”
Mark, “No, the icons are fine. It’s the other stuff.

Mark navigates to Scenario Selection, “This stuff.”

Me, “You don’t like the layout?”
“Then what?”
“It’s... it’s... BROWN.”
“You don’t like that its brown.”
“Right. It’s ugly.”
“What colors would you like?”
“Not brown.”

I looked at Mark and exhaled, “Alright. Let me talk to Scott.”

I literally went next door, walked into Scott’s office, who was bracing for me to deliver bad news. Something like, “Throw out all the hard work you’ve already done.” Instead, I looked at him and said, “Well, I tired to pin him down on what he didn’t like. It’s the color. He doesn’t like the interface being brown.” The look on Scott’s face said it all, “Really?”

At the time, we had followed the precedent set by HoMM2, which had a tan interface. In fact, if you want an idea of the Main Menu’s original color scheme, just look at the Adventure Map interface, which is, for the most part, ‘brown’.

So, I said to Scott, “What if we used the Archangel’s color scheme for the other parts of Main Menu? Blue, gold, and white.”
Scott seemed to like the idea and nodded, “Okay.”
“How long will it take to re-color all the GUI pieces?”
“Day or two.”

The following day, I dropped in on Scott for a quick update. He already had a mock-up ready in Photoshop. I asked him what he thought. He liked it better. So did I. I told him, to clear it with Phelan and David, and put it in the game.

Scott asked, “What about Mark?”
I replied, “If Mark doesn’t like this, I don’t know what we’ll do.”

A couple of days later, after not hearing any feedback, I did manage to catch Mark, with the game running, with the updated Main Menu GUI. I asked, “Do you like the colors?” With a slight smirk, Mark nodded.

Most people don’t understand, an important part of being a game designer, is figuring out what people want, or what a person wants, when they can’t properly communicate it... specify it... or put it into words. If you can do it well, it’s a big benefit, as you become something akin to a mind reader... at least where video games are concerned. If you can do it well, it can also be a big headache, as you may find yourself spending most of your time solving other people’s problems... in addition to your own.

Returning to the present, this month's Troop concept sketch, is the Archangel. I’ve been champing at the bit for Justin to render this Troop, and its finally here.

For those of you who want to see Justin actually render the drawing, you can watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.

Fanstratics Faction #6: Zubhewen.
Largely of Goblin descent, this sub-human faction lives in an underground, Subterranean world. Terror, chaos, and fear are their allies, leading to an amorphous ‘might-makes-right’ form of self-rule. Representing the Zubhewen in the Troll Witch, who can be viewed in the Fanstratics Gallery. For most, the Zubhewen will be remarkably similar to HoMM3’s ‘Dungeon’, but keep in mind... as I mentioned in the last Newsletter... some troops have been shuffled off to other factions. So, some hallmark ‘Dungeon’ troops may have found new homes with other, more thematically consistent cultures.

Fanstratics Feature: Hardcore Mode.
Similar to the previous two features (Rally Attack & Boss Battles), a Hardcore Mode is not a new idea. Anyone familiar with late 70’s, early 80’s, coin-operated arcade games, have experienced video game ‘permadeath’. While this design choice has a long history, in my personal experience, it wasn’t formalized as a mainstream feature until Diablo 2’s ‘hardcore mode’ in 2000.

There is something masochistically romantic about risking your precious time attempting to conquer an intentionally difficult video game. While I personally don’t have the time to grind out repeated hardcore wins, hardcore play has been responsible for some of the most memorable video game streams I’ve ever seen: Diablo 3, Fallout: New Vegas (hardcore mode), XCOM (ironman), Darkest Dungeon (86 or 100 Weeks), etc. Most recently, Moonmoon played Doom Eternal in a pseudo-permadeath mode... and failed during the final fight.

While I suspect only a minority of players will utilize this feature, I would like to see hardcore streams of Fanstratics. So, a hardcore mode is planned; one persistent save for your current game, with the difficulty settings of your choice. There may also be other ‘hardcore’ wrinkles, such as ‘permadeath’ for Heroes. If you lose a Hero in battle, they no longer appear in your Kingdom’s Hero Pool. Bottom line... if you lose... you lose.

Personally, I want to see people play and stream Fanstratics in hardcore mode, on the toughest difficulty, against multiple AI opponents, with an in-game time limit. It could make for some gripping entertainment.

Will there be a map editor and random map generator in Fanstratics?
HoMM3’s map editor and random map generator were released with its first expansion pack ‘Armageddon’s Blade’. For Fanstratics, I expect to rollout both a Community Map Editor and a Random Map Generator, well after the game’s official public release. When? I cannot say at this stage.

If there will be a random map generator, how will it be configured?
It’s been a very long time since I crafted HoMM3’s original RMG templates (using Microsoft Excel). Since then, different methods to random map generation have been developed, and I would like to research a number of them, before I decide on a final design direction. So, details regarding the internal logic and implementation of the Random Map Generator are currently unresolved.

Behemoth Cave Interview
Questions 3-4c, of 18

This interview was conducted by Behemoth Cave and originally published on November 10th, 2020. It’s another relatively long interview, comprised of 33 questions in 18 parts. I’ll be posting around 5 questions per Newsletter, until we reach the end, after which we will roll into another interview. Below are questions 3 to 4c, of 18.

3. Obviously, the creator’s vision of the game often evolves while still developing the game. Some ideas are dropped out, new ideas come up and are implemented in the game. Some press materials contained unit concepts like the "Demilich" (flying green skull with horns, appendix 1), Kenneth Thomson’s “Lobstrosity” (appendix 2) or an aristocratic elf (appendix 3). Even after the release, we can find Fear spell icon or the Market of Time (the adventure map location) in the game files. Can you tell us something more about these elements/features that didn’t make it into the game? Also, Dendroids, Efreets, Zealots, Unicorns or Minotaurs and a couple of others - they all have additional animations and sounds which aren’t used by the game in any way. Is there any particular reason behind them? Were those units supposed to cast a spell on the battlefield, like Ogre Magi for example?

As you call it, the Demilich was supposed to be a Will-o-the-Wisp, for the Fortress. It was inspired by the Lost Soul monster from Doom, and was cut because we couldn’t get it to ‘glow’ properly.

I didn’t see the Lobstrosity until long after I left NWC. It was a ‘secret’ Troop, and I had no knowledge it was in the game.

Aristocratic Elf
I believe the Aristocratic Elf was an early draft version of the Grand Elf.

Fear Spell
The Fear spell was ‘cut’ because it was little more than ‘bad morale’ in another form. Later, I thought it was better to convert the mechanic into the Fear ability for the Azure Dragon.

Market of Time
Originally, the Market of Time was called ‘Brigadoon’. It would randomly appear after long periods of time, and for a Day, a Hero could purchase very high value artifacts and very cheap resources. It was ‘cut’ because it required new programing functionality, we were running out of development time, and I was worried players would ‘park’ a Hero at the destination and simply wait for the Market. Also, for the record, it was never a place where Heroes could unlearn Secondary Skills.

Additional Animations and Sounds
There is no particular reason why certain characters didn’t get additional animations or sounds. I suspect it was typical miscommunication or misunderstanding.

4a. Heroes III in its bestiary has plenty of mythological beasts (like Minotaurs, Medusas, Hydras) or creatures that are popular in fantasy in general (Dwarves, Dragons). What were your sources of inspiration while creating Heroes III - not only for creatures but also for spells and locations?
Nothing is created in a vacuum, and is always derived from various sources of inspiration. I looked at everything: paper and pencil RPG’s, table top games, card games, novels, comics, movies, and art books. For the various troops and spells, anything and everything was a potential source of inspiration.

4b. Can we find any direct reference to books and/or movies in the game?
Obviously the cheat codes reference Star Wars the Phantom Menace, the Matrix, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. As for in game assets, Gelu’s appearance was clearly inspired by Elric of Melnibone, and the Behemoth was derived from the Rancor in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

4c. Are there any heroes that are based on real people (beside Sir Mullich - David Mullich, Inteus - George Almond, Sir Christian - Christian Vanover)?
To my knowledge, there are only four...

Sir Mullich
It’s relatively well known, Sir Mullich shares the name and likeness of David Mullich. While we were working on HoMM3, Might and Magic 6 was still in production, and needed people and costumes for various character portraits. Of course... David had a Renaissance Fair costume... and volunteered. When Phelan Sykes (Lead Artist) saw the final game asset, she couldn’t wait to tell me how goofy it looked. Immediately, I said to her, “We should put it in the game.” She told me she would clean up the portrait, get it game ready, and deliver it to John Bolton (Lead Programmer). When David was away on vacation, for birth of his first son (if I correctly recall), we put it into the game. Upon his return, we showed the ‘new’ Hero to him, and he got a chuckle out of it. Since then, he’s become one of HoMM3’s most famous Heroes.

Inteus shares a likeness with George Almond. George did all of the HoMM3 concept art, the manual cover, and the interface backgrounds. He also painted all the Hero portraits, so I’m not surprised he slipped himself into the game.

Sir Christian
Sir Christian is named after Christian Vanover, but doesn’t look like him in the slightest. I don’t recall if Christian requested to be put into the game, or I did it as a goof. The entire Sir Christian secret campaign was made to poke fun at Chris, who was a good sport about it.

Luna is based on a young lady from New World Computing tech support, who’s name I do not recall. After 3DO finished its acquisition of New World Computing, her job was moved to 3DO corporate, in Redwood City. I lost track of her after E3, in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1998.


Aberrant Member | Star Trek V Apologist
Aug 30, 2014
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Look man, we are here to look at some concept art and read old stories about HoMM3.

Better use of our time than the game itself will be, should it ever come out. Can't think of a single kickstarter game sold on nostalgia beating the original game, this won't be an exception.

Casual Hero

Mar 24, 2015
I'm in no rush. Enjoy the ride, and maybe we'll get a game in the end.
Perhaps I sound like I am erring on the side of dismissal, but I really don't see what the big deal is. There isn't much reason to be negative about it; wasted energy, imo. Either it comes out or it doesn't, but I see little reason to speak with such authority at this stage of the development.
Mar 28, 2014
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
Look man, we are here to look at some concept art and read old stories about HoMM3.

Better use of our time than the game itself will be, should it ever come out. Can't think of a single kickstarter game sold on nostalgia beating the original game, this won't be an exception.

Even if it wasn't a Kickstarter game riding on Nostalgia it would be tough job to beat HoMM 3. If the game wasn't horrible and if the in-game units were as charming as the concept-art shown I'd be pretty happy.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
TWS was probably some sort of scam or just random people thinking they can make a game because right, yeah. This is just some old guy rambling how cool he was in his younger years and suffering delusions about reliving his old glory.


Aug 26, 2010
New one is out and one bit caught my eye:

Prior to 1999, the public’s ‘cultural knowledge of the fantasy genre’ was limited to classical architypes. Since 1999, due in large part to video games, the public’s ‘cultural knowledge of the fantasy genre’ has expanded. In 1999, if I had proposed a spell casting, anthropomorphic alligator (Gatorkin Caster), I’m relatively confident JVC would have given me a sour glare and shot it down. Today... most people wouldn’t blink.

Is that really true? Are spellcasting alligators really part of the "fantasy genre" or are they random shit that someone came up while drunk? Is "cultural knowledge" now richer or people simply just don't care anymore?

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