To be fair, after looking at all the posted Trailers and some other information, it doesn't really look half bad. Although I'm sure it'll go through the mandatory UbiSoft downgrade process closer to release to make it look more like shit.
Videos like these ignore the fact that Rainbow Six Siege is the best Multiplayer AAA game this gen.
Levine went for "socialist mixed race rebels are just as bad once they get in power" route which, while perhaps easy way out, managed to trigger SJWs just like game's treatment of religion and Murrican white nationalism triggered right wingers.Didn't the princess murder the black, strong womyn in Infinite? Or am I remembering that wrong? It was an awful game, after all.
Levine went for "socialist mixed race rebels are just as bad once they get in power" route which, while perhaps easy way out, managed to trigger SJWs just like game's treatment of religion and Murrican white nationalism triggered right wingers.Didn't the princess murder the black, strong womyn in Infinite? Or am I remembering that wrong? It was an awful game, after all.
(only areas where that game delivered)
To be fair, after looking at all the posted Trailers and some other information, it doesn't really look half bad. Although I'm sure it'll go through the mandatory UbiSoft downgrade process closer to release to make it look more like shit.
Videos like these ignore the fact that Rainbow Six Siege is the best Multiplayer AAA game this gen.
Best FPS premise since Bioshock : Infinite.
fay cry 5 anyone!!!
who come here after seeing far cry 5 trailer
Farcry 5 brought me here... My next vacation.
shut the fuck up you shill, back to CTR tumblrina cuck you mad yet SJW ??? Need a safe space yet ? that's right you love big black cock blacked dot com
The Antagonists Of ‘Far Cry 5’ Are Causing A Ridiculous Controversy Among Some Gamers
All Eastern Euros are conservative. Even the liberal ones.
The Antagonists Of ‘Far Cry 5’ Are Causing A Ridiculous Controversy Among Some Gamers
With a new day comes fresh controversy, this time from gamers who feel Far Cry 5‘s antagonists — a violent, extremist cult in Montana, are basically making Far Cry 5 into a “white genocide simulator.” This odd thought is coming from right wing tweeters and some pundits, who avoid the fact that none of the previous Far Cry games, many of which involved a white male slaughtering hundreds of indigenous peoples was never dubbed purposefully xenophobic. Ham-handed and cliché? Sure. But the context of the games and the narrative within them at least painted a picture of a hero doing what they had to as terrorists murdered their friends and so on.
What this reaction tells us is: sharply dressed white guys in vests can never be evil. Considering certain racist, coiffed white supremacists are finding the most TV time and support in decades, is this all that surprising? Sadly, no. Not if it comes from a certain, vocal minority.
The reactions to the reaction have been mocking of the controversy and show shock that people could actually think this is an earnest, liberal plot to digitally butcher whitey. After visiting just about every location possible in gaming, this reeks more of hitting the bottom of the barrel than a plot choice with genocidal subtext. Resident Evil 7 featured a caucasian family of “extremists” and no one was bothered by killing those freaks.
Twitter refuses to let these calls of “white genocide” go free without a healthy amount of jokes in the face of weird logic.
[memes go here]
Lyric Suite , you do realize that the game is not targeting Montana specifically for whatever reason you have in your brain, right? Like FC4 for example didn't target Tibet?
Actually if anything Far Cries kind of promote the areas they are setup in since they depict the scenery quite well.
You know this thread has 'arrived' when Iren actually leaves his holes of Poli/feedback to actually post on a gaming related thread.
How's the 'wife?'