Muslims are actually not bad.
Reported to FBI
Sorry, they're too busy digging up the dirt to bury your orange messiah.
See, at first I was gonna say "I know you're just having a giggle there with that out-of-context quote there
buru5 but Ahmadis are actually pretty chill for an Abrahamic religion" and leave it at that but then
Metro opens his big fucking mouth and gives me something even BETTER to poke fun at
There is basically nothing they could hope to find that would impeach Trump. I won't blather on TOO much about how generally incompetent the Feds have proven themselves to be anyway, but suffice it to say that Trump really doesn't have to worry about much in the way of impeachment, and to be honest the Dems and the FBI know this (but will insist on wasting time and money on it anyway simply to try and save face with their alleged constituents). If Hillary had gotten into office chances are we'd be too busy getting embroiled in Cold War 2 Electric Boogaloo and desperately trying to avoid it turning into a HOT war with the only other power on Earth actually capable of kicking our asses in a straight-up fight to actually put into motion any sort of impeachment against Clinton, but Clinton would have been a thousand times more DESERVING of impeachment than Trump regardless.
You and the rest of the Hill-Shill crew are absolute fucking IDIOTS, and Bernie (for all his faults, and there are PLENTY of them) was absolutely the better fucking candidate on the Dem side. You are desperately trying to recover face with the constituency you shat all over by tilting at the Trump windmill, and while some of them are certainly dumb enough to forgive you many of them won't, nor should they. In a way, while you would have deserved the utter ruination Hillary would have brought about, you also deserve the sheer amount of asspain the Trump presidency will give you and will probably KEEP giving you. Your tears are delicious, so by all means keep them coming.