So it's the exact same game as FC 3, 4, Blood Dragon and Primal except in a different setting again? So lazy and banal.
Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon are shit, Far Cry 4 is mediocre and Primal is the most interesting of them all. Far Cry 3 is all that I hate on AAA games, empty open worlds and scripting everywhere, Blood Dragon is style over substance all the way. Far Cry 4 is much better than 3 and isn't so keen on scripting scenes everywhere but still shares alot of the flaws.
Far Cry Primal is the most interesting, you aren't the king of the food chain here on the last survival mode patch, the only one that I truly had fun from start to end. Far Cry 5 seems like a hybrid of Ghost Recon Wildlands and Far Cry 4 with a random "Oh, Rednecks are weird aren't they?" kinda of humor, in comparison with Nepal and cave man world, Montana seems pretty boring.