Hello Guest, thanks for giving me feedback!
Trade skills: I definitly want to expand this area, and some of the points you mentioned are already high up on my ToDo-list, especially crafting your own weapons. Expanding fishing: Nice idea; I'll do that. I'll implement these things bit by bit over time, some sooner, some (those requiring major changes to the engine) later.
Several people have said they'd like to build their own houses. So far I've shied away from implementing this, because these multi-tiles structures are quite difficult to modify during a running game. (Currently, all ground tiles (like walls, floors, some parts of the trees etc) are saved within a single file that remains constant during the entire game, in order to reduce disk space and saving/loading times. In order to make changes of ground tiles possible, that would have to be changed first.) Then there'd have to be a cut-down-trees function, a remove-tree-stumps, a check-if-all-materials-there, a check-if-building-space-suitable, and finally, a build-house function (including door and roof), and all internal data tables would have to be updated (xy01 of roof, xy of doors, xy's of working places, xy of fireplace, xy's of beds/chairs etc). A lot of work, but I may still do it in a future version.
Fletching: The Teutons apparently didn't use bows at that time, preferring javelins or slingstones instead. (As a programmer, I was happy they didn't, since programming weapons needing ammunition is a lot more work than sticking with simple swords.) But yes, in future fantasy games... And of course your need to provide ammunition would be one more gaming feature.
Numbers: Ok; I'll add a choice to the options menu that'll make your precise skill numbers etc available in the player info screen and the status bar. (To get a preview of how this would feel, turn on the cheat mode by typing ",cheat" (a comma first), then keep the "W" key pressed down, and move your mouse cursor to the lower edge of the screen (thus opening the status bar): That'll display your precise stats, even with the current version of Teudogar.)
Your bug report, wrong graphics tiles displayed: That's indeed weird. If this relates only to graphics output, you might fix it by going to Options Menu, Graphics&Scrolling, and turn "Graphics Data" to "all in RAM" (restore that to "all in VRAM" if changing this doesn't help). Otherwise, your saved game may have become corrupted at some point of the game (though that'd be the first time I'd hear of Teudogar's engine doing such a thing). Does that bug still occur when you start a new game? (Bugs that occur only sometimes, under unclear circumstances, are harder to trace.) (I do testing mainly under WinXP and Win98. There has been one problem with Setup under WinME; these Windowses do seem to behave differently from each other, so Win2000 might be the cause; although I don't quite see why or how exactly that should be.)
Thanks for your suggestions and your bug report! (I get far too few bug reports anyway; either because Teudogar is really almost completely bug-free, or because people don't bother to tell me if something doesn't work 100% on their systems.)