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Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
I have heard through some youtubers, who have allegedly friends in the industry, that the similarities to The Witcher 3 and Game of Thrones are not accidents. The east is enamoured with those two IPs currently, and there might be a wave of dark medieval JRPGs about to hit.

I don't know who this Tim Rogers guy is, but if his speculation is true that is certainly interesting. Lowers my hype a bit, I dislike ASOIAF and I am quite neutral about TW3.


Dec 25, 2019
I dunno, the trailer was a bit bland and like with FFXIII the plot was indecipherable. I hope SE learned we international audiences like a game that doesn't seem like it's was run through Google Translate. Time will tell.

A few years ago, we had three very gritty western fantasy looking things mopping up pop culture - Game of Thrones, The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls - it's possible SquareEnix's takeaway was they should make things look like that, and development started at peak Thrones or peak Witcher. By the time it's out in 2024 (optimism maybe) it might not be vogue.

Nor maybe are they playing to their strengths. Those are old lessons, the newer one that nobody has replicated is BOTW's freedom.

It seems like sometimes JRPG companies art departments can build typhoid ridden environments then put cute anime dogs in and stylised anime NPCs...

What I mean is they can make an environment where it looks like scratching yourself you will die of sepsis but then still make concessions to the obsession with cuteness and triangular fairy noses. Maybe I just feel it's a tired thing.
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Aug 23, 2005
I dunno, the trailer was a bit bland and like with FFXIII the plot was indecipherable. I hope SE learned we international audiences like a game that doesn't seem like it's was run through Google Translate. Time will tell.

A few years ago, we had three very gritty western fantasy looking things mopping up pop culture - Game of Thrones, The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls - it's possible SquareEnix's takeaway was they should make things look like that, and development started at peak Thrones or peak Witcher. By the time it's out in 2024 (optimism maybe) it might not be vogue.

Nor maybe are they playing to their strengths. Those are old lessons, the newer one that nobody has replicated is BOTW's freedom.

It seems like sometimes JRPG companies art departments can build typhoid ridden environments then put cute anime dogs in and stylised anime NPCs...

What I mean is they can make an environment where it looks like scratching yourself you will die of sepsis but then still make concessions to the obsession with cuteness and triangular fairy noses. Maybe I just feel it's a tired thing.

Japan considers cuteness and making others happy to be cultural virtues, the complete opposite to the West where they glamourize being "realness", or being raw or gritty as an extension of individuality.


Dec 25, 2019
Japan considers cuteness and making others happy to be cultural virtues, the complete opposite to the West where they glamourize being "realness", or being raw or gritty as an extension of individuality.

Yeah - I love Japan and it's values, but don't you just get a bit tired sometimes, of how everything today must conform to that same cuteness directive in such a predictable way... instead of the variety of say a 80s OVA - yin and yang - too much emphasis on cuteness without context also rings false.

What I mean is why go to the trouble of the ultra realistic medieval environment if it just has plastic looking dogs in it - perhaps this will be sorted by the release.


Dec 25, 2019

Especially nowadays when every western game is unplayable due to SJW shit. Japanese games all day please.

Well that's true, I appreciate Japan as being a place we can still get high budget non-woke games that actually love western fantasy.

I heard from someone that a SJW mob are demanding more diversity in FF16 predictably. Hope SE don't back down, just ignore it and pretend they didn't notice.


Oct 26, 2012
Interesting responses from Yoshi-P.

Yoshida also commented on the game’s announcement trailer. He said, “I didn’t want the trailer to be just a rendered cutscene and bam! logo!… I wanted to use resources that were moving in-game, in real-time, but the timing wasn’t the best for it. We haven’t tuned it or optimized it yet, so it was a lot of work to be done. But if we released a pre-rendered trailer, they would say, ‘Alright, see you in 2035!’ or something. I’ve seen those kind of comments from America. So we really wanted to show something that was actually in-game. We haven’t shown the highlights of the game in this trailer, so that will come later when we make it properly.”


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
I heard from someone that a SJW mob are demanding more diversity in FF16 predictably. Hope SE don't back down, just ignore it and pretend they didn't notice.

People got mad as fuck about lack of women in XVI. I blame XIII, not only was it an awfull FF, it also brought in a lot of wokies into the fanbase.


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
XIII was the beginning of the end.

In a sense that X showed massive departures from the main formula which lead to 13 being utter shite ok. But 10 is a much better game than 13, and a decently better game than 12.
You can really see the company taking a nosedive after Sakaguchi left. Shame Mistwalker is only producing mobile wank these days.


Oct 18, 2011
Idk why people are acting shocked that Final Fantasy is shit recently, FF8 had level scaling in 1999 ffs. If 16 isn't 13 or 15 then I'll consider it a relative incline.


Aug 23, 2005
I've always blamed Tetsuya Nomura for single-handedly destroying modern/3D Final Fantasy games, but from the stuff I've been reading recently it seems the problem goes much deeper than just him; apparently most of the leads at Square-Enix's Square side are complete dumbfuck old fogies who got their positions through seniority and not necessarily skill or merit, and they've also managed to scare away most of their younger talent.

That said Nomura is still largely to blame for the modern identity of Square games.

“At that time, people teased me about zippers and belts and whatnot and I’m the type of person if somebody eggs me on I’m gonna do it more! Nowadays, I’m not as conscious about adding them in,” he noted.

He went on to say that he’ll actively fight against people telling him not to do something, thus explaining why he’s just added more belts and zippers to his designs as time went on:

“I’m not the type of person that would shrink down when people tease me about it,” Nomura said.

“I’m gonna fight back! I’m gonna go back at it and do it more. So, if people egg me on saying ‘oh, Kingdom Hearts III is delayed’ well, I might even delay it further! (laughs)”

Nomura is a cancer.
Nov 23, 2017
I have heard through some youtubers, who have allegedly friends in the industry, that the similarities to The Witcher 3 and Game of Thrones are not accidents. The east is enamoured with those two IPs currently, and there might be a wave of dark medieval JRPGs about to hit.

I don't know who this Tim Rogers guy is, but if his speculation is true that is certainly interesting. Lowers my hype a bit, I dislike ASOIAF and I am quite neutral about TW3.

I think it's just as simple as this being produced by Naoki Yoshida, and his favorite Final Fantasy being 3. He's finally getting to produce a single player Final Fantasy, and he's doing the old fantasy Final Fantasy he loves. At least as far as things go with this game aesthetically anyways.

If Game of Thrones and Witcher 3 are entering into the equation it would seem to be how this has blood in a way you don't really see in Final Fantasy...I'm guessing this one isn't a rated T for Teen if that amount of blood in the trailer is any indication. I don't know, maybe there'll be tits and sex too? If CD Projekt Red can get away with it, and that seems to be what's selling, why not try it? Maybe how these things go about telling a story, or what they can do with their stories, and at least with GoT how it toys with genre elements will have something to do with it too if that stuff is something a bunch of the developers over there are into at the moment. But I wouldn't be worried about this playing like a Witcher game, (it already looks like it has way better combat than Witcher) or you not having a party of characters.

I know there are people that are like: This looks like The Witcher 3. But I look at this and I'm just seeing a big modern 3D takes on that classic Final Fantasy that Tactics was drawing from, with summons that range from looking very Final Fantasy like that big giant woman, to an version of Ifrit that looks like it's taking after the design of Shin Godzilla.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
Final Fantasy character design has a long history of providing fighter-types with more or less full armor but missing a helmet.





Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
It's the Japanese character design way. Gotta show off that hair/full face. It generally makes for more recognizable and interesting character designs too, honestly. Realism isn't really a priority here.


Aug 1, 2020
Good to see that you don't have AI characters playing the game for you like many recent japanese ARPGs. Unfornately, it looks like it'll be just as much as an RPG as Darksiders.
Story looks cringe. Setting is a bizarre change. I hope it has you hunting those monster things as only a main quest in an open world, but if that does happen it'll probably be poorly done.
Edgy Fantasy XVI?
From "I'll kill you" in the trailer, it has potential.

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