SP said:I can't say I'm completely thrilled with the prospect of Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines, though.
Exitium said:What a fucking nunce. PS:T was an interactive novel (presented as an RPG) and I damn well liked it because it was exactly that. To say that the game could have used less words because you couldn't enjoy the combat due to the extraneous dialogue in-between fights is completely ignorant, considering that combat was one of the least important factors of Torment.
Exitium said:That's like saying all of the words in National Geographic magazine are just there to hinder you from flipping through the pretty pictures at a faster rate; you've completely missed the point of the subject matter.
taks said:gromnir posts in character. buy the game throne of bhaal and pay careful attention to the second bad guy (or the first... can't recall)...
odds are good that gromnir has better grammar than most that post on this board. not to mention more education (hehe, more than most...)
Voss said:Spazmo said:a setting something like the Firefly TV show
Dull, pointless and cancelled?
Jinxed said:sn't that because you dislike Masquerade along with goth pimps and vampire wannabies?
first person RPG
Jinxed said:I'm tired of replaying System Shock 2. Although not really an RPG but rather containing RPG elements, it set standards that no other fps has come close to. I missed out on Deus though.
LlamaGod said:Deus Ex is similar to removing all the fun bits and excitement of System Shock 2 and then laying over a shitty Matrix-esque story. OMG TERRISTS R NOT REALY TERRISTS UNPLUG ME NEO, TIME TO CRAWL IN SOME DUCTS.
I dont consider SS2 an RPG either, but it was like a FPS with unique and fun gameplay.
Saint_Proverbius said:Voss said:Spazmo said:a setting something like the Firefly TV show
Dull, pointless and cancelled?
Firefly kicks ass, bitch. Did you ever see the actual pilot for the show? The two hour one that Fox didn't think was ACSHUN PACKED ENUFF to air? Instead, they went with Train Job, which was written over the course of two days because Fox didn't like Serenity and wanted something to air pronto. Train Job is easily my least favorite episode.
Jinxed said:sn't that because you dislike Masquerade along with goth pimps and vampire wannabies?
That's one reason.
first person RPG
And there's the other reason.
JJ86 said:Are we supposed to be impressed? While that may be as interesting to hear once as is 1337-speak, it grows tiresome to unentangle his ideas time after time from the odd dialect. As english is the unofficial language of this board, its proper use is also encouraged to make efficient communication possible. Without some basic rules of grammar, misunderstandings become more prevalent causing unnecessary flame wars. Please if you are trying to make some coherent arguments at least try to write properly. Otherwise there are many boards that encourage incoherent writing where Gromnir's style may be appreciated.
Otaku_Hanzo said:Besides, Throne Of Bhaal sucked severe ass. :D
taks said:DrattedTin said:Sir,
please consult the following guide before making your next post: http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
gromnir posts in character. buy the game throne of bhaal and pay careful attention to the second bad guy (or the first... can't recall)...
odds are good that gromnir has better grammar than most that post on this board. not to mention more education (hehe, more than most...)
Voss said:The promos didn't help either. Space Western. With Space Hookers! Yeah, baby...
Zapp$ter said:From what I heard Fox totally screwed up Firefly. Since I live in the UK I got to watch it on the sci fi channel. From what I gathered they did a much better job than Fox, even managing to air the episodes in the correct order
as i recall, gromnir wasn't even happy with gromnir in the game. i wouldn't say he was a disgrace, just not very powerful for a child of bhaal.DrattedTin said:I always thought Gromnir's inclusion in the game was a disgrace. Not to mention Draconis.
well, i wouldn't go that far. i was posting pretty heavily on the boards at the time (different pseudonym) and it was more along the lines of a "contest" to see which of the forum members would make the best NPC, i think. kind of like a payback. gromnir just happened to always post in character and frequently at that. he was rather vocal at the time (not that he isn't now) and certainly opinionated. hard headed maybe... orcish, i dunno.... oops, sorry grommyYou know an outfit has run out of creativity when they begin casting forum users as villains.
triCritical said:Not to mention Deus Ex doesn't really mean anything if translated literally. In Greek it would be theos ek. Maybe Beddoes can explain its incomplete title.
taks said:and then you get over it... quit whining.
Rosh said:triCritical said:Not to mention Deus Ex doesn't really mean anything if translated literally. In Greek it would be theos ek. Maybe Beddoes can explain its incomplete title.
It is "theos ek mechanes" in Greek.
Although, if taken in translation, "A God From" (taken from theos ek) would be a fairly poetic title to use given the ending, despite how unpoetic the path to the ending was crafted.
taks said:as i recall, gromnir wasn't even happy with gromnir in the game. i wouldn't say he was a disgrace, just not very powerful for a child of bhaal.DrattedTin said:I always thought Gromnir's inclusion in the game was a disgrace. Not to mention Draconis.
triCritical said:You know its funny because no matter how hard I look I can't find a definition for Deus Ex without the Machina part attached to it. So I figured it would make more sense in greek. But I guess new latin is more l33t. Still I think adding the machine part would have made for a better title.