Is Divinity II worth playing?
Is Divinity II worth playing?
Is Divinity II worth playing?
I was hoping for some classic game. "Special" my ass.
Think of it as a legacy of incline you can leave your children... if will still be around, that is. Speaking of which, I've been thinking of backing up all the installers on an external hard drive.I have 22.6 years worth of games sitting in my GoG library that I will likely never get the time to play. My life is more complete with each additional title.
Bought some game called Inquisitor, looks like a pretty good old school crpg.
Bought some game called Inquisitor, looks like a pretty good old school crpg.
Bluntly put, Inquisitor is a bad game.
Just set yourself a target discount. You already know there will be a 50% summer and winter sale, so unless you don't have anything else to play or really want to try out a game, you can wait for a 60%, 66%, 75% or 80% sale. The 75% and 80% tend to be for bundles (even if you own part of the bundle), but the individual games will be 60% off.Goddamn. I only bought Thief 2 days ago for 5 bucks and it's 2$ now.
This is the reason i hate sales. It makes me feel retarded for buying things early.
Not to rub salt in the wound, but I grabbed Thief 1-2 for 75% off in the beginning of April.I normally have that rule as well, but i really wanted Thief for a long time and there was no discount for a year so i snatched the first discount i saw. Wish i knew they would sell it much cheaper next day.
Don't worry, Steam sale starts tomorrow.