Yes, that's correct. You have to download backup files the old-fashioned way.The client only offers an "install game" option, no "download" option. Does that mean the game gets insta-installed, with no backup of the downloaded file(s)?
It's the website running in an app. Groundbreaking.So some people wanted pictures I think.
If only it were. At the moment, the compatibility leaves much to be desired.It's the website running in an app. Groundbreaking.
The thing is in alpha stage, and this is a alpha test. What point do you want?The client is terrible. What exactly is the point of this thing at this stage?
It's useless shit, there's nothing compelling anyone to even assist with alpha testing. It took this long to get this? LMAO.The thing is in alpha stage, and this is a alpha test. What point do you want?The client is terrible. What exactly is the point of this thing at this stage?
Check your installed programs afterwards and see whether it has been installed twice....aaand downloading some 20GB worth of "updates" for W2...
It's useless shit, there's nothing compelling anyone to even assist with alpha testing. It took this long to get this? LMAO.
Meanwhile, over a dozen other companies have come out with shitty clients and none of them decided to start in the stone ages like GOG galaxy just because they were new clients.It's useless shit, there's nothing compelling anyone to even assist with alpha testing. It took this long to get this? LMAO.
Funny, people said the exact same thing about Steam back in 2004.
Meanwhile, over a dozen other companies have come out with shitty clients and none of them decided to start in the stone ages like GOG galaxy just because they were new clients.It's useless shit, there's nothing compelling anyone to even assist with alpha testing. It took this long to get this? LMAO.
Funny, people said the exact same thing about Steam back in 2004.
Auto-patching seems to single reason for having it.The client is terrible. What exactly is the point of this thing at this stage?
Auto-patching seems to single reason for having it.The client is terrible. What exactly is the point of this thing at this stage?
The point of GOG galaxy is DRM free? Ya, a dumbfuck tag needs to be handed out alright only it should go to the dumbfuck eurotard shill. Wake me when the client has a few features from the clients that have been out for the last 5 years.Meanwhile, over a dozen other companies have come out with shitty clients and none of them decided to start in the stone ages like GOG galaxy just because they were new clients.It's useless shit, there's nothing compelling anyone to even assist with alpha testing. It took this long to get this? LMAO.
Funny, people said the exact same thing about Steam back in 2004.
You are ignoring the one important feature GOG has over all of them. DRM free.
I think people complaining about GOG Galaxy should get a Dumbfuck or Possibly Retarded tag, you don't have to use it, but people who do get all the advantages of Steam (game library, playtime, achievements coming soon) and none of the DRM.
Auto-patching seems to single reason for having it.The client is terrible. What exactly is the point of this thing at this stage?
That too. I think it will be very helpful with The Witcher 3, with all the post-release DLC and inevitable ENHANCED EDITION patches.
The point of GOG galaxy is DRM free? Ya, a dumbfuck tag needs to be handed out alright only it should go to the dumbfuck eurotard shill. Wake me when the client has a few features from the clients that have been out for the last 5 years.
This. I love everything What steam offers, except for Drm and that it locks the games to one account. If i get a gog client with the functionality of steam, it will be heaven.Personally I'd kill for a properly functioning GOG client with the patching functionality of Steam. .
Nope, thankfully not. I guess the way the program works is: check whether the game is in the newest version, if not, check if it's in any of the couple of latest versions that have separate updates to the latest, if not install the whole thing again.Check your installed programs afterwards and see whether it has been installed twice....aaand downloading some 20GB worth of "updates" for W2...
Fine, thanks, I have all I want on GoG for now.
I can confirm as a dedicated TIE Fighter CD-fag that the new, updated edition on (the 1995 edition) is definitely the one you want, and the one GOG should have launched with originally. All the other versions are shit.
This version is still DOS-based, with gouraud shading and the iMUSE soundtrack, but has all the extra campaigns, upped flight res and voiceovers. GOG have also fixed the joypad problem that was noticeable when using a Xbox 360 controller. They've taken care of everything else too, it is so nice not to have to do custom stuff in Dosbox to get it working. No lag waiting for the CD to spin up during briefings is awesome. Only fault - make sure you go to the game folder and launch the setup so you can configure the music to 'General MIDI', otherwise it just uses Soundblaster 16 and sounds a bit shit.