If you are willing to play a completely different game then I suggest Total Chaos. It's not Doom at all and is basically a total conversion of the GZDoom engine, but it does have a similar feel to that game.Are there any stalker or metro inspired wads? Like serious in tone and almost tactical?^^
I know this isnt the optimal engine for this.... but im easy to impress.
Thank god for them mods amirite? I hear there are some awesome Heretic ones, but I have not delved into that pool yet. Some day. Gotta save those little nuggets of joy for a rainy evening when I want to slit my wrist, so I need a quick dopamine rush.Why in the world Raven Software thought 4 weapons per class was a good idea in Hexen I'll never know.
Happy to discover the switch hunt tedium is a little overstated though. It can be confusing on occasion, but typically there's just enough institution and logic involved. It's still not great in this regard, but far preferable to modern level design.
Heretic doesn't suffer from this problem. Has the same # of weapons as Doom.
I've not played Heretic past the first level, there's no misunderstanding of quantity vs quality on my part. I was simply stating it doesn't suffer from such a limited arsenal.
Currently in Hexen I am 4 or so hours in (second hub) and only have two weapons (mage): an infinite ammo crystal staff, and an ice spell. The ice spell is borderline worthless, I've tested it against numerous enemies and it's only better than the crystal staff against the centuars with shields, yet even then their shields deflect the projectiles back if you're not careful, which doesn't happen with the staff. Not only does the staff have infinite ammo, pinpoint accuracy, faster projectile speed and a higher rate of fire, but the projectile also penetrates enemies allowing it to deal massive damage if you line enemies up in a row (which is cool). It's just better in 97.5% of all encounters. So I may as well just have the one weapon...which has infinite ammo. Man I hope the latter two as of yet discovered weapons are better balanced. Currently the game isn't offering quality nor quantity. Give me 8 doom clone weapons over this repetitive one weapon infinite ammo combat anyday.
Yes, the inventory items like flechettes and what not keep it from being completely repetitive, yet still.
Doom Delta was inspired by characters made in the Doom Bible. The Doom Bible being made in 1992, before "SJW" as we know it, although you could make a case for it being a typical example of 90's inclusiveness. Either way, it's not political, it's still Doom.Eh, this year's awards are not so good IMO barring the multi-weapon pack and the doom alpha mod, and of course the latter has to have a "politically correct" squad of playable characters for no other reason than to get SJW points, considering that the differences between each character are minimal. of Doom modding.
As for Brutality being "too much", yes and no. If you already feel like Brutal Doom is "going too far" with the changes, PB probably won't be to your liking. But IMHO if you're looking for a total conversion then PB is the way to go. The new and upgraded weapons are constantly matched by new and upgraded monsters and the whole thing manages to stay fresh all the way to the end. I advise enabling weapon replacements in order to reduce inventory clutter.
And the weapons? I see what PB is trying - a weapon for every occasion. This currently translates into about 5 different assault rifles (with only miniscule differences), 2 heavy machine guns, 3 rocket launchers, 3 plasma guns, 2 BFG's, 2 sets of pistols and a nerfed range of 3 shotguns (and a partridge in a pear tree). And many of these weapons have alternative firing modes. And yet it's hard to tell whether the 'standard' or 'upgraded' weapon is better... the starter pistol has an 18-shot mag, a good rate of fire and decent damage, though it's clearly a starter weapon. The "upgrade" to that is the revolver, which only has 6 shots and doesn't do that much more damage to justify the slow rate-of-fire and long reload time. The only sure-fire upgraded weapon I found is the Dragon's Breath-shotgun, which Kills Everything And Their Families.
PB is adding new weapons for no other reason than to add new weapons. If you haven't done so, try playing the Aeons of Death-mod. You'll quickly see what I mean when I say having multiple similar weapons is Nothing New, and will in fact be a Bother. PB only has a fraction of the weapons of AoD, yet has already reached the same point of Bother. PB should actually consider only allowing the player to carry up to four weapons, but let him choose which four weapons they are. It would work out better, considering the style of gameplay it's going for.
There is a lot of redundancy, true. I think the minigun/HMG have no reason to exist, it should be either or. I would pick the HMG because it's more interesting. The DMR -> Carbine -> LMG line is also overkill. But I disagree on the Pistol -> Magnum. What renders the pistol obsolete is not the revolver alone, but rather the Revolver + Smg. Smg delivers fast fire with low accuracy, high recoil and YUGE dps while the magnum is slow firing, high damage per bullet and highly accurate. The pistol loses its niche completely once you start packing these two. Accuracy is also a thing in PB. Try hitting something at long range with akimbo pistols. You won't hit shit. Grenade launcher is basically a rocket with smaller explosion radius (aka redundant). Shamefully you can't really use the nade launcher to hit those angles like you would with the hand grenade. Missed opportunity there.
As for the BFG, there are actually 3 variants, not 2 :D. You forgot the black hole generator.
Question: what does "dragon's breath" actually upgrades? Shamefully, I had that in my HoE game and never noticed any diff. Is it the regular "pump" shotty? The autoshotty secondary fire? What...?