Based on
ghostdog recommendation, I gave the "Hellbound" wad a try.
When I play Doom I have three simple rules:
# See the sights
# Spot the secrets
# Kill every last motherfucking demon
Hellbound is the first wad where I abandon these rules.
It starts out nice enough. Earth-like planets, demon infestation about, move through a cityscape to eventually get to a lab that is MAP06. By that time I had a complete arsenal of weapons, which was a subtle clue that I would lose all my gear by the next map... which I did, after a swell fragfest of demons pouring out of a portal. I wasn't bothered much at first, there's still plenty of maps to go.
Except it happens again on MAP12.
And MAP19.
And MAP20. (!)
MAP14 and MAP16 (both large urban outdoor maps) were my favorites, though I also liked MAP17 and MAP18 for having references to classic Doom levels thrown in.
MAP19 is a bit too much, shoving two Spiderbosses, a couple of Arch-Viles and 200 of their friends into my face before I even get a chance to reclaim most of my gear. By the time I'm at the exit and the second Cyberdemon of the map appeared, I just ran for the exit and left it to stomp about on its own. MAP20 and onwards is all Hell maps, but even though they look cool and all, they were just too much. Playing through them felt like a chore (except for that one Hell map with the cityscape) so I started skipping the skippable fights.
Then I reached MAP29 and it all turned into a slog.
The highest enemy number on a map prior to MAP29 was 650. MAP29 has over 1800 of them.
My system started lagging right away and it got worse and worse until the first swarm of Cacodemons, Pain Elementals and Lost Souls joined in at about the second left turn. That killed the framerate, and was where I gave up, so to say.
But I was genuinely curious about what the rest was like, so I IDDQD'd and pressed on.
I don't think I've seen so many Cyberdemons in a single 'serious' map. They must have been close to 30. And the map ends on an arena fight with three Spiderbosses, a couple of Cyberdemons and dozens of their friends.
Then there's MAP30. I love the idea behind this one, you're trying to stop the demons invading Earth, by coming up behind them as they're marching through a portal back to Earth, then going through the portal and killing the Icon of Sin there. But the execution is atrocious. I spent 20 minutes just trying to figure out how to
reach the Icon of Sin. And that eventually leads to a timed arena fight with four Cyberdemons and constantly-spawning demons all-around.
I'd love to try playing the last two maps using the 'Aeons of Death'-mod, but I think it would kill my system... and I've played AoD with maps close to 3000 enemies!
I also ran into a strange bug where Revenants occasionally would become unkillable. Not cool.
Finally, the author sure loves his Hell Knights and Mancubi. I must have killed over 2000 of each in this megawad alone. By comparison Arachnotrons were never in large numbers and are as good as gone once you reach the Hell levels.
My rating? 'Caveat Ludius' - let the player beware.